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13-03-2013, 19:20
Resting in Peace
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Re: Homemade beauty tips
Originally Posted by Less
Not wishing to bore you, but have i mentioned my bad back lately?
I find the best cure to be a 22 stone woman wearing high heels really digging in between each of my vertebrae.
actually it hurts more than backache but what the heck at least I have company.
    ya daft sod 
13-03-2013, 21:13
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Re: Homemade beauty tips
I thought I'd put this thread in hints tips and advice not anything goes
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
13-03-2013, 22:42
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Re: Homemade beauty tips
Originally Posted by MargaretR
Great to see young ladies using natural beauty remedies.
A wise rule - if you can't eat it don't slap it on your skin, because skin is not a barrier, it absorbs.
I use coconut oil in food a lot-It's meant to be a great immune system booster and generally good. I go through a bottle most weeks with hair/skin/food/treatments lol
Originally Posted by Gordon Booth
I knew I was missing something when I keyed Erics link and found a Dutch oven on Amazon for only £61
( although that price did make my eyes water!)
Is it sad that I actually clicked on that link-I've never seen a Dutch oven!
Originally Posted by flashy
I thought I'd put this thread in hints tips and advice not anything goes
Everything turns smutty on here! 
Life is 10% what happens to you-and 90% your reaction to it.
13-03-2013, 23:07
Resting In Peace
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Re: Homemade beauty tips
Originally Posted by Eric
Nothing makes the eyes sting like a good old-fashioned dutch oven.  
Originally Posted by Gordon Booth
I knew I was missing something when I keyed Erics link and found a Dutch oven on Amazon for only £61
( although that price did make my eyes water!)
Originally Posted by sugarmouse0707
Is it sad that I actually clicked on that link-I've never seen a Dutch oven!
Everything turns smutty on here! 
Well it was a new one on me though I did know what the cooking vessel was. That's what I like about Eric - you often seem to learn something from his posts...
And just for you Sugarmouse...
101 Things to Do with a Dutch Oven 101 Things to Do with A...: Amazon.co.uk: Vernon Winterton: Books
Let sleeping polar bears lie...
14-03-2013, 00:07
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Re: Homemade beauty tips
Originally Posted by MargaretR
Hmm I'm trying to figure if that's cheaper than where I get mine, or not....I always use coconut oil to fry, and use it as a substitute for oil in things I cook. I've heard that heating olive oil destroys the health benefits as the healthy acids and properties it has only serve purpose when the oil is at a natural temperature. I'm not sure if this is definitely true, or if the same rule applies to coconut oil.
I use coconut oil all over myself and I also put it in the bath when I bathe!
Originally Posted by susie123
Ah thank you, that's my entertainment for the evening
I feel embarrassed to admit I've not used an oven for 6 weeks-there's something wrong with my partner's (it's recently began tripping the electricity every time it's turned on!) and the temporary accommodation I'm living in I've not done much cooking!
Maybe I should add something fruitful to this thread;
Tea bags applied to a cold sore can make the symptoms pass faster.
Tea tree oil after shaving to help prevent ingrowing hairs and bumps
Chamomile tea with lemon juice can brighten up blonde hair and even slightly lighten it. It's best if you apply the solution as a rinse then sit in the sun-but because we're in Britain, using a hairdryer is a second-best option.
Potato slices are good for puffy eyes and dark circles, cut some to size and place over your (closed!) eyes and lie down for 15-20 minutes (The last part's probably the hardest bit!)The starch in them contains the same enzyme that's used as the 'magic ingredient' in many creams that claim to lighten dark circles..
Life is 10% what happens to you-and 90% your reaction to it.
14-03-2013, 09:20
Resting in Peace
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Re: Homemade beauty tips
14-03-2013, 09:47
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Homemade beauty tips
Originally Posted by jaysay
Perhaps it's time she cleaned her screen?
Everything seemed dirty for me until I did that.

“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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14-03-2013, 20:35
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Re: Homemade beauty tips
I use coconut oil for all sorts,nappy rash,eczema,moisturiser. It's brilliant
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....
I finally found someone daft enough to marry me, my wonderboy is 11, my monkeygirl is 3 and my bananaman is 2, my beautiful little flower was born in feb 2012
14-03-2013, 21:37
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Homemade beauty tips
Originally Posted by emamum
I use coconut oil for all sorts,nappy rash,eczema,moisturiser. It's brilliant
Are yeh still in nappies ema? 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
15-03-2013, 09:43
Resting in Peace
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Re: Homemade beauty tips
Originally Posted by emamum
I use coconut oil for all sorts,nappy rash,eczema,moisturiser. It's brilliant
What's it like on computer screens Ema 
15-03-2013, 13:22
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Re: Homemade beauty tips
Sorry for sort of threadjack, but does anybody know what sorts of shops will sell soybean oil? I know I can buy online but I'd like to get hold of some today.Do supermarkets sell it?
I thought Margaret R might know but when I click on her profile, my computer displays an error!Lol
Life is 10% what happens to you-and 90% your reaction to it.
Last edited by Sunflower49; 15-03-2013 at 13:24.
15-03-2013, 14:18
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Re: Homemade beauty tips
I don't eat soya beans in any form.
I doubt you will find any that haven't been genetically modified.
The japanese only consume soy after fermentation (soy sauce)
Soybean Oil: Another Harmful Ingredient in Processed Foods
15-03-2013, 14:35
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Re: Homemade beauty tips
I know this.You do seem to assume that other people are very much below your level of knowledge. Many are, but not as many as you think.
I wouldn't eat any refined soya products, as you say, the way we prepare soya food products is what makes them harmful. The Japanese don't consume a lot of it despite popular belief, they consume it often but not in large amounts.
My enquiry was regards soybean oil, not for consumption though.
I favour soybean oil for skin disorders, which is why I was wondering where I could get it from. It's actually the main ingredient in a potential cure for coldsores and other viruses which is in its final stages at the moment, and the reason I am eager to get some. My partner suffers a few skin disorders and I've just got the first coldsore I've ever had which has really annoyed me!
I have sent himself to a health food shop in town to look for some anyway, and have been informed that it's available at Tesco. Thank you for your response though ! 
Life is 10% what happens to you-and 90% your reaction to it.
15-03-2013, 14:40
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Re: Homemade beauty tips
If you wouldn't eat it, don't slap it on skin.
There are plenty of natural herbal oils for skin problems (which you already know about don't you  )
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