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Old 15-01-2006, 12:20   #46
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Re: Home security week!! How secure is your home?

Originally Posted by Neil
I get the feeling simon won't be telling anyone how to do it, don't you? I know because I assisted him with a rather funny test regarding plastic doors.
And after a few meetings with crime prevention officers from the police... they decided not to run a newspaper campaign on it......

But if you are worried I will call round to any geniune persons home and explain for free ......NO need to worry... but it is better to know
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Old 15-01-2006, 15:32   #47
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Re: Home security week!! How secure is your home?

Yes I am, so that I can advise people what to do, to stop it. I haven't got a plastic door, I've got a hollow egg box door with the hardboard coming off, thats the council for you and i can't change it. I know about the weekness with euro barrels, but you said with no damage what so ever. All the knowledge I have has been picked up over the years from people who break in, who like to brag (easy to make them think your as dodgy as them, just real a few other ways of getting in and they take the bait) from people who have been broken in to, and from people who's locks are their job like you simon. I'm an electrician by trade, I fit cctv but people ask what else they need to do.
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Old 15-01-2006, 23:13   #48

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Re: Home security week!! How secure is your home?

Originally Posted by Madhatter
I fit cctv but people ask what else they need to do.
Remind them to change the tape Yes i know about hard disk recorders but so many CCTV set ups are a waste of time because people forget to change the tape. Well that and the utterly useless camera's people fit/have fitted that you could not recognise your own family 10 feet from the camera.
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Old 15-01-2006, 23:17   #49
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Re: Home security week!! How secure is your home?

how very true
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Old 21-02-2006, 17:05   #50
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Re: Home security week!! How secure is your home?

Did anyone see the article in the Mail this weekend about UPVC doors and the weekness previously discussed in this thread ???
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Old 22-02-2006, 06:43   #51

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Re: Home security week!! How secure is your home?

Simon you know I can't read

What did it say.
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Old 22-02-2006, 12:54   #52
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Re: Home security week!! How secure is your home?

Originally Posted by simon
But if you are worried I will call round to any geniune persons home and explain for free ..

I am worried.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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Old 22-02-2006, 23:16   #53
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Re: Home security week!! How secure is your home?

Originally Posted by garinda
I am worried.

SO am I...............
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Old 23-02-2006, 19:04   #54
God Member

Re: Home security week!! How secure is your home?

"But if you are worried I will call round to any genuine persons home and explain for free"

I'll take you up on that offer Simon, when you coming down?.

Seriously I wish you'd explain. Have you got a link to the article?

I had to sort out the lock fitted to the old dears door down stairs, she got robbed, the police called age concern, who came out and looked at her door, and yes she needed a new latch and a mortise fitting, as the council latch could be pushed back with anything. She waited and waited and eventually she phoned only to get told that they were waiting for her!. In the mean time the council decided to fit new kitchens, propping the security ( lol) door open, and leaving her front door open. I came in one day to find her sitting there with both doors open and the workmen gone, they'd gone and not told her they'd left. Anyway age concern come and fit a new mortise, and latch, but the latch wont deadlock from outside, the key turns but the key wont come out. I had to sort it. my point being that old people still aren’t treated right even when they're robbed and ask for help.

Last week, my van got keyed along with 6 other vehicles Inc a Porsche and a range rover, not just keyed- but keyed Z. one was zigzagged all the way across the bonnet twice down the side and across the boot on two consecutive nights.
not helped by only two street lights being in the street. I’ve got six son floods i could put up on the blocks but the council won’t let me. So again the council is blocking sensible security.

If I’m outside and I see them I have to get to a land line in one of the flats to call the police because on the mobile I get routed to Birmingham who tell me to call the local police on the local number and wait in the Q.

What we need is a whipping post in the middle of town, so when they get caught they can be publicly whipped, then perhaps it will frighten the others out of doing it.
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Old 24-02-2006, 19:51   #55
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Re: Home security week!! How secure is your home?

Yes punishment onto them who get cought for these crimes, they dont realise what efects they have on poor inocent people who get burgled.
bring back some of the old punishments were they get punished in public, humiliate them I say.
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