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28-08-2008, 16:26
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Re: kitties......
Use to have a tom cat when I lived in Hassy so some mice, got the cat never saw the mice again, and the cat either, that is until it was hungry or when it was cold, then it used to knock on the kitcen window 
28-08-2008, 16:28
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Re: kitties......
I prefer house cats, at least there not pooping in my garden then 
28-08-2008, 17:00
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Re: kitties......
Originally Posted by misskitty
He was in a top floor flat at his home before and they had him as an indoor cat from day one so now he is actually too frightened to go outside.Someone told me if i just keep leaving the door open he will eventually decide to go outside through curiousity but will probably never go further than the back fence.Which is fine with me, i just think its weird keeping a cat in ALL the time.
Even if he does goes outside i shall keep his litter tray here so he can still do all his business here and not in anyones garden.
But so far so good, his settling in well and seems to have taken to me a bit more than he has Corker n Jack which i reckon is because i was the one that went n picked him up.
a word of caution because the advice you got isnt exactly true
a friend of mine had a house cat that had never left the house apart from visits to the vets etc , one day it got out and wasnt seen for about 3 or 4 weeks when it turned up in the back yard in a pretty bad condition
when put back in the home it started to have mad do's and even clawed its way up the wall digging into the wallpaper , it was pretty awfull seeing an animal this way because it was going crazy inside but went worse if you tried taking it outside
he took it to the vets and was told that it had basicly gone insane caused by it been outside and been flung into what to it was a very un natural enviroment and had to be put down
not saying this coz i hate cats or to wind you up but its well known that housecats taht have lived in the home for years cant cope when flung into the outside world and they never come back the same
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
28-08-2008, 19:23
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Re: kitties......
I wouldn't kick him out anyway, il just leave the back door open n let him do what he wants.
28-08-2008, 19:34
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Re: kitties......
Our Bracken has always basically been a housecat but she took herself off one day when we were due to go away for the weekend to a wedding down south. We had neighbours looking for her and spent ages searching but couldn't find her so in the end we had to just leave her to it and hope she'd be OK and go to the family wedding. When we got back a neighbour came and told us she thought our cat was in her shed. She was. She had managed to find shelter and water and seemed none the worse apart from being a bit slimmer. I thought it would have changed her personality even though it had only been a couple of days but she soon settled back to her old routine and bossed us around in the house again. I suppose all cats are different just as people are.
29-08-2008, 15:16
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Re: kitties......
we have an indoor cat and yes she has mad dos at night
29-08-2008, 18:59
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Re: kitties......
I wouldn't mind if it was at night whilst were tucked up in bed but he keeps catching our legs whilst his 'hunting' 
29-08-2008, 19:27
Re: kitties......
Originally Posted by misskitty
I wouldn't mind if it was at night whilst were tucked up in bed but he keeps catching our legs whilst his 'hunting' 
Get rid of it then.
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30-08-2008, 07:47
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Re: kitties......
His not done it since i made this thread........hoping it was a one off 
30-08-2008, 08:36
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: kitties......
Originally Posted by accyman
, people keep, fish in a tank
Ah, now that explains why I've never been successful with fish, I used to let mine out at night.
His not done it since i made this thread........hoping it was a one off
No it isn't they seem to stay weird for ever!
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30-08-2008, 09:32
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Re: kitties......
Ah well, i havent seen a mouse since he moved in so he is here for good now.
30-08-2008, 13:53
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Re: kitties......
Originally Posted by Less
Ah, now that explains why I've never been successful with fish, I used to let mine out at night.
i thought my fish had epilepsy but the vet said all they needed was to be put back into water and they would be fine 
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.
ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
30-08-2008, 21:14
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Re: kitties......
Your cat - or Felix Domesticus - is a singular creature. It will live with you contentedly, allowing you to feed it, stroke it and generally adore it but, every now and then, it will give you a swipe of the unsheathed claw just to remind you its ancestors were wild and ferocious, and it could be ferocious too - if it could be bothered - which it can't.
Occasionally it will have to go "berresk" and fly round the room, 3 feet above the floor, by means of the curtains, wallpaper and 3-piece suite. This (according to my late father - a cat lover, cat trainer and cat connoisseur) is having a "Tommy Berry Do". No human being (apart from my late father) seems to have a clue who Tommy Berry is or was - but Felix Domesticus does, and pays homage to this mysterious figure in its flight up and down your best curtains (velour is favoured - a downward-sliding cat's claws can make the most intricate patterns in the nap).
The reward for your patience, and your persistant worship in the form of providing very expensive cat food to be ignored and allowed to become encrusted with bluebottle eggs, is that Felix Domesticus will keep your environment free of vermin. It will also reward you with the eminently sensual brushing of your lower legs with its silky fur and the companionship of its presence on your knee as it purrs you into willing submission.
Cats! Love them or hate them - you'd be overrun with rats and mice without them.

Some cinemas let the flying monkeys in............and some don't.
30-08-2008, 21:23
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Re: kitties......
Love it West Ender!!!!
My postman actually plays with my cat (she ((the cat)) seems to think she is in fact a rottweiler) and so posting letters seems to take a lot of faffing and laffing from either side lol
I didnt really rate cats before I got this one (was working so couldnt look after a dog), but wouldnt give Bob up for anything now!
30-08-2008, 22:10
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Re: kitties......
Bob liked me the other week  she not my type tho lol
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....
I finally found someone daft enough to marry me, my wonderboy is 11, my monkeygirl is 3 and my bananaman is 2, my beautiful little flower was born in feb 2012
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