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Old 22-10-2009, 17:36   #16
Resting in Peace

katex's Avatar

Re: Home contents insurance.

Have now switched to Saga. Went through the details again with them and confirmed was like for like, except their excess was £100, not the £50 against my existing insurers.

It was new for old on the £53 cover, but did spec. up to cover lots of other things e.g. old for new on the contents of my wardrobe .. which is usually not covered in this way. So, now stands at £77 per year.

Can't believe the saving I have made .. with car/content's insurance .. approx. £765 for at least the following 12 months !!!

Trouble is think you can get a little lazy or too busy to bother when you are working full time.

Thanks for the replies .. you inspired me... x
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Accrington Web
Old 04-11-2009, 15:44   #17
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Re: Home contents insurance.

I'm always amazed at any discussion about Home insurances centres around price.
Believe me it's only when your stood in 2 feet of water that the queston about the quality of cover, excess's, exclusions and even the initial disclousers on the proposal become important.
Example, Is your house in an area liable for flooding and even (for certan insures) is it within 400 meters of a "watercourse"? Did you run a check on the Enviorment Agency website to confirm? see:
Environment Agency - Understanding the maps
Have you changed occupation, or has anyone else moved in to the home? and if so have you informed you insurance provider? All these factors can effect a claim.
When do you use an Independent claims assessor? These work for you for a percentage of the claim, unlike the insurance compaies assesor who work to reduce or refute the claim.
How do I know? i'm a Financial Adviser with 30 years experience. Ok I deal in a lot more than home Insurance but I do offer it to many satified clients.
Use a Broker, you pay a little bit more but the job should be done right
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Old 04-11-2009, 16:22   #18
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: Home contents insurance.

Quality of cover sums it upvery well, my daughter had water coming in ruining her newly decorated living room, assesor came out yesterday, n told her you are NOT covered cos its shoddy workmanship, bullshine she has lived there oer 3 years wi no problems, the water is getting in through her front porch roof, which was probably installed when the house was built oer 25 yrs ago. cheaper can mean ******* beware.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 04-11-2009, 17:13   #19
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Re: Home contents insurance.

Originally Posted by archiveuk View Post
I'm always amazed at any discussion about Home insurances centres around price.
Believe me it's only when your stood in 2 feet of water that the queston about the quality of cover, excess's, exclusions and even the initial disclousers on the proposal become important.
Example, Is your house in an area liable for flooding and even (for certan insures) is it within 400 meters of a "watercourse"? Did you run a check on the Enviorment Agency website to confirm? see:
Environment Agency - Understanding the maps
Have you changed occupation, or has anyone else moved in to the home? and if so have you informed you insurance provider? All these factors can effect a claim.
When do you use an Independent claims assessor? These work for you for a percentage of the claim, unlike the insurance compaies assesor who work to reduce or refute the claim.
How do I know? i'm a Financial Adviser with 30 years experience. Ok I deal in a lot more than home Insurance but I do offer it to many satified clients.
Use a Broker, you pay a little bit more but the job should be done right
I would totally agree, cheapness doesent mean good cover, using a broker also help's you out when things get complicated as they can talk to the company on your behalf and may have a repour with the people at the insurance company.

Remember the FSA (Financial Services Authority) has a saying that insurers must "Treat the customer fairly"
Everything is OK
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Old 04-11-2009, 21:03   #20
I am Banned

Re: Home contents insurance.

Originally Posted by katex View Post
Thought you might take offence at the 'woman' remark .. know you are very enterprising ...

Well, they are not Yale ... those blooming ones where you have to lift up the handle for the key to turn ... are the levers the ones that can be seen on the width ? Is this the 5-mortice thingy ? The're a blooming pain .. if the door gets out of line ... can't shut it ... do have problems at times.
Probably nowt wrong wit duer, its who hes owd ut thandle, tryin tu turnt key. Give a woman owt wi muvin parts an ooul mek a beggar on id.

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