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Old 02-11-2008, 12:33   #1
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mobile phone and rights question

Hi just wondering if anyone can help with advice before I go back to the shop.
I bought my mum a mobile ( less than a week ago ) and she said there is a shadow on the screen which was there when she opened the box.
She thought it was just from the protective plastic casting a shadow but when she has been texting ( white screen) she said it is more obvious an looks like a finger print shape - it is geting worse-
I got it from phones4 u in Accy. I seem to remember some threads about this shop but cant remember what they were about.
Should she be given an immediate refund/exchange. If they offer to repair - (for which i know they will charge) or can she refuse and insist upoon exchange /refund? when the lady in the shop was selling it to me she put the sim in to set it up ( didnt know they usually did that) and she had some amount of trouble getting the back off and wasnt very light handed - so the damage could have been done then .
Any help/ advice/ helpful sights would be appreciated
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Old 02-11-2008, 14:18   #2
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Re: mobile phone and rights question

Due to the phones age then yes she should be given a straight replacement. When I had a fault with a phone (from O2) they had to replace as it was only a couple of weeks old. I would take it down, you hsouldnt have a problem getting a replacement
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Old 02-11-2008, 19:11   #3
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Re: mobile phone and rights question

I know all new phones have to be registered in the shop where i work due to people buying them and sending them abroad if the phone gets registered abroad then basically we dont get our money!
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Old 02-11-2008, 19:38   #4
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Re: mobile phone and rights question

She is entitled to a full refund or an exchange, the choice is hers.
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Old 02-11-2008, 19:42   #5
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Re: mobile phone and rights question

Originally Posted by lindsay ormerod View Post
She is entitled to a full refund or an exchange, the choice is hers.
Ditto......... get back down there.
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Old 02-11-2008, 20:04   #6
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Re: mobile phone and rights question

aw thanks - i couldnt find anything specific on the net xx
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Old 02-11-2008, 20:10   #7
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Re: mobile phone and rights question

Originally Posted by keetah992000 View Post
Hi just wondering if anyone can help with advice before I go back to the shop.
I bought my mum a mobile ( less than a week ago ) and she said there is a shadow on the screen which was there when she opened the box.
She thought it was just from the protective plastic casting a shadow but when she has been texting ( white screen) she said it is more obvious an looks like a finger print shape - it is geting worse-
I got it from phones4 u in Accy. I seem to remember some threads about this shop but cant remember what they were about.
Should she be given an immediate refund/exchange. If they offer to repair - (for which i know they will charge) or can she refuse and insist upoon exchange /refund? when the lady in the shop was selling it to me she put the sim in to set it up ( didnt know they usually did that) and she had some amount of trouble getting the back off and wasnt very light handed - so the damage could have been done then .
Any help/ advice/ helpful sights would be appreciated
Take it back and explain your rights as a consumer if you have problem they will soon satisfy you dont worry.
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Old 02-11-2008, 20:44   #8
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Re: mobile phone and rights question

OK you are within the 28 days period of return so just get your money back and start again.

Not the same store but my wife bought a phone from the C.P.W. and as she had another phone, it was a while before she started to use it in anger. Once she started to use it, the battery life was short (<36 hrs) she had to open it to check if there were messages/missed calls and operating in darkness was impossible as the buttons didn't light up. Sunlight, the screen could not be seen. The phone worked but as with many modern items, it was designed by a prat!

She has had it more than the magic 28 days so they say it cannot be exchanged -


As for hers - I am taking them to court for selling something that is not fit for purpose , she travels late at night and cannot summon assistance in an emergency (that is why she has a mobile phone!) - I will let you know how I get on.
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Old 02-11-2008, 20:57   #9
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Re: mobile phone and rights question

Don't go 'Half Cocked'....Ring the local trading standards and find out what your position is.
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Old 02-11-2008, 21:43   #10
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Re: mobile phone and rights question

yeah my mum is taking it back tommorow - shes pretty well up on rights and thought she should just be able to get straight exchange or money back. Just wanted something I could get in print for her to take and use if she had to - anyway she said she will go in and be polite and if no luck will ring trading standards as they then ring the shop if they are not fullfilling a persons stautory rights. thanks for all your help you are all stars
morcambe ex pat- good luck
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Old 03-11-2008, 20:19   #11
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Re: mobile phone and rights question

How did your mum get on? Any joy?

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Old 03-11-2008, 21:05   #12
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Re: mobile phone and rights question

well she took it in and told them the fault was there from purchase. They asked her if she had had it in her handbag - she said yes but has been in a case.
He said well it looks like a pressure mark and offered to send it off for repair - but might be charged for it - again my mum said that it was there from purchase but they just basically try to say it is her fault.
There must be some way of having it replaced surely - why should you have to - and how do you - prove that a phone was faulty before you used it - you have to use it to find out that its faulty.
I am going to a different branch tommorow for second opinion and my mum is ringing trading standards
I rang phones4u helpline and he said more or less the same and asked if i saw the phone before i bought it - I said yes but you can only see the mark when texting and I am sure it isnt normal to sit in the shop texting on a phone you havent yet bought !!
I'll keep you updated
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Old 03-11-2008, 21:27   #13

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Re: mobile phone and rights question

How did she pay for it? - Please say credit card.
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Old 03-11-2008, 22:27   #14
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Re: mobile phone and rights question

I paid for it Neil - on my card - not credit card its a debit card but I didnt pay cash.
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Old 03-11-2008, 22:47   #15
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Re: mobile phone and rights question

Originally Posted by keetah992000 View Post
I paid for it Neil - on my card - not credit card its a debit card but I didnt pay cash.
You'd have been able to get your money back easily from the credit card company if you'd used a credit card..........that's one good thing about them.
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