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Old 29-11-2007, 20:46   #16
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Re: potty training

try saying you forgot to get them... and just 'find' one at night
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....

I finally found someone daft enough to marry me, my wonderboy is 11, my monkeygirl is 3 and my bananaman is 2, my beautiful little flower was born in feb 2012
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Old 29-11-2007, 20:47   #17
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Re: potty training

nah... ive got loads of kids

yeah, i worked in a nursery.... lady of leisure at the mo
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....

I finally found someone daft enough to marry me, my wonderboy is 11, my monkeygirl is 3 and my bananaman is 2, my beautiful little flower was born in feb 2012
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Old 29-11-2007, 21:37   #18
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Re: potty training

2.5 years of age is the right age to start, in my opinion. I don't think that children are ready before then. Once you have decided to start, buy some underwear, possibly with one of his favourite characters on e.g Bob the Builder or Thomas the Tank Engine, and never put a nappy on him again during the day. If you put nappies on him when out shopping or in the car then it leads to confusion as the child can't figure out when it's ok to just wee and when they need to let you know first. Don't bother with pull-ups. This also confuses them and they need to feel the effects of weeing in their underwear.

Explain to the child what you want him to do and no matter how many accidents, don't go back to nappies during the day or all your previous efforts will have been for nothing and you will be back to square one. Persevere. Keep nappies for naps and night time only.

When he does go in the potty make sure you give lots of praise, hand clapping etc.

When he has been dry for 2/3 weeks during the day you can try leaving the nappy off at nap time but I would wait until he's nearer to 3 years old before leaving the nappy off at night time.

I'm only sharing what worked for me. I did this with my two and day time potty training only took 2 weeks before they got the hang of it.
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Old 29-11-2007, 22:43   #19
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Re: potty training

Hey misskitty have a word with our nic if ya havent already , shes just gone through it with little un .. good luck hun
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Old 29-11-2007, 23:02   #20
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Re: potty training

Originally Posted by cherokee View Post
Hey misskitty have a word with our nic if ya havent already , shes just gone through it with little un .. good luck hun
yea shes gona give me that potty that Ethan uses at the mo (how nice is that of her!) cos Jacks not keen on his normal one.....shes a star

*OI Nic where are ya????*

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Old 29-11-2007, 23:47   #21
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Re: potty training

Originally Posted by misskitty View Post
yea shes gona give me that potty that Ethan uses at the mo (how nice is that of her!) cos Jacks not keen on his normal one.....shes a star

*OI Nic where are ya????*

havent seen her on tonight. she,s prob still rofl @ me trying to tell her what to get her dad for xmas over the phone while her dad was sat at side of me.. omg it was hilarious ..pmsl!!!
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Old 30-11-2007, 08:14   #22
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Re: potty training

I'm here! Nothing really to add, apart from I got him special 'big boy' spider underpants so he really didnt want to wee on them. I also got one of those padded toilet seats that they can sit on, cos i know even know he gets nervous when he's sat on a big toilet.

Just lots of praise, and making yaself look a fool when they go on the potty lol! He still wears on for his afternoon nap and at night time, but a lot of the time, if he's wearing it when he's drifting off to sleep, he'll take it off and go the toilet now. Theres no way I can keep him out of them for his nap, as he is still weeing when he's asleep

And when you decide to do it, you really have to commit to it. The amount of drains he's peed in is unreal when we've been down town or whatever, even thought it would have been easier to throw a nappy on him for an hour. You would have thought it would make sense for the toilets to be the last thing that are closed in the Arndale, AFTER the car park, but no! lol.

Oh and me father came up with an idea of putting a ping pong ball in the toilet bowl as it encourages them to aim for it when peeing so more fun. Then again, he's always been a little strange pmsl
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Old 30-11-2007, 09:24   #23
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Re: potty training

if he is not taking to the potty, ask dad or grandad to show him how to use the toilet, little boys or facinated by toilets and will be impressed by standing up to wee.. also, if you use those blue toilet blocks the water turns from blue to green when you go, my little lad loved that and its educational 2... make sure he see's others using the toilet so that he knows that everyone has to do it..

if he still uses his nappy try emptying the contents into the potty, giving him lots of praise while its in there then show him that you flush it away in the toilets.. he needs to see that this is where its supposed to go..

if all else fails..... show him how to use the potty, you can borow my little lad, he will pee anywhere

just to add that when i have a little one potty training i group them with a bigger kid at toilet time, children want to be like their peers and this will get them using the toilet better than an adult trying to get them to do it.. sticker charts are good too, he gets a small sticker everytime he sits on the pot and a big one for using it, then he can trade the stickers in for something he wants......
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....

I finally found someone daft enough to marry me, my wonderboy is 11, my monkeygirl is 3 and my bananaman is 2, my beautiful little flower was born in feb 2012

Last edited by emamum; 30-11-2007 at 09:28.
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Old 30-11-2007, 09:38   #24
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Re: potty training

Heh, Siobhan has this thing about wanting a wee when we are in the cafe. Only there are no toilets there. She won't just 'crouch' so I found a back alley with a wheelie bin in, opened the lid and put some wipes on the edges. She will happily perch there and wee for England! Only problem is now she won't go on them when they are full so its a fun time.

Commitiment is the word. and don't be embarrased when they do it in teh middle of a shop/cafe/etc. Anyone who's been a parent understands fully whats your going through!

BTW, you can get a 'portable' potty that is sort of a toilet seat with bags and a huge absorbant pad. They aren't much from that kids shop on Abbey Street opposite Greg Popes.

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Old 30-11-2007, 09:42   #25
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Re: potty training

i had one of them... its a fold out potty with a carrier bag with a big sanitary towel in the bottom... you can get them from wilkinsons 2.
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....

I finally found someone daft enough to marry me, my wonderboy is 11, my monkeygirl is 3 and my bananaman is 2, my beautiful little flower was born in feb 2012
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Old 30-11-2007, 10:14   #26
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Re: potty training

i have a boy same age,
1st of all wait till after winter, with the cold weather outside they will need a wee more often, plus is not good to train them on winter.
2nd, boy are a bit more lazy than girls so like everything it will take time, my son was well lazy, started walking at 17 months.
3rd dont push it cuz the more you trying the worse it gets, they will do it when they feel like it, after all they are babys and thats the way they do it
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Old 08-01-2008, 10:58   #27
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Re: potty training

Jack doesn't wear a nappy in bed now....(he kept taking his nappy off when i put him in bed and NEVER wet himself so now i dont put one on him)...his had 1 accident in 2 weeks!
AND.....he has nappies during the day when we go out or if he wants a poo but doesn't wear one in the house and he wees in.....wait for it.....a biscuit tin!(he doesnt like his potty)he's posh though-its an Marks and spencers biscuit tin not going to stop him doing this, although Corker and myself can't help laughing when we hear the noise of Jack peeing in a tin
Thankfully we had finished the xmas biscuits first!
Has anyone else had children weeing in something other than a potty?

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Old 08-01-2008, 11:25   #28

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Re: potty training

Originally Posted by misskitty View Post
Anyone got any hints/tips RE potty training?
Yep it's easy, I know I have 5 kids.

I always found the easiest way was to let my wife do it
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Old 08-01-2008, 11:28   #29
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Re: potty training

lol @ his choice of a biscuit tin! At least he's making progress though.

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Old 08-01-2008, 12:07   #30
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Re: potty training

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
Yep it's easy, I know I have 5 kids.

I always found the easiest way was to let my wife do it
Poor Romps......i heard the last one still hasn't succeeded in making it to the toilet on time-what size nappies you in Neil?

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