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23-03-2012, 13:42
Beacon of light
Re: Hello and HELP finding a lost dog
Originally Posted by Less
Margaret today I am being treated like a naughty boy, tomorrow, Well who can tell?
However my views are mine, they have as much right to be on site as anyone else even if they are too individual to be swallowed by the majority.
Still, I suppose things could be worse, They could bring back hanging & witch hunting for folk that aren't afraid to speak their mind.
I can't see that you are being treated as a naughty boy at all....and yes you have every right to be on site and to air the views you hold.......this is exactly what everyone else is doing too....airing individual views and speaking their mind........as for the majority being unable to swallow those views.......well, I'm not sure where you get that from.
When you talk of witch hunting and hanging you are just being silly....no-one is witch hunting anyone.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
23-03-2012, 13:50
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Originally Posted by PM01
Less, what part of 'rescue' do you not understand? The dog has NO owner... it seems your objections stem from the fact that the dog has been castrated - maybe a little to close to home? Perhaps I can fashion you a pair next time I bake bread.
Oh! Yawn, read your own posts, you have said it takes time for your society to become owner of the mutt, yet you had someone elses property castrated without knowing if it was chipped.
If the dog does find it's way back to it's original owner (it has happened before), and they have vet bills because of the stitches that shouldn't be there until you OWN the dog.
As for my own balls, you ain't going to see them wither and die just because heart on their sleeve types are gunning for me.
It has been suggested I get a life, I have one thanks, it puts dogs on a lower scale to what is important, that is the human species.
May I suggest that you and the others that find me so abhorent prioritise yourselves and realise it is just a dog.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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23-03-2012, 14:01
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Re: Hello and HELP finding a lost dog
YOU ARE Brilliant - making my day. Thanks. Hahhahahaahhhaha
23-03-2012, 14:12
Resting In Peace
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Re: Hello and HELP finding a lost dog
Originally Posted by davemac
You have now got people to take their eye off the ball (I know its been neutered) but the dog is still missing, so lets keep an eye open for it.
Also lets hope this thread doesn't stop people from outside the area asking for help, and letting us show our northern compassion.
Well said Dave, let's hope people haven't been put off reading this thread for its original purpose.
Originally Posted by PM01
Less, what part of 'rescue' do you not understand? The dog has NO owner... it seems your objections stem from the fact that the dog has been castrated - maybe a little to close to home? Perhaps I can fashion you a pair next time I bake bread.
Originally Posted by PM01
Oh, and before you get your knickers in a twist, the above was said in jest...
And well said Paola, give as good as you get, though you shouldn't have to!
Let sleeping polar bears lie...
23-03-2012, 14:13
Resting In Peace
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Re: Hello and HELP finding a lost dog
Well at least Less shoud be a bit happier now, Paola has posted on another thread - a very helpful link on the doggy DNA thread.
Let sleeping polar bears lie...
23-03-2012, 14:18
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Originally Posted by PM01
YOU ARE Brilliant - making my day. Thanks. Hahhahahaahhhaha
Whereas I find you and the rest, (at this moment in time), to have a pack hound mentality, can't agree with me, can't find a decent arguement to put me in my place so lets all get together and attack mindlessly.
So far, I find nothing complimentary to say about you if, you are a representative of a caring society for dogs.
Stuff the legal owner, we will castrate this beast because legally or not we have the power!
Oops forgot to see if it was chipped, well, who cares?
I think you should care.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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23-03-2012, 14:19
Resting In Peace
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Re: Hello and HELP finding a lost dog
Originally Posted by Less
As for my own balls, you ain't going to see them wither and die just because heart on their sleeve types are gunning for me.
I don't think the heart on the sleeve mentality comes into it at the moment. Some caring people are trying to find a lost dog. End of. It's not as though they are laying bunches of flowers and crying their eyes out, they are being thoroughly practical in their search.
And bear in mind that many of the dogs that come into the care of folks like Paola and her colleagues are there because of the cruelty and callousness of some of that human species that Less considers so much more important than our fellow creatures.
Let sleeping polar bears lie...
23-03-2012, 14:26
Resting In Peace
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Re: Hello and HELP finding a lost dog
Originally Posted by PM01
I only wish I could adopt some of their adorable puppies...
Hi Susie, when you're ready... there's always plenty of unwanted whippets available. Actually, all the sighthound rescues are full to bursting, so lots to chose from. They do make lovely pets.
Thanks, Paola
I only wish I could, Paola, sadly it's just not feasible... At the moment I am undergoing long term medical treatment on a daily basis which involves a lot of travelling, then eventually we want to do some serious travelling abroad in our motor home. Don't think either of these scenarios are particularly dog friendly.
I know they make lovely pets - that makes it all the harder to say no! We have always been cat people, had 2 or 3 till last year when our last one died. I do miss my furry friends...
Perhaps when I am really old and grey I'll get one to sit by the fire with me and keep me company.
Let sleeping polar bears lie...
23-03-2012, 14:39
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Originally Posted by susie123
I don't think the heart on the sleeve mentality comes into it at the moment. Some caring people are trying to find a lost dog. End of. It's not as though they are laying bunches of flowers and crying their eyes out, they are being thoroughly practical in their search.
And bear in mind that many of the dogs that come into the care of folks like Paola and her colleagues are there because of the cruelty and callousness of some of that human species that Less considers so much more important than our fellow creatures.
And your point is?
I put forward an opinion, the so called humans, that are prioritising making me a villain, much to the distinct pleasure of shall we say a dogknapper, (not her or her society legally own the pooch), rather than admit that perhaps things should have waited until they did own the dog, they removed part of someone elses property, something within their ranks needs to be changed.
There is cruelty in the world, both to animals and unfortunately us, the dog however had balls this can give them the tendency to roam, it does not give the so called rescuers the right to do what they have done, it wasn't their dog.
Nor does it make a good image when so many of you attack because of emotion rather than correct thinking, fortunately I find you all to be overemotional and easy to understand in these life changing circumstances, like a firm but loving father, I will tolerate you're outbursts until you come to your senses.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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23-03-2012, 14:44
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Re: Hello and HELP finding a lost dog
'I put forward an opinion' - Less, is that the one about my cycle?
23-03-2012, 14:51
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Re: Hello and HELP finding a lost dog
Originally Posted by susie123
I only wish I could, Paola, sadly it's just not feasible... At the moment I am undergoing long term medical treatment on a daily basis which involves a lot of travelling, then eventually we want to do some serious travelling abroad in our motor home. Don't think either of these scenarios are particularly dog friendly.
I know they make lovely pets - that makes it all the harder to say no! We have always been cat people, had 2 or 3 till last year when our last one died. I do miss my furry friends...
Perhaps when I am really old and grey I'll get one to sit by the fire with me and keep me company.
I'm sorry to hear about your illness. Traveling abroad sounds like just the thing. Dogs are hard work and not easy to travel with. Funny, I'm actually a cat person myself, but ended up adopting whippets after their elderly owner passed away (another charity I'm with) and have fallen for them. They're very cat like, though I miss my moggies (all passed now).
I hope you feel better soon x
23-03-2012, 14:54
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Hello and HELP finding a lost dog
Originally Posted by PM01
'I put forward an opinion' - Less, is that the one about my cycle?
No, it was my first post on this thread, the one as I said, you took umbridge to.
I do wish you would take a dip into the larger pool known as AccyWeb, i'm sure your opinion would be great asset in so many other threads. 
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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23-03-2012, 14:57
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Re: Hello and HELP finding a lost dog
Less, I'm hurt. You haven't seen my post in another thread. Where's the love?
23-03-2012, 15:01
Resting In Peace
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Re: Hello and HELP finding a lost dog
Originally Posted by PM01
Less, I'm hurt. You haven't seen my post in another thread. Where's the love?
Originally Posted by susie123
Well at least Less shoud be a bit happier now, Paola has posted on another thread - a very helpful link on the doggy DNA thread.
And that was after I pointed it out for him... he's got blinkers as well as balls!
Let sleeping polar bears lie...
23-03-2012, 15:03
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Re: Hello and HELP finding a lost dog
Originally Posted by susie123
And that was after I pointed it out for him... he's got blinkers as well as balls!
I wish I lived nearer... you're very funny!
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