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Old 29-01-2010, 17:49   #1
Senior Member+

Old dog that needs caring for.

IF, and I stress IF, it came to the situation that an old dog (14 yrs) needed cleaning up and needed a really nice new home, one where it would get plenty of excercise, where would I find out? (other than the kennels I mean)
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Accrington Web
Old 29-01-2010, 23:26   #2
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Bob97531's Avatar

Re: Old dog that needs caring for.

A dog is for life, no matter what, unless you really really can't keep it, moving etc where no pets allowed I would say stick with it, its not got long left now and would much prefer to spend its last quality days with someone it loved and trusted....

Just my 2 penith

Hope it works out in the end.

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Old 30-01-2010, 03:02   #3
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Polly_45's Avatar

Re: Old dog that needs caring for.

Im of no help sorry because i like bob believe a dog is for life,but by the same token if your circumstances have changed and you no longer are able to care for the dog,my first port of call would be a rescue society most let the dog stay with its owner until a new home is found.
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Old 30-01-2010, 09:07   #4

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Re: Old dog that needs caring for.

You have both assumed it is her dog, I suspect it is someone elses.
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Old 30-01-2010, 09:45   #5
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Old dog that needs caring for.

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
You have both assumed it is her dog, I suspect it is someone elses.
I'm with Neil on that one, the dog may be in an untidy state because the owner is no longer fit to look after it and although tried to keep it, has reluctantly been persuaded to part with it for the good of both of them.

Sorry I can't help any towards re-housing.
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Old 30-01-2010, 12:46   #6
Senior Member+

Re: Old dog that needs caring for.

Hi, sorry, you are correct. Didnt really want to put too much up on the site. It is certainly not my dog, but my neighbours who got rushed into hospital on Friday morning. I fear she wont be coming back to her home, in the meantime I have now "acquired" a dog, a very sad dog I might add. Just dont know what to do for the best.
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Old 30-01-2010, 17:26   #7
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Re: Old dog that needs caring for.

Dogs Trust...but i don't know how you would get in touch with them(other than googling the answer) never know, some good soul(there are a few of those) on here may step in and offer the old dog a Less, the canine, not you.
I am sorry that you are left with such a quandary.
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Old 30-01-2010, 18:24   #8
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Re: Old dog that needs caring for.

It can sometimes be the case that no matter how much we want to keep a loved pet we cannot, perhaps because people move house and do not have any choice yet cannot take animals with them, or because of babies arriving or someone in the family becomes allergic.

The rescue centres are a good place to try, although I hear that they are often overflowing with animals and will not take more on, as such we make an exception on Hyndburn/BUrnley/Pendle Realcycle & Rossendale Freecycle to allow people to advertise that they have a pet that needs rehoming.

And before anyone cries that we are letting people give away animals as if they are household goods, that is not the case - we are just providing a base of over 4000+ local people to help find an animal a new home, anyone offering animals gets send an email with advice on how to choose a new home and to date, despite peoples fears we have not heard of a single animal being harmed through recycling groups helping rehome them - we have however heard many accounts of new homes being found for animals who are living happily in their new homes.
Perhaps a better opportunity than a card in a corner shop, NO wanted posts for animals are allowed, we redirect people to the local animal welfare groups instead.

The advice given is as follows, but if you get rally stuck for a new home then try the local recycling groups.
Hyndburn or Rossendale or Burnley and Pendle

The email everyone offering animals gets is as follows.. (The $ words are substitution fields that have other info in).

Hello, While your post is sent out to the group, can I pass on
some words of advice that are being passed around by other Freecycle/Realcycle
owners for people needing to give their pets away.

** Also, please look right at the end of this email for a list of
animal sanctuaries.

Your Local $groupname Group Moderators.

"Hello $groupname Member,

This letter is to aide you in finding the best new home for your pet.

Finding a home is not as simple as the first person who responds to
your notification. Unfortunately, that home may not be suitable and
only you will know this.

First a warning - If you receive any negative emails, due to your
posting, from any member of your Group, please forward the
entire e-mail to your Moderator. We need to be aware of any transgression of the
etiquette rules.

Here at $groupname, we understand that you have a large network of
people from which to see if you can find a home - within that we ask
that you be 100% responsible in placing your cherished pet with a new

Here is the criteria we strongly recommend you follow:

1) Wait at least 48 hours to see all responses to your posting.

2) Then email back each responder and ask them a few questions about
their family situation and household situation (such as: How many
members are in your family? Have you had pets before? Are you sure
there are no allergies to pets?).

3) Then choose which family you will "interview" first.

4) Notify that family and choose a meeting time when all members of
the family will be present - take the pet with you - on a leash if

5) Go to the house and make sure you look around carefully. (Is there
a yard? Is there a fence? Are there other animals - how do they
interact? Are there young children - how do they interact? Is this
house suitable? Is this family suitable? Also, you need to look around
and make a bit of a judgment call on whether or not this person can
afford this pet... not everyone should own a pet when there are vet
bills involved, especially dogs!).

6) Choose if this is the family for this pet and if not, be gracious
in saying, I am sorry I do not think "Buster" would be suited to your

7) Try again.

Once you find the family, why not try a trial run for a couple days?
If he is well adjusting then you know your job is done and if not,
then you can try again with a different prospective home.

9) Leave the family your contact information so if they need to have
you pull Buster out, then they can reach you. Also leave them the
information on the pet's vet of the past and a medical history.

Now, I know this looks like a lot, but it is for the protection of
you, your pet and the new family.

All we ask is that you be 100% responsible for the placement of your
pet. If you can not take it on this way, then we ask that you contact
your local shelter and allow them to complete the task for you. Most rescues
screen homes prior to placement, so they are a viable option.

If your pet is a challenging pet for any reason, please utilize the
option of a Rescue group or Shelter right away. DO NOT attempt to find
a new home for a pet if it is known to nip, bite or attack in any way.
Also this would apply if the animal was caught as a stray. Allow that
animal to go to a shelter and be properly assessed and prepared for a
new household.

Good luck in your search for a new home - we hope that it is a successful one"

Hyndburn Stray Dogs in Need
3, Norden View, Rishton, Blackburn, Lancashire BB1 4EB
Tel: 01254 875990

Animals in Distress Sanctuary
Pennisfield Farm, 55, Silver St, Irlam, Manchester, Lancashire M44 6HT
Tel: 0161 775 2221 Emergency 24 Hrs: 07850 605283

Leach Farm, Swaindrod Lane, Littleborough, Lancashire OL15 0LE
Tel: 01706 371731

205, St. Georges Rd, Bolton, Lancashire BL1 2PG
Tel: 01204 521160

Bleakholt Animal Sanctuary
Bury Old Rd, Ramsbottom, Bury, Lancashire BL0 0RX
Tel: 01706 822577

Pets In Need (Lancs)
Reynards Bank, Turton Rd, Tottington, Bury, Lancashire BL8 3QE
Tel: 01204 883846

Holker House Farm, Whinney Hill Rd, Altham, Accrington, Lancashire BB5 5UU
Tel: 01254 231118

Destitute Animal Shelter
1, Northolt Drive, Bolton, Lancashire BL3 6NJ
Tel: 01204 526486

Animal Welfare Liaison Network
Red Shell Lane, Oswaldtwistle, Accrington, Lancashire BB5 3RW
Tel: 01254 239995

Carr Hall
2, Carr Hall Cottage,
Duddon Avenue,
Tel: 01254 703253

PDSA PetAid hospital
7 Warwick Road South
Old Trafford
Greater Manchester
M16 0JW
Tel: 0161 881 0222
Website: PDSA - Home Page

PDSA PetAid hospital
47 Hawes Side Lane
Tel: 01253 838585
Website: PDSA - Home Page

Southport PetAid practice location
Tel: 0800 731 2502 for details of practices
Website: PDSA - Home Page

PDSA PetAid hospital
Woolfall Heath Avenue
L36 3YD
Tel: 0151 480 2288
Website: PDSA - Home Page

PDSA PetAid hospital
36/40 Richmond Terrace
L6 5EA
Tel: 0151 260 8064
Website: PDSA - Home Page

Thank you,

Your $groupname group moderators.
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Old 30-01-2010, 19:02   #9
Resting in Peace

katex's Avatar

Re: Old dog that needs caring for.

That's very helpful Mattylad .. sure Atarah will feel the same.
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Old 30-01-2010, 19:54   #10
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Re: Old dog that needs caring for.

Cheers Katex..
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Old 02-02-2010, 21:13   #11
Senior Member+

Re: Old dog that needs caring for.

Just catching up with Accyweb messages. Have sent a pm to Mattylad for all his help and advice. The dog has now been put into "temporary" care with Aspen Valley Kennels, so hopefully he will now be looked after until such time as his owner can have him back.
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