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Old 23-10-2008, 08:53   #16
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Re: new bt call plan for those on benefits..

for a start i havent called ANYONE scum, and yes i have been on benefits for 12 years, i was merely saying that i wouldnt ever go somewhere and claim poverty or expect to be treated any different than anyone else
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Old 23-10-2008, 09:04   #17
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Re: new bt call plan for those on benefits..

If someone is offering a saving of x amount per month, people that need it are going to take it. There are different call plans with saving on free weekend and evening calls eligible to everyone. Does that mean that people that take up that offering shouldnt do???

I seriously dont think anyone is trying to claim poverty, merely by signing up to this, more that they are trying to reduce their monthly outgoings, as pretty much everyone in the country is trying to do at the moment.

Living on benefits and bringing up kids is bloody hard work, and i think people doing this deserve more credit (and help) than they actually get.
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Old 23-10-2008, 09:05   #18
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Re: new bt call plan for those on benefits..

i see it like this, if you cant afford to get a house phone then you dont get one
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
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Old 23-10-2008, 09:07   #19
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Re: new bt call plan for those on benefits..

i see it like this, if someone is offering you a saving, than take it, no matter what people think of you
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Old 23-10-2008, 09:42   #20
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Re: new bt call plan for those on benefits..

I think the point is that not everybody on benefits are scroungers, there are those who have no choise, but there are also those who play the system. I can see flashy's point of view, there are those who hate the fact that they, for what ever reason, have to claim benefits, but there are others who have to, simply because they can't work. When I was following my chosen profession in the late seventies early eighties I was earning twice the amount then, that I recieve in benefits now. If you ask the Question would I rather be working or be on benefits, the answer is TFR would I rather be working, in fact if I hadn't been struck down with illness I'd probably be retired and living in Spain next door to Roy by now
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Old 23-10-2008, 09:45   #21

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Re: new bt call plan for those on benefits..

I see it like this - everyone should be able to choose whichever package they want to be on regardless of their income as long as they can pay the bill.

People would soon be moaning if BT said they would only allow people in employment to have broadband as it is a non essential commodity that people on benefits should not be able to afford.
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Old 23-10-2008, 10:24   #22
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Re: new bt call plan for those on benefits..

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
People would soon be moaning if BT said they would only allow people in employment to have broadband as it is a non essential commodity that people on benefits should not be able to afford.
It may be non-essential in terms of living requirements ie food, heat, clothing but the internet ( broadband or whatever ) is nearly an essential to look for a job these days.

Anyway if people really object then try this | Contact BT
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Old 23-10-2008, 12:11   #23
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Re: new bt call plan for those on benefits..

Originally Posted by lancsdave View Post
It may be non-essential in terms of living requirements ie food, heat, clothing but the internet ( broadband or whatever ) is nearly an essential to look for a job these days.

Anyway if people really object then try this | Contact BT
There is also the case that many people who are unable to go out much can get valuable interaction on sites like this, I honestly would be lost without Accy Web now, as its become part of my daily list of things to do, like in as much as "go on accy wed and annoy Neil and Rindi for an hour" sorted
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Old 23-10-2008, 12:38   #24
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Re: new bt call plan for those on benefits..

yes but on the other hand J, some people actually get addicted to the internet and stop going out altogether
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
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Old 23-10-2008, 12:55   #25
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Re: new bt call plan for those on benefits..

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
There is also the case that many people who are unable to go out much can get valuable interaction on sites like this, I honestly would be lost without Accy Web now, as its become part of my daily list of things to do, like in as much as "go on accy wed and annoy Neil and Rindi for an hour" sorted
Even with your blue & white tinted glasses on I agree with you, and those reasons are the most valid ones going

T'internet has replaced the telly in a lot of homes now, and the best thing is you get millions of channels
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Old 23-10-2008, 12:55   #26

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Re: new bt call plan for those on benefits..

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
its become part of my daily list of things to do, like in as much as "go on accy wed and annoy Neil and Rindi for an hour" sorted

You don't annoy me John, I know you are a pussy cat really.
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Old 23-10-2008, 12:56   #27

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Re: new bt call plan for those on benefits..

Originally Posted by lancsdave View Post
Anyway if people really object then try this | Contact BT
Not much point mate - I am not a BT customer
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Old 23-10-2008, 13:18   #28
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Re: new bt call plan for those on benefits..

If BT can offer a package at this price for one demographic then why not all. If it was offered for 'whites only' or 'blacks only' there would be all sorts of racism claims, why should it be different because its a social grouping rather than race one?

With regard to internet access for job apps, the library provides free access so ther is no 'requirement' for it at home. A phone is a luxury commodity and not essential no matter how hard you try and justify it. even in this current technology obsessed world. As such, if you can't afford it, you don't get it.

Are there peopel who are genuinely on benefits - yes there is. My dad was on invalidity for nearly 10 years after a brain hemorrhage, he had no smell, often fell asleep at a minutes notice even mid converstaion! Could he work?, nope, would he have if he could? as per Jayay, absolutely!!! He hated being at home all day.

what bugs me are people like one I know who hasn't worked for 17 years with "a bad knee" who regularly walks 2 miles to town to the pubs down there, I've personally seen him carrying huge bags of shopping home from asda with no probs, who has his house, bills etc all paid for.

Why the Heck can't he get a sit down job? even with no 'trade or skill' there are jobs such as on the tills in supermarkets ( no offence to anyone who does this) but it doesn't need any particularly large amount of training to do. I work with a lad who is a victim of thalidomide who types with his toes, drives with his feet and has no desire to be treated 'differently' than I would any other able bodied person. I myself have a broken back. does it stop me working? NO.

Its about time the difference between can't work and won't work be checked a lot more closely. I have no issues with the former getting all teh support they need to live a generally comfortable life.

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Old 23-10-2008, 13:41   #29

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Re: new bt call plan for those on benefits..

Originally Posted by entwisi View Post
I work with a lad who is a victim of thalidomide who types with his toes, drives with his feet and has no desire to be treated 'differently' than I would any other able bodied person. I myself have a broken back. does it stop me working? NO.
There is/was an IT bloke where I used to work that needed the magnification so big on his screen that he could only read a couple of words at as time as he whizzed around the screen working. He had one of those backlit magnifiers, like a microfilm viewer (yes I am that old) so he could read paperwork and books.

I was amazed how he could do his job when he was almost blind but he did.
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Old 23-10-2008, 13:47   #30
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Re: new bt call plan for those on benefits..

If BT can offer a package at this price for one demographic then why not all. If it was offered for 'whites only' or 'blacks only' there would be all sorts of racism claims, why should it be different because its a social grouping rather than race one?
I'm sure most people will agree with that, but if some company has put the package in place then it would be foolish of people who can use it to use it wouldn't it ?

With regard to internet access for job apps, the library provides free access so ther is no 'requirement' for it at home. A phone is a luxury commodity and not essential no matter how hard you try and justify it. even in this current technology obsessed world. As such, if you can't afford it, you don't get it.
Does this mean if you lose your job you should cancel your phone line
I'm sure there must be loads of circumstances where job hunting at home is better than trekking to a library. Some people may not even have a library that close to them. I have no idea what sort of facilities libraries have or even how many towns don't even have a library. Do all libraries have internet facilites ?

Its about time the difference between can't work and won't work be checked a lot more closely. I have no issues with the former getting all teh support they need to live a generally comfortable life

I'm sure those who fall in to the can't work bracket would also love that, saves them getting thrown in to the same bracket as the second lot.
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