As many of you know I hate shopping so I try to attend to this task as infrequently as possible.
The other day as I was falling asleep to a conversation I was earwigging to in the smoking area of my local hostelry a rather high pitched woman was informing the world at large about how much cheaper a certain supermarket was compared to the others in town.
I made a mental note to myself that the next time I was forced to do a shop I would attend this large grocery store, (with any luck I may pick up some cheap ear plugs then I won't be forced to listen to such mundane conversations).
The day arrived I had run out of instant mash and ready meals so off I went to replenish my freezer.
Yes there where plenty of bargains compared to the place I usually attend although not such a wide range of choice. Then I spotted the bargain, cat food, now I have been feeding Cat from little sachets and she has been very happy with them but this cat food was in square foil containers and worked out at almost 5p per pack cheaper than the other stuff so I bought a mixed variety that would last at least a fortnight.
When I got home Cat was hungry as usual and I opened one of the new found delights to put it into her bowl the aroma that came off when I removed the lid was to say the least rather pungent, not to worry I thought I'm sure she'll enjoy it after all it's designed for cats, on placing the bowl before my loving pet she sniffed the contents and ran into the front room giving out a disgusted howl as she fled the scene, well I thought, you are going to have to get used to it there are 14 days supply and you aren't going to grow up fussy. After about three hours of going into the kitchen sniffing her bowl and scowling in my direction she at last started to eat the food.
Over the next few days she seemed to have bowed to the inevitable and having shrugged her shoulders ate what was put before her.
Nature however has a way of getting it's revenge give a cat what it doesn't like and it will get it's own back, Cat did this in her litter tray The resulting stench from her deposits had me running to the back door and throwing it open, I swear none of my days spent on the bog after 15 pints and a hot curry have ever produced anything as foul as what came out of that tiny animal, Thank goodness I still had that air freshener spray my ex left behind when she flew the coop 5 years ago, (I didn't check to see if the can was environmentally friendly if it contained cfc's they couldn't do any more harm to the ozone level than what was lingering in my kitchen). Well, I'm into day five of the fortnight's supply, I'm sure the cat grins whenever she makes her way to the litter tray, yes, she knows the sweetness of revenge! I promise in future
I will not, compromise with the cats eating enjoyment and if in future I have to pay an extra 10p per pack she can have the good stuff willingly.
Can Somebody Please, Lend Me A Clothes Peg?