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Old 21-04-2014, 07:13   #16
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Re: Kitchen tips that will "change your life"

I tend to get goose (rather than turkey) for Christmas dinner. It's a little expensive but I get enough fat to last a few months. So the price of the goose comes down (at least with my half baked logic it does )
In the good old days (a few hundred years ago) folk used to rub goose fat on their chests if they got the common cold

Anyway my point is roasted spuds are lovely (and healthy) done in goose fat
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Old 21-04-2014, 07:18   #17
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Re: Kitchen tips that will "change your life"

Well, I do use goose fat....but yesterday it was beef and the rendered fat was skimmed off the gravy to roast the spuds. Didn't get any complaints about them not being crisp or tasty.....and the plates came back empty. Guess that says it all.
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Old 21-04-2014, 07:50   #18
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Re: Kitchen tips that will "change your life"

Originally Posted by dotti34 View Post
[QUOTE cashman] Best kitchen tip of em all = Leave it to the missus.

Better tip than that, cashman - leave it to the mister!!!!!
I think what C was trying to say is "leave it to the missus"... It may not save money but, it certainly saves on arguments
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Old 21-04-2014, 07:58   #19
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Re: Kitchen tips that will "change your life"

and there is no such thing as a litle bit of is the devil to clean up too!
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Old 21-04-2014, 08:29   #20
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Re: Kitchen tips that will "change your life"

Yes, Accyexplorer, goose grease was used for colds and chest complaints even when I was a small child (come to think of it that WAS a long time ago). Every Christmas we had a goose for dinner. This was the chosen fowl not only because it tasted good but the fat off it was very useful for a multitude of purposes, and much prized.

Rubbed on the skin it kept the cold out and the colds away. It was used as a chest rub. Also useful for protecting, waterproofing and preserving leather.

My husband said he used to rub his body with it before playing soccer to keep the bitter cold away – it also had the same effect on other people, kept them away too. Not exactly the most fragrant of smells!

Incidentally, apparently in the 17th Century (which WAS before my time) a goose grease and turpentine poultice was recommended for use in losing weight.
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Old 21-04-2014, 09:14   #21
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Re: Kitchen tips that will "change your life"

I do actually quite enjoy cooking and creating in the kitchen - and (though I say it myself) am not that bad a cook, well I don't get any complaints - and sometimes I even get compliments.

However, I also enjoy having a meal cooked for me and so I am more than happy when my man pampers me in this respect. He is a really good cook (hence my 'tip') - but NEVER does the dishes. Can't have it all....
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Old 21-04-2014, 09:19   #22
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Re: Kitchen tips that will "change your life"

Himself can cook, but he is usually the dishwasher.
A fair division of labour is what it is all about.

Don't like goose...hate duck.....Turkey is alright in very small doses(the size of an aspirin).....chicken is ok.
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Old 21-04-2014, 10:39   #23
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Re: Kitchen tips that will "change your life"

A) Stay out of the kitchen completely (B) Never attempt joint cooking, one chef at a time only!
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
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Old 21-04-2014, 10:56   #24
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Re: Kitchen tips that will "change your life"

Son.....that is excellent advice.two chefs never work well together....Although I have worked in the kitchen with my daughter......but only as sous chef.... Taking orders for the chopping and peeling of veggies.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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