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Old 19-06-2008, 18:20   #16
Passed away 25-11-09
West Ender's Avatar

Re: Nail biting

They used to say Bitter Aloes (available at chemists) was the best thing. Painted on the nails, apparently, it tastes dreadful.

None of my children ever bit their nails but my son picked his off, which is worse really. I don't know how or why he started doing it but he picked his finger and toe nails off down to the quick and he did it for over 10 years. They looked disgusting but nothing anyone said or did made any difference. Once or twice he even got infections in the nail bed and even that didn't stop him. He did stop, when he was in his late teens, but he replaced that habit with cracking his knuckles - eeeeeek! He's a lovely fellah, my son, but - dear God - he tested my parental patience to the limit at times.

It's a tough call, trying to help someone break a habit (I know - I used to be a smoker) but I don't think much helps. He may just grow out of it, with luck. Meantime, be very glad he's supple enough to bite his toe nails. I am, actually, quite impressed.
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Old 19-06-2008, 20:24   #17
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Re: Nail biting

i was joking about the stardrops - but the bitrex in it is probably what they put in those nail remedies - the bitrex itself iisnt poisness it just stops kiddies - or anyone for that matter from drinking poisinous substances - it is supposed to be bitter enough that it induces the instinct to vomit -so yes i was joking - but then again if its as bad as you say ........
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Old 19-06-2008, 20:51   #18
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Re: Nail biting

its normal for a boy to do that he will stop in is own time,for now jive him a stress ball,my son bit is nails till he was 13 then just stop.
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Old 25-06-2008, 07:46   #19
The Blue Rose's Avatar

Re: Nail biting

I made my daughter scraped her finger nails and take it to school to inspect under the microscope,what was crawling about in that , when she saw the bugs , she never bit her nails agin !!!!
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Old 28-01-2010, 10:32   #20
Junior Member

Re: Nail biting

I have not used it before. But i heard hypnosis also works well to stop nail biting. My daughter stopped such habit after i took her to hypnosis treatment. from thoughtsbecomereality. They provided good tips and the better treatment to stop such habit.
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Old 28-01-2010, 12:16   #21
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Re: Nail biting

I stopped biting my finger nails during my second pregnancy, but never had the desire to bite my toe nails.
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Old 28-01-2010, 15:05   #22
God Member

Re: Nail biting

put pepper on your bum.

i guarentee after a good itch the last thing you will want to do is bite your finger nails
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Old 05-02-2010, 10:46   #23
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Re: Nail biting

Clip your nails. The only reason I ever bite mine is because they've get too long and are uncomfortable but the second I clip them all desire goes out of the window.

My aunt used to recommend quinine paste under the nails but I doubt you can buy that anymore.
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