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01-08-2007, 12:13
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Re: pregnant
about the digestives does that include choccy digestives
yummy mummy !!!!!!
01-08-2007, 13:09
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Re: pregnant
1st pregnancy = NIGHTMARE!!!!
Sick all the way through, in hospital all the way through having to be put on a drip because I was so dehydrated through being sick, so never really found a cure lol. Only time it stopped was when he was born.
drank Gaviscon out of the bottle like pop because the heart burn was horrendous
Then needed a bloody transfusion because I was very anemic and it was dangerous to give birth while my bloods were too low.
Then at 8 month he decided to be breech, and my consultant turned him around ( which was a success he stayed there thank god) but this started me off in labor which was too early, so I was in hospital to stop the labour.
Then when I did go into labor it took 36 hours for him to put in a appearance!!.......... and he is still hard work now!!! lol.
2nd pregnancy - went like a dream!!! only sick til about 10 weeks, and a 8hr labor which was great, no stitches and out same day.
Funny how 2 pregnancies can be so different.
good luck with your baby!!!
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??
Miracles do happen!!
01-08-2007, 18:42
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Re: pregnant
I used terry nappies for both of my kids, it is what is best for you at the end of the day. I went mad for jaffa cakes with my first, no cravings with the second, just went off certain foods that I enjoyed when I wasn't pregnant. Got to agree with the others on the dry biscuit solution for morning sickness, as for breast feeding again that is your choice. Just enjoy your pregnancy and make your own decisions. Congratulations
01-08-2007, 21:42
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Re: pregnant
I craved ice with my first pregnancy and ham salad t cakes dipped in fresh orange juice.
icy things and choc with my second. With my two boys I went off coffee and could only drink tea.
I couldn't stand the smell of fried food.
I thought I'd seen the back of all the cravings and the horrendous heart burn after having my last child, but oh, noooo. I find my self being a pregnant Nana.
I find myself having a sympathy pregnancy for MUMMIBOO each time she's pregnant.
I get the cravings the heartburn the backache ect, etc, etc.
With this pregnancy of hers the craving has been for jelly. I hope this is going to be the last baby I'm getting to old for all this suffering.
has Margaret said the colostrum is the best bit for baby if you don't want to breast feed.
I fed all mine on cow and gate.
nappies I used terry's for three of them but was advised to use disposables for the last one.
Just go with the flow and enjoy your pregnancy.
Last edited by Mick; 02-08-2007 at 04:27.
02-08-2007, 07:37
Full Member+
Re: pregnant
Hi Congratulations on your pregnancy, Plain Digestive before getting out of bed helped my morning sickness, nappies I used terry's but only because it was so long ago disposables hadn't really come into their own. they say breast fed is best fed but it is a personal choice I bottle fed both mine, cravings with the 1st smarties and ice lollies with the 2nd banana and silverskin onion butties, couldn't get enough of them. If I was you I'd do what ever you feel comfortable with and good luck.
02-08-2007, 09:43
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Re: pregnant
keep it coming
yummy mummy !!!!!!
02-08-2007, 09:45
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Re: pregnant
thank you all
yummy mummy !!!!!!
02-08-2007, 09:46
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Re: pregnant
i have totally gone off the smell of cooked meet or even looking at it i feel sick any thing at all with meet in
yummy mummy !!!!!!
02-08-2007, 09:51
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Re: pregnant
Congratulations I cant give advice but im finding this topic helpfull also as im 10 weeks pregnant with my first baby. no sickness yet, no cravings, but i do have sciatica
02-08-2007, 09:57
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Re: pregnant
Originally Posted by kathleen_firth
about the digestives does that include choccy digestives
no just plain digestives ,but plenty of choccy ones during the day if you like,
02-08-2007, 10:04
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Re: pregnant
Originally Posted by armani
Congratulations I cant give advice but im finding this topic helpfull also as im 10 weeks pregnant with my first baby. no sickness yet, no cravings, but i do have sciatica
congradulations to yourself to..
and thank you
yummy mummy !!!!!!
02-08-2007, 11:59
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Re: pregnant
Originally Posted by slinky
Sick all the way through, in hospital all the way through having to be put on a drip because I was so dehydrated through being sick, so never really found a cure lol. Only time it stopped was when he was born.
I was exactly the same I was on Stematil Tablets throughout (not that they did much.) I also had to have Stematil Injections when I was in labour. 3 bloodys days I was at it!!!! I had type of pain relief during labour!
I also had Obstetric Cholestasis which is a condition in the Liver during pregnancy the symptoms are terrible itching. I scratched myself till i bled - it was frightening! Safe to say I won't be rushing into another one anytime soon (not that i'd change the one I have for the world!  )
As for cravings i craved any potato product! It didnt matter what it was as long as it was made out of potatoes i'd eat it. I used to make a plate full of roast potatoes and put cranberry sauce all over the top.
I tried to breast feed but Harry wouldn't take to it. Some babies don't, so the nurses started him on bottles and he was fine. I'm really glad now that he was on bottles.
Nappies wise, I have always used Pampers I can't comment on any others because Pampers is all i've ever used and they're brilliant. They last all night if they are sleeping through.
Congratultions & Good Luck with the pregnancy.
02-08-2007, 12:33
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Re: pregnant
Is this our first baby? Just reading some of the replies about sickness and long labour would frighten anybody. Don't suppose you are thinking that far ahead, if I was you I would just try to enjoy the pregnancy as much as you can and look forward to a beautiful, healthy baby. Try not to worry about anything, it will all be worth it when you get to hold your baby. GOOD LUCK.
02-08-2007, 16:10
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Re: pregnant
lol yea this is my first but wierdly i am quite prepared at the mi nute for the labour and stuff but when its time im sure i will of changed my mind
yummy mummy !!!!!!
02-08-2007, 17:07
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Re: pregnant
Originally Posted by kathleen_firth
lol yea this is my first but wierdly i am quite prepared at the mi nute for the labour and stuff but when its time im sure i will of changed my mind
Best way to be, sure everything will be fine 
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