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View Poll Results: What would you do?
Not pay and have your day in court? 4 36.36%
Pay the bill but carry through the complaint? 7 63.64%
Life's too short - Pay the £32.00? 0 0%
Voters: 11. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 30-01-2007, 17:36   #1
Senior Member
nikkival's Avatar

Question Hyndburn BC - Environmental Health

I would like to know everyone's opinion on a problem we recently had with our private sewer.

Hyndburn Borough Council serve a hand delivered notice to all residents on our street at 3.30pm on Thursday 26th October saying we have to remove an obstruction from our private sewer by 5pm on Friday 27th October. The notice also states we have to be given 48 hours notice to remove the obstruction!

On Friday lunchtime, some of the neighbours got together to discuss the problem, and we tried to call the officer at the Environmental Health dept all afternoon - but he was unavailable and no-one else could deal with it. So Friday at 5pm we are on deadline, no return phonecall and still none the wiser of the cause or location of the obstruction.

We don't hear anything else from the Council until after Christmas when they send us a bill for the works.

I complained to the Env Health about the notice given not being 48 hours by e-mail, I then receive a letter stating that the council did not enforce the notice until Monday 30th October at 5pm and the obstruction was removed on Tuesday 31st. They said they had granted an extension due to a minor descrepancy caused by a delay in typing the notices, yet they did not inform us of this. If we'd have been able to get through to them, we could have removed this blockage ourselves or got someone else out at a more reasonable rate.

The bill came to over £900 to remove a few twigs, field stones & 1/2 a brick! We each have to pay approx £32.00, which I know isn't much but I haven't paid yet on principle. I am currently waiting for the officer involved to contact me, (he has offered to come to my house to explain it to me!)

It kinda feels like extortion to me! What would you do in this situation?
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Old 30-01-2007, 17:47   #2
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***Mr D***'s Avatar

Re: Hyndburn BC - Environmental Health

I wouldnt be to happy either.

Not stating the problem in full or advising the cost implication prior to the works happening.

I say fight on principal.

Its good you put your thoughts in writing & Email first.

Although if you dont pay why should the others, thats what they could be thinking. not just your £32.00 but the whole costs involved.
Everything is OK
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Old 30-01-2007, 20:02   #3
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Re: Hyndburn BC - Environmental Health

Did you know that if your house was built before october 1938 that united utilities is responsible for all drains that were built to service that house? After october 1938 you are responsible for the drains and sewers on your property. I found that out when i had a problem.
<img src= border=0 alt= />

The views expressed in this post is mine and mine alone
anyone want to argue
well tough!!!
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Old 30-01-2007, 21:16   #4
God Member

Re: Hyndburn BC - Environmental Health

As it is £32 and not thousands I would make the payment..and if you feel strongly enough about the matter then carry through the complaint and you can have your day in court. You have not said how many of your nieghbours feel the same way.
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Old 30-01-2007, 23:14   #5
Resident Waffler

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Re: Hyndburn BC - Environmental Health

I would discuss it with the neighbours - if all were in favour of not paying you could march on the council offices en masse (was the Riot Act repealed?).

As the council has sent individual bills for £32.00 if anyone didn't pay then would they send out additional bills to the others? This would be extremely unfair.

I would certainly follow up the complaint as they themselves did not follow correct proceedure and were uncontactable to boot.

£900 sounds a bit excessive for a fews twigs and leaves, stones and one half brick. Do you know where they were? Were they easily accessible or did they need a digger?

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Old 05-02-2007, 00:28   #6
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Re: Hyndburn BC - Environmental Health

£900 thats an expensive sewer job,it dont even cost a third of that to get a septic tank emptied,oh but you have to include hbc admin fees and well thats prob most of the cost
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Old 05-02-2007, 01:17   #7
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Re: Hyndburn BC - Environmental Health

if you or any of your neighbours who feel strongly about this know anyone - ask them for an estimate of the job. £900 seems very excessive to me. its a starting point perhaps. citizens advice would also be worth contacting, i always tend to find out first what recoarse, if any i have. i certainly wouldn,t pay it and forget it until i had all the options, if any. good luck.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 05-02-2007, 10:23   #8

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Re: Hyndburn BC - Environmental Health

Just pay it. It is not worth the hassle for £32. You can always complain afterwards. By not paying you could end up having to pay legal costs as well as the £32.
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