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Old 13-10-2009, 23:19   #16
Senior Member+

Re: My poorly cat

My little cat has had a little bit of water and a tiny bit of chicken, she is sooooooooooooooooo thin! I am wondering if she might have cat flu, or something similar. She let me pick her up and place her on the cat litter tray. How sad to see. She actually wobbled towards the fire and sat in front of it tonight. Fingers crossed.
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Accrington Web
Old 14-10-2009, 05:23   #17
Resting in Peace

Mick's Avatar

Re: My poorly cat

Have you taken the cat to the vets yet ?
The cat where the wife works went like this and the vet found it had diabetes and was put on injections this is over 12 months ago sadly it passed away a few weeks ago he was 20 ish

Last edited by Mick; 14-10-2009 at 05:25.
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Old 24-10-2009, 10:40   #18
Full Member
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Re: My poorly cat

One of our cats is also 20 yrs. She lost a lot of weight and her fur became quite thin over the last 3 months, we took her to the vet and after a few blood tests she put her on thyroid & heart pills, she is slowly regaining a bit of weight, her fur has thickened and she is a little perkier in herself too. The vet told us that thyroid problems are very common in older cats. The tests cost around £50 and the pills cost around £100 a month, quite expensive, but she's worth it, she's been with us since she was 6 weeks old. Good luck with your cat.

Jelly Baby
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Old 24-10-2009, 12:45   #19
Senior Member+

Re: My poorly cat

On Thursday the 15th Oct I took her to the vets, they gave her 3 injections and a vitamin one as well. Came home with her, a bit hopeful. Over the weekend, she seemed no better, sometimes eating a tiny, tiny, amount of chicken, but no liquids. I bought her some of that Cat Milk and she actually made an effort to have a little of that. It was so sad to see. Monday just gone, when I came downstairs in the morning, she was still in the same little hiding place she had chosen, in a corner, behind a big chair, she looked so frail. I picked her up and she cried, so I put her gently down again. I sat with her, stroking her, and within 1/2hour she died.

Thanks to everyone who wrote on this thread

Last edited by Atarah; 24-10-2009 at 12:51.
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Old 24-10-2009, 12:56   #20
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Re: My poorly cat

I hope to be with my cat (aged 15) at the moment of death.
....sad to lose a friend.... they have a soul too
I admire your compassion.

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Old 24-10-2009, 13:55   #21
Beacon of light

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Re: My poorly cat

sorry to hear that your little friend has passed away.
If there is any consolation, it has to be, that she had a good life and was loved.....some humans do not achieve that in 80 years.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 24-10-2009, 14:45   #22
Resting in Peace

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Re: My poorly cat

Aaah sorry Atarah, at least you did your best for her .. x
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Old 24-10-2009, 16:43   #23
white rabbits

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Re: My poorly cat

i am so sorry its just like losing a limb..................
Not a full brick
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Old 24-10-2009, 17:28   #24

Re: My poorly cat

Sorry to hear about the loss of your cat.
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