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Old 26-06-2011, 10:35   #1
Resting in Peace
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New therapy

Shockwaves that can heal broken bones: New treatment avoids need for surgery on fractures that won't join up | Mail Online
Was interested to read this article this morning, but I don't think its a new concept, I have been using a similar machine for over 10 years now, which is very advantageous in pain killing and the repair of fractures. having osteoporosis in the spine its very good company and have, from time to time chipped a bone in my spine through coughing, by using this machine it helps to heal the chip and also deadens the pain, reducing the need for oral pain killers although it doesn't work on arthritis, the machine is marketed by a Blackburn Firm called Rededi, Saturn Centre, Challenge Way BB1 5QB, they are not very cheap, around £200, but its well worth it in the long run
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Old 26-06-2011, 11:09   #2
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Re: New therapy

So the NHS has 'discovered' sound healing
I recall having ultrasound therapy on an injured knee years ago, but its use and scope were/are very limited.

Sound therapy is more extensively used in alternative medicine
Sound therapy | Life and style | The Observer

Einstein said -
"Concerning matter, we have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter."

It is a case of finding the right vibratory frequency to 'heal' malfunctioning biological atoms/molecules/organs.

If you want to learn more - google 'Solfeggio scales'

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Old 26-06-2011, 11:10   #3
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Re: New therapy

You are right John, this isn't a new idea. They have been using a kind of vibrational therapy for the healing of fractures where the ends of the bone can't be joined by placing them together....but I think this is a newer version of that...they are using ultrasound waves.
Football physios have been using ultrasound energy to heal soft tissue injuries for quite a while now. This application for bone healing though is a new application(I think)....if I am am incorrect, I am sure there will be someone on to tell me about it.

Even though I have been retired from the NHS for almost a decade, I still find things medical very fascinating. Even though I know that reading about them isn't the same as being in the thick of it with patients.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)

Last edited by Margaret Pilkington; 26-06-2011 at 11:13.
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Old 26-06-2011, 11:13   #4
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Re: New therapy

Margaret, you are right, we all have a vibrational frequency.

I often wonder if all the electrical stuff that we use impacts on our health(NO.....I don't wonder, I am pretty sure it does).
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 26-06-2011, 11:25   #5
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Re: New therapy

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Margaret, you are right, we all have a vibrational frequency.

I often wonder if all the electrical stuff that we use impacts on our health(NO.....I don't wonder, I am pretty sure it does).
I am sure too -
Many people report symptoms of electromagnetic radiation sickness, WHO

I don't own a tinfoil hat but have other 'devices'
I am not sure whether they work - one can but try
(...and don't live near telephone masts and electricity pylons if you can avoid them).

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Old 27-06-2011, 08:59   #6
Resting in Peace
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Re: New therapy

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
You are right John, this isn't a new idea. They have been using a kind of vibrational therapy for the healing of fractures where the ends of the bone can't be joined by placing them together....but I think this is a newer version of that...they are using ultrasound waves.
Football physios have been using ultrasound energy to heal soft tissue injuries for quite a while now. This application for bone healing though is a new application(I think)....if I am am incorrect, I am sure there will be someone on to tell me about it.

Even though I have been retired from the NHS for almost a decade, I still find things medical very fascinating. Even though I know that reading about them isn't the same as being in the thick of it with patients.
The type of machine I'm referring to is more like an update form of the Tens units, which were very effective in pain control, the only problem being if the pain was in your back (which it is in my case) its rather awkward siting the pads and you need another pair of hands which causes a problem when your on your own most of the time.

This new machine works in a different way and can be used by people like myself who live alone, instead of placing the pads in position to numb the nerves thus numbing the pain, you place one pad (or can use a special neck collar) on the neck and another in the centre of the spine approximately half way down, then just switch on, the treatment lasts approx 1 hour per day and the results are very good.

This type of machine was highlighted some years ago when a Rovers footballer Graham La Saux was badly injured and it was said he would be out for 18 months at least, but by using one of these machines he was back playing in 13 months, the story was highlighted in the LET at the time. evidently, when a fracture occurs the bodies molecules are pushed out of shape, this machine realigns those molecules thus aiding the healing proses and cutting down the pain, it is not an ultra sound piece of equipment
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