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Old 06-05-2008, 09:36   #16

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Re: Help needed in writing a letter of complaint please

Where did you buy it from?
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Old 06-05-2008, 10:19   #17
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Re: Help needed in writing a letter of complaint please

To guarentee getting sommat free, get your kids to write it. I remember when I was little, about 8 or something, my parents were wallpapering our study, and the paper was crap. Kept peeling back off and splitting. I'm a very sensitive soul and was really mad that it had upset my parents!
Anyway, so unbeknown to my parents, I wrote a letter to the company telling them how disappointed we were and that it had ruined a day's decorating and a lot of money. Must have sounded like an 8 year old cause they sent us £100 worth of vouchers! Sweet.
A cunning plan x
Public urination is just wrong. Except during the Million Man March when protestors burned down our porta-potties and I used my stream of justice to put out the hate.
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Old 06-05-2008, 10:21   #18
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Re: Help needed in writing a letter of complaint please

Originally Posted by Roobie View Post
To guarentee getting sommat free, get your kids to write it. I remember when I was little, about 8 or something, my parents were wallpapering our study, and the paper was crap. Kept peeling back off and splitting. I'm a very sensitive soul and was really mad that it had upset my parents!
Anyway, so unbeknown to my parents, I wrote a letter to the company telling them how disappointed we were and that it had ruined a day's decorating and a lot of money. Must have sounded like an 8 year old cause they sent us £100 worth of vouchers! Sweet.
A cunning plan x

Awwww two 2 yr old's writing How sweet!

Doubt they'd get what they were trying to say tho lol
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Old 06-05-2008, 10:36   #19
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Re: Help needed in writing a letter of complaint please

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
Where did you buy it from?
I bought it from Homebase, cant see any problem in returning it but its just what it did that has bothered me. I know when I take it back I WILL get my money back

And get my kids to write it??? They will just scribble, dont think it will get me anywhere, might ring them and put them on the phone though, the operator will be very confused, they conversation from my two would go something like "Hiya, yeah, yeah, yeah, get down, yeah, yeah, mummy, papa, yeah, yeah, seeya, b'bye"
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Old 06-05-2008, 10:37   #20
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Re: Help needed in writing a letter of complaint please

well, sure, obviously if you've got toddlers it isn't going to work!
Public urination is just wrong. Except during the Million Man March when protestors burned down our porta-potties and I used my stream of justice to put out the hate.
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Old 06-05-2008, 18:26   #21
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Re: Help needed in writing a letter of complaint please

I have only ever written 2 letters of complaint, both of which involved holidays... I was compensated on both occasions..(and quite rightly so)

My advice would be :-
1) Address your letter to the most senior person in the organisation, the Chief Exec with a copy to the Customer Service Manager.

2) Make it clear that this is a letter of complaint.

3) List your complaints/the faults, and stick to the facts.

4) Send photographic proof if necessary.

5) Be polite and reasonable in your letter, (do not slag anyone off).

6) Make it clear that you will not use their company/airline/product again unless they can give you a reason to do so.

This is what I've done on both occasions and it has worked ok for me. Good luck.
Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether.

The views expressed here are my own and not necessarily those of my family, friends, employer, this site, my neighbours, hairdresser, dentist, GP, next door's dog or anyone else who knows me..
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Old 06-05-2008, 18:28   #22
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Re: Help needed in writing a letter of complaint please

Originally Posted by emzy View Post
I bought it from Homebase, cant see any problem in returning it but its just what it did that has bothered me. I know when I take it back I WILL get my money back

And get my kids to write it??? They will just scribble, dont think it will get me anywhere, might ring them and put them on the phone though, the operator will be very confused, they conversation from my two would go something like "Hiya, yeah, yeah, yeah, get down, yeah, yeah, mummy, papa, yeah, yeah, seeya, b'bye"
yak yak, meow, BAAAAAH!! (evil sheep)
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....

I finally found someone daft enough to marry me, my wonderboy is 11, my monkeygirl is 3 and my bananaman is 2, my beautiful little flower was born in feb 2012
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Old 06-05-2008, 18:28   #23
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Re: Help needed in writing a letter of complaint please

Thanks for all your help.

My "wounds" are healing slowly, they might have started to heal quicker if jack hadn't figured out that he gets an "Ouch" every time he pokes them!
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Old 06-05-2008, 18:29   #24
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Re: Help needed in writing a letter of complaint please

Originally Posted by emamum23 View Post
yak yak, meow, BAAAAAH!! (evil sheep)
and nag, nag, nag of course
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Old 06-05-2008, 18:35   #25
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Re: Help needed in writing a letter of complaint please

I agree with Lettie - I always start at the top & work down - always find that customer service dep't don't exist to seriously help you, more often its to prevent them upstairs from finding out whats going on

Every time I have used this method it works wonders; as can also be testified by my daughter, a member of AccyWeb too, who followed my advice and got results

And to help Flymo are owned by Husqvarna, the CEO is called Bengt Andersson and their address is Box 30224, SE-104 25, Stockholm
Que Sera, Sera
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Old 06-05-2008, 18:37   #26
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Re: Help needed in writing a letter of complaint please

Originally Posted by mickmc View Post
I agree with Lettie - I always start at the top & work down - always find that customer service dep't don't exist to seriously help you, more often its to prevent them upstairs from finding out whats going on

Every time I have used this method it works wonders; as can also be testified by my daughter, a member of AccyWeb too, who followed my advice and got results

And to help Flymo are owned by Husqvarna, the CEO is called Bengt Andersson and their address is Box 30224, SE-104 25, Stockholm

Oooooh, now that maight help me, thanks very much for this info
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