Oh god sciatica!!.......keep it away!!!!
i suffered from this a few years ago, which lasted around 3 months!!! and the pain was unbelieveable!. pain shooting down the outer side of my leg towards the back of my thigh, i had numbness in my foot too also in my bum!!
at first i didnt know what it was, one doctor said a pulled ham string,

another was checking to see if it was a blood clot

, it was scary too, in the morning id wake up with cramp like pain in my leg, i couldnt walk either because the pain was unbearable!..it was sometimes like having electric shocks going up and down ya leg too! in the end i went to my own GP, which i should have done in the first place

and he said it was sciatica

but i never pulled my back , my back was fine!...found out in the end it was due to trapped nerve in my bum muscle

, so i stretched that muscle by putting the leg over my other leg.....the pain went in a few days and luckily i havent had it since...... but i do have the odd twinge now an then.
so I know what ya going through howarth