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Old 17-02-2010, 21:31   #31
Common Sense Member

Ken Moss's Avatar

Re: Legal or not?

Originally Posted by egg&chips View Post
You are right Accyman. It's probably not hard to find a way to get rid of a part time teen who is about to go to uni anyway, and it will be extremely easy to not find that person any holiday work when he is back here.
The pen truly is mightier than the sword.

I learned very quickly that when you are 17 there are any number of unscrupulous managers (more often than not deputy managers) who will screw you over at the first opportunity. I was duped over my hourly rate, my holiday entitlement and eventually what we used to call 'time owing' where you worked extra for hours off rather than overtime.

Two little words in a letter usually got the ball moving very quickly indeed and I was only ever part-time at this company for seven years: Head Office.

It took me almost a year to start fighting back through that stupid English trait of not kicking up a fuss. If he's going to university I suspect he'll be erudite enough to string a decent letter together. No need to be abusive but state your case in a letter and copy it to the General Manager with the threat of a copy to Head Office.

If that doesn't work I'll be extremely surprised. Most of the deputy managers and supervisors I ever worked for had less backbone than something in a tide pool. I'm self-employed now and don't have to answer to anyone like that ever again - damned hard work but immensely satisfying.
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Old 17-02-2010, 23:15   #32
God Member

Re: Legal or not?

My other half works for William Hill and I reckon they recently pulled a fast one with holidays.. they have a new contract were all bank holidays like Christmas day. new years day ect are not extra holidays but incorperated in to the 25 days for the year.
in sort she has to book Christmas and New year day, Easter as a holiday even though bookies are not open
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Old 18-02-2010, 01:04   #33

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Re: Legal or not?

From the directgov website linked above Holiday entitlements: the basics : Directgov - Employment

The basics of holiday rights
There is a minimum right to paid holiday, but your employer may offer more than this. The main things you should know about holiday rights are that:

you are entitled to a minimum of 5.6 weeks paid annual leave (28 days for someone working five days a week)
part-time workers are entitled to the same level of holiday pro rata (so 5.6 times your usual working week, eg 22.4 days for someone working four days a week)

you start building up holiday as soon as you start work
your employer can control when you take your holiday
you get paid your normal pay for your holiday
when you finish a job, you get paid for any holiday you have not taken
bank and public holidays can be included in your minimum entitlement
you continue to be entitled to your holiday leave throughout your ordinary and additional maternity leave and paternity and adoption leave

So first thing is yes they can include Stat holidays. Does she work 5 days a week? If so she should be on 28 days not 25.
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Old 18-02-2010, 17:36   #34
God Member

Re: Legal or not?

does anyone remeber when sunday was classed as overtime before teh government screwed us over with sunday trading
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