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Old 30-03-2010, 04:40   #76
God Member

Re: Nuisance telephone calls.

how you handle annoying phonecalls depends on how far you are willing to go.

ask them what sort of underwear they are wearing and before they answer tell them yours are brown because yuo have just soild yourself because your a dirty dirty person and need punishing.

not a perfect solution but it sure works.


let them say who they are first i once started talking dirty to a number with held on my mobile phone and it turned out to be the C.S.A.

I thought it was one of those annoyong telemarleters

All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.

ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

Last edited by accyman; 30-03-2010 at 04:44.
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Old 30-03-2010, 09:28   #77
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Re: Nuisance telephone calls.

Originally Posted by accyman View Post
how you handle annoying phonecalls depends on how far you are willing to go.

ask them what sort of underwear they are wearing and before they answer tell them yours are brown because yuo have just soild yourself because your a dirty dirty person and need punishing.

not a perfect solution but it sure works.


let them say who they are first i once started talking dirty to a number with held on my mobile phone and it turned out to be the C.S.A.

I thought it was one of those annoyong telemarleters

Hope it didn't cost you an extra tenner a week accyman
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Old 30-03-2010, 10:12   #78
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Re: Nuisance telephone calls.

A girlfriend of mine retired early from CSA due to a breakdown caused by answering irate phone calls from men all day and every day.

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Old 30-03-2010, 19:16   #79
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Re: Nuisance telephone calls.

A good old F off usually does the trick for me.....................
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Old 31-03-2010, 05:13   #80
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Re: Nuisance telephone calls.

Originally Posted by pipinfort View Post
A good old F off usually does the trick for me.....................
should you ever ring me i will keep that in mind
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.

ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

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Old 31-03-2010, 06:15   #81
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Re: Nuisance telephone calls.

Originally Posted by MargaretR View Post
A girlfriend of mine retired early from CSA due to a breakdown caused by answering irate phone calls from men all day and every day.
thought the UK Govt. Stasi were made of sterner stuff , obviously she had never attended the local Govt. Ilse Koch seminars that you did
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Old 31-03-2010, 09:53   #82
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Re: Nuisance telephone calls.

Once had a run in with Blackpool Honda, and was reminded about it late yesterday afternoon. About 5 years ago I started getting faxes meant for them and couldn't understand why, it got so ridiculous I actually turned the machine of, but didn't stop the phone ringing, I eventually found out that Blackpool Honda had changed their fax number and distributed it to their customers and supplies, the only thing was the number was the same as mine here in Hyndburn but they had issued the number with the wrong dialling code 01254 instead of 01253, I eventually reported it to BT nuisance calls department who took it up with the firm. Although I don't even have a fax now I still occasionally get the fax tone when I answer the phone, it happened yesterday
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Old 31-03-2010, 18:57   #83
a multieloquent Mule

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Re: Nuisance telephone calls.

Originally Posted by MargaretR View Post
A girlfriend of mine retired early from CSA due to a breakdown caused by answering irate phone calls from men all day and every day.
Probably to do with the CSA harassing the Fathers who were making an effort to do the best by their kids, instead of them doing the job they were meant to do & bring the deadbeats to book !!

This I know as fact due to friends undergoing this hounding from CSA.
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Old 31-03-2010, 19:09   #84
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Re: Nuisance telephone calls.

Originally Posted by DaveinGermany View Post
Probably to do with the CSA harassing the Fathers who were making an effort to do the best by their kids, instead of them doing the job they were meant to do & bring the deadbeats to book !!

This I know as fact due to friends undergoing this hounding from CSA.
Civil servants knew that it was a useless scheme, but it was a job (which she was glad to retire from)
Maybe the wrath of those fathers would have made more impact if it was directed at MPs.

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Old 31-03-2010, 19:25   #85
a multieloquent Mule

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Re: Nuisance telephone calls.

Originally Posted by MargaretR View Post
Civil servants knew that it was a useless scheme, but it was a job (which she was glad to retire from)
Maybe the wrath of those fathers would have made more impact if it was directed at MPs.
I sadly doubt that Marge, look how much "Wrath & Hatred" has been directed at MP's over the last year or so !! Net result ??
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Old 31-03-2010, 21:20   #86
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Re: Nuisance telephone calls.

It is a fact that when a an MP's letter is recieved, it has to be replied to within a few days.
Whenever you are getting delay tactics from a government department, or being 'fobbed off' - just get your MP involved and it will get immediate undivided attention.

That was the procedure when I was in service, and I recently tested that it still is, when I advised a friend to use that method, and he got instant results.

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Old 02-04-2010, 09:55   #87
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Re: Nuisance telephone calls.

Got a cracker yesterday, I pick up the phone voice on the other end is Asian who spoke English very badly, Mr Farrer, I am duty bound to tell you your computer isn't working properly pardon I say, I am duty bound to tell you that your computer isn't working properly, yes it is I've just been using, it its perfect, I am duty get the drift. If you turn on your computer I will put it right, I'm duty bound..............think he got the message when I told him to walk away in wet footsteps,
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Old 02-04-2010, 10:19   #88
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Re: Nuisance telephone calls.

My dear old Ma(82, and doesn't know one end of a computer from another) had a similar call whilst I was there.....unfortunately it was himself who picked up the phone and he is courtesy personified.....if it had been me the person would have got very short shrift.

I had a call yesterday from BT.......not unusual as I am a customer of theirs, and this gives them the right to call me....except that I had a call just two days ago for the same purpose....I have my line rental with them and my broadband, but not my calls....they have been trying every which way to get me to bring my calls back to them...but I have a decent deal with another supplier(especially for calls to Oz...which BT can't match).......the girl set off on her spiel......until I interrupted and told her to cut to the chase.
It was an attempt to get me to have my calls with BT......I told her that I had had the same call only a couple of days earlier, and at that time I had asked to be removed from their calling list, as I was satisfied with my current provider....and were this to change I was quite capable of making other arrangements.......and that if this were not satisfactory to BT I would remove all my business from BT and go to the provider of my calls.
I asked if she understood what I was saying?
She said she did.......I asked if we had a deal?
She said we i hung up.
I am not holding my breath though.
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Old 17-04-2010, 14:15   #89
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Re: Nuisance telephone calls.

They have come up with another way round PCL, got a call yesterday, hello, Mr Farrer, yes, my name is _________ I would like to give you a quote, stop I say, you shouldn't be calling me I'm on the preferred callers list, oh but we are only contacting you because you filled in a survey, oh no I didn't, I don't fill surveys in, then it stops people like you spoiling my afternoon, well i'm not arguing with you mr Farrer, I know your not, now sod off and don't call me again, think he go the message
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Old 17-04-2010, 19:25   #90
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Re: Nuisance telephone calls.

Another way that they seem to have got round it is by saying that they are doing market research! I had three calls last night, all from companies who said that the TPS didn't refer to them as they were doing market research.

They might well have been doing market research but their subject matter seemed remarkably like companies that are selling - windows, timeshare and I can't remember what the third was. I suspect that if I'd let them continue with their supposed market research they would have asked at the end if they could contact me again at a later date, thus giving them permission to ring me to 'sell' me something.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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