23-04-2008, 18:32
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Re: period pains
Originally Posted by flashytart
as most of you know, i have PCOS and up until January this year i hadnt had a period in nearly 3 years....hence the 2 1/2 stone i have put on over this time, i had one in January and hadnt had one since, until today, for the last week i have had awful pains in my ovaries which have been cripling, so bad that even in the car i've had to ask Richard to stop so i can take my seatbelt off and draw my knees up to my chest, the pains have even made me sick...now i've done the whole feminax and hot water bottle thing and its not helped one bit, maybe because its not my tummy but my ovaries where the pain is, i've had paracetamol, ibuprofen and anadin, can anyone suggest anything else i could try cos its killing me, hence me not being on here for a couple of days
hi !i just found this post. i also have PCOS ,try neurafen extra , it has codeine in it too but works for me.I used to have Distalgesic from the docs but you cant get that anymore. I was treated with something called Dianette and that seemed to sort things out and i went on to have 2 kids naturally, also,boring but true ,exercise helps! hope this has been of some use to you! 
welcome to wherever you are