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11-10-2009, 06:44
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My poorly cat
Hi, my cat is 20 now and in the last couple of days has gone "down hill" rapidly. She has gone so thin and is not eating.Just had a tiny bit of water this morning. I realize I am going to have to take her to the vets to end her misery, but .. any suggestions as to how to maybe get a little food down her (if she will). Poor little luv.
11-10-2009, 09:49
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Re: My poorly cat
Originally Posted by Atarah
Hi, my cat is 20 now and in the last couple of days has gone "down hill" rapidly. She has gone so thin and is not eating.Just had a tiny bit of water this morning. I realize I am going to have to take her to the vets to end her misery, but .. any suggestions as to how to maybe get a little food down her (if she will). Poor little luv.
Best to put her to sleep it is the kindest thing you can do. Its better than force feeding her as that would be cruel in a way.
11-10-2009, 09:54
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Re: My poorly cat
i agree with spuggie that would be the right thing to do dont let her suffer.
11-10-2009, 10:01
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Re: My poorly cat
i dont know the first thing about cats BUT you could always try and mix some egg and milk up and put it in a baby medicine syringe and feed her that way
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11-10-2009, 10:47
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Re: My poorly cat
I hate to say this, and i do apologise, but i had a cat who went through the same symptoms, he was operated on and was found to be riddled in cancer. Your cat is a very good age, and i am certain, he/she has had a very good life, living to 20. Please accept my deepest apologies for having to tell you this. You will find she will eat nothing, just drink very little, if you can get anyfood down her, then it would have to be something like very small bits of chicken.
Last edited by vera; 11-10-2009 at 10:50.
11-10-2009, 10:55
Beacon of light
Re: My poorly cat
I have had quite a few cats in my time and when they start to refuse food, then it is usually the end of the road.........I have tried the egg and milk in a syringe and it invariably fails because the cats either sick it up or it goes all over you as you try to get it into them......also the fight to get stuff into them leaves them exhausted and it seems cruel to do this to an elderly cat.
I haven't had my cats put to sleep when they have been like this.......I'm a coward and I can't do it......I have just cuddled them, kept them warm and let them have water...invariably they have drifted off in their sleep.
Sorry not ot be able to offer a more positive response Atarah.
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11-10-2009, 17:00
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Re: My poorly cat
Sorry to hear about your poor cat, my cat went a very similar route, he was 15, just started to lose weight, stopped eating only had a very small amount of water.......took him to the vets next day and had to have him put to sleep....the poor love had kidney failure. Sorry I can't be more positive but as was said in an earlier post better to end her suffering sooner rather than later.......good luck whatever the outcome
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11-10-2009, 17:22
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Re: My poorly cat
Hi Sorry to hear about your cat. I would try a little chicken baby food warmed slightly.It has worked for me in the past.
11-10-2009, 17:30
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Re: My poorly cat
same for my cat lynx1. She reached an old age and the day i had her put to sleep i was waiting for vets to open to take her in a taxi. I was stroking her head and everytime i got up to make a bru she would stare directly at me and cry more like wailing so i sat back down with her and she silenced to my touch. One of the saddest things i have ever seen was that and one of the worst things i have had to do. She also had kidney failure
11-10-2009, 17:45
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Re: My poorly cat
Sorry to hear about your cat ... but it is probably time; cats know this ... 20 is a ripe old age, and, as someone else mentioned, the cat probably had a good life. My Sadie turned 21 on June 7 .... I watch all the time for the signs that she will no doubt give out when it is her time to die. I know it's hard to lose a friend of 20 years ...
11-10-2009, 17:59
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Re: My poorly cat
That's Sadie in my Avatar .....
11-10-2009, 22:07
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Re: My poorly cat
Hi, thanks to everyone for your responses. Since I got back tonight she has had a tiny bit of water and tiny tiny pieces of cut up chicken, she still purrs when I talk to her, bless her. She has not even tried to go outside for the past two days. The strange thing is she has started sleeping in the most odd places, I mean places she has never been anywhere near in the past, but ... I have "cottoned on" - she is going in "out of the way places" - just sleeping and keeping out of everyone's way. I hope she's not on her way out I really do.
12-10-2009, 12:52
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Re: My poorly cat
my thoughts are with you,,,our cat was 16 ,and it was like losing a limb....She just went to sleep and diddent wake up...
Not a full brick
12-10-2009, 14:21
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Re: My poorly cat
I had a cat that went through what you say.Turned out to be plague and very sore gums,the vet sorted it ( at a price ) Also sorry to say but cats also go to strange places ,alone, when there time is coming to a close.
13-10-2009, 22:23
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Re: My poorly cat
Indeed cats do go to "quiet" spots when its time...
So sorry to hear this dreadful news, my little man is 16 now and he's slowing down now, still chasing the ladies and fighting off foes for now but he's not as swift or handsome as he used to be...
Fingers crossed your kitty perks up soon
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