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Old 23-03-2012, 11:01   #31
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Re: Hello and HELP finding a lost dog

Originally Posted by Less View Post
Just to let you both know, I have a life, I have had several very happy dogs as well.
I have already cut her plenty of slack.
I am not anti-dog nor am I on a crusade against dogs, though I have no love for bad dog owners. (I do not consider this person a bad dog owner just a touch over-enthusiastic).

So you see, I don't really need to be told off by either of you, learn to live with the fact that some of us keep our feet on the ground and don't get stupidly over-emotional when it comes to pets.
I don't think you fully understand the what is going on here, PM01 lives in Suffolk, works for an animal rescue center and is helping find a lost dog in the Accrington area. All she is doing is asking for help from Accy Weber's.

Your argumentative response does nothing to give the right impression about this area, and as you are entitled to your opinion perhaps a new thread is required, so you can vent your spleen rather than pick on someone helping (go back and re-read your posts and tell me if you are justified to make this response)

PM01 asked for help and it was suggested that pre menstrual was a possibility for her user name. I usually find your posts are well thought out arguments and debates, on this occasion you are coming over as someone who is kicking a person asking for help. You don't have to get emotional about pets if you don't want to, but move to the next thread if you cant help
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Old 23-03-2012, 11:05   #32
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Re: Hello and HELP finding a lost dog

Sorry the poster is in Suffolk as Davemac pointed out...not Sussex as I put in my post.
He/she is doing this long distance.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 23-03-2012, 11:20   #33
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Originally Posted by Less View Post
So, time was taken to have the dog castrated, I assume by a vet? But he couldn't take the time to run his scanner over it to check if it was chipped? Had it been chipped it's owner may have been found, if not, then a simple matter to chip it before, it was given the operation.

Someone, somewhere, methinks, being a tad' careless with the dog.
The above is what this storm in a tea cup is about.

If you all calm down & read it again you will notice I did not say that PM whatever was the owner, it just seems logical to me that if you take a dog to a vets to chop it's goolies off, at the same time it could be scanned and if no chip present one placed into it.

Now start posting with your brains or if unable to do so, get back to fawning about poor little poochykins.

It is a shame it has gone missing, but perhaps it's trying to find it's way back to it's original owner, if it succeeds that person may have something to say about their dog being altered without their permission.

“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
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Last edited by Less; 23-03-2012 at 11:23.
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Old 23-03-2012, 11:26   #34

Re: Hello and HELP finding a lost dog

Wow Less, your ignorance is quite astounding. Thank-you to everyone else for your support.
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Old 23-03-2012, 11:32   #35
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Re: Hello and HELP finding a lost dog

Originally Posted by davemac View Post
Your argumentative response does nothing to give the right impression about this area

PM01 asked for help and it was suggested that pre menstrual was a possibility for her user name.
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Sorry the poster is in Suffolk as Davemac pointed out...not Sussex as I put in my post.
He/she is doing this long distance.
Her name is Paola which may explain her username.

Well said Dave, I really don't think Less's comments are helping our image at all. The people at whippet rescue are to be commended for their organisation and getting so many folks all over the country involved. If Accyweb can help even in a small way I think it would be to its credit to do so. I only wish I could adopt some of their adorable puppies...

Photos of Scruples Whippet Rescue | Facebook
Let sleeping polar bears lie...
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Old 23-03-2012, 11:44   #36
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Originally Posted by PM01 View Post
Wow Less, your ignorance is quite astounding. Thank-you to everyone else for your support.
Don't worry about it, my ignorance will still be coming forth on here, long after you are a distant memory.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
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Old 23-03-2012, 12:03   #37
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Re: Hello and HELP finding a lost dog

And Less, you are ensuring that she may become a distant memory........once this animal has been found, (if she had received a warmer welcome) she might just have found things on here that she liked, and returned to post something interesting.

Your carmudgeonly pills are too need to get a smaller dose next time.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 23-03-2012, 12:32   #38
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
And Less, you are ensuring that she may become a distant memory........once this animal has been found, (if she had received a warmer welcome) she might just have found things on here that she liked, and returned to post something interesting.

Your carmudgeonly pills are too need to get a smaller dose next time.
Margaret today I am being treated like a naughty boy, tomorrow, Well who can tell?

However my views are mine, they have as much right to be on site as anyone else even if they are too individual to be swallowed by the majority.

Still, I suppose things could be worse, They could bring back hanging & witch hunting for folk that aren't afraid to speak their mind.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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Old 23-03-2012, 12:32   #39

Re: Hello and HELP finding a lost dog

I only wish I could adopt some of their adorable puppies...

Hi Susie, when you're ready... there's always plenty of unwanted whippets available. Actually, all the sighthound rescues are full to bursting, so lots to chose from. They do make lovely pets.

Thanks, Paola
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Old 23-03-2012, 12:39   #40
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Re: Hello and HELP finding a lost dog

Originally Posted by Less View Post
However my views are mine, they have as much right to be on site as anyone else even if they are too individual to be swallowed by the majority.
So you agree that you have no right to tell me to 'go away' as you have several times.

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Old 23-03-2012, 12:52   #41
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Re: Hello and HELP finding a lost dog

Originally Posted by Less View Post
Margaret today I am being treated like a naughty boy, tomorrow, Well who can tell?

However my views are mine, they have as much right to be on site as anyone else even if they are too individual to be swallowed by the majority.

Still, I suppose things could be worse, They could bring back hanging & witch hunting for folk that aren't afraid to speak their mind.
I think you are trying to say you are the injured party here, as I said previously you have a right to speak, but this topic is obviously not for you so why come on this particular thread knocking someone who is asking for help and getting vinegar back in return.

You have now got people to take their eye off the ball (I know its been neutered) but the dog is still missing, so lets keep an eye open for it.

Also lets hope this thread doesn't stop people from outside the area asking for help, and letting us show our northern compassion.
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Old 23-03-2012, 13:14   #42
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Originally Posted by davemac View Post
I think you are trying to say you are the injured party here, as I said previously you have a right to speak, but this topic is obviously not for you so why come on this particular thread knocking someone who is asking for help and getting vinegar back in return.

You have now got people to take their eye off the ball (I know its been neutered) but the dog is still missing, so lets keep an eye open for it.

Also lets hope this thread doesn't stop people from outside the area asking for help, and letting us show our northern compassion.
I don't feel injured, I also hope the dog is found, as for it's balls only the rightful owner should decide if they are to be removed.
I also think, you think, too much when trying to explain my attitude.
I pointed out a flaw in the way things proceeded, think yourselves lucky I'm not a copy and paste, stick on ridiculous links type person or this thread could run for hundreds of pages.
Now, all of you take a deep breath and calm down, you are doing nothing to alter my opinion. So why not get back to your nationwide search for the beast, I think you would find my attitude completly different if it was something important such as a child.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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Old 23-03-2012, 13:20   #43

Re: Hello and HELP finding a lost dog

Less, what part of 'rescue' do you not understand? The dog has NO owner... it seems your objections stem from the fact that the dog has been castrated - maybe a little to close to home? Perhaps I can fashion you a pair next time I bake bread.
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Old 23-03-2012, 13:21   #44

Re: Hello and HELP finding a lost dog

Oh, and before you get your knickers in a twist, the above was said in jest...
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Old 23-03-2012, 13:29   #45
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Re: Hello and HELP finding a lost dog

Well Said
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