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02-08-2007, 20:46
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Re: pregnant
Hiya and congratulations!
My wife's 33 weeks with our first. She's had cravings for jelly babies, ribena and maltesers.
We're also thinking about the real nappies but they are quite expensive and the washing of them would start to annoy me.
The place would start to look like widow twankeys!
02-08-2007, 20:49
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Re: pregnant
God i remember my pregnancy like it was yesterday even though my son is 2 next month, morning sickness was 24/7, coudnt smell nothing fried so sundays at my bf's mum was a no no.
Nappies i have to go for pampers, for me the best ones, i used huggies once and they are crap.
Breastfeeding coudnt do it cuz my baby wasnt gettin enough milk, but it was good in a way because it was so tiring for the 1st week i did it.
Now a days midwifes bully you to breastfeed, it is not a choice anymore, i remember when i told my midwife that i coudnt breastfeed she told me i wasnt trying hard enough, she was a cow.
I think mothers should have the choice wether to breastfeed or bottle feed and leave it up to us what to do without the bad faces.
You should do what u think is best for you, it is hard when u a 1st time mum because you worried wether u are doing things well or not, i was very lucky to have my bf mum and my mum helping me but to be honest you end up knowing what to do all by yourself.
Good luck with the pregnancy!
02-08-2007, 20:56
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Re: pregnant
Ladies ,a daft question maybe but what do you all think your breasts are there for ?  It ain't to put a smile on the man in your life. I am no breast feeding bully but you should at the very least give it a try. You owe it to your baby, ok I admit it's blummen painful to start with but,hey, if you just went thru labour it's nothing in comparison. And it does get easier,and it's cheaper,and it's better for both you and your baby. End of sermon.
"Cover up those table legs Mother, they are inflaming my sexual ardour ! "
02-08-2007, 21:03
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Re: pregnant
Originally Posted by lindsay ormerod
Ladies ,a daft question maybe but what do you all think your breasts are there for ?  It ain't to put a smile on the man in your life. I am no breast feeding bully but you should at the very least give it a try. You owe it to your baby, ok I admit it's blummen painful to start with but,hey, if you just went thru labour it's nothing in comparison. And it does get easier,and it's cheaper,and it's better for both you and your baby. End of sermon.
I dont think its bad i managed to give all the colostrum to my baby but he wasnt getting enough, the health visitor told me to give my baby bottle, i cried beause i felt useless but there was nothin i could do.
02-08-2007, 21:04
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Re: pregnant
Originally Posted by lindsay ormerod
Ladies ,a daft question maybe but what do you all think your breasts are there for ?  It ain't to put a smile on the man in your life. I am no breast feeding bully but you should at the very least give it a try. You owe it to your baby, ok I admit it's blummen painful to start with but,hey, if you just went thru labour it's nothing in comparison. And it does get easier,and it's cheaper,and it's better for both you and your baby. End of sermon.
II'm sure we are all aware of Mother Nature's intentions for our breasts  .Of course breast feeding is the ideal.All you can do is give it a go but it's not for everybody.Some women can't,some women just don't want to.The most important thing is that we have a happy and healthy mum and a happy and healthy baby.There's a lot of pressure these days.Nobody should be made to feel like a bad mother just because they've decided to bottle feed.Cow and Gate and SMA are not the work of the devil 
02-08-2007, 21:08
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Re: pregnant
Originally Posted by Lilly
II'm sure we are all aware of Mother Nature's intentions for our breasts  .Of course breast feeding is the ideal.All you can do is give it a go but it's not for everybody.Some women can't,some women just don't want to.The most important thing is that we have a happy and healthy mum and a happy and healthy baby.There's a lot of pressure these days.Nobody should be made to feel like a bad mother just because they've decided to bottle feed.Cow and Gate and SMA are not the work of the devil 
That is very true Sma its brilliant
02-08-2007, 21:14
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Re: pregnant
LOL Lindsay midwifery sermen there, but yes i did try it for a month before it all got too much for me & the grumpy eldest, 2 bleeding sore cracked nips & having to feed on both alternatively painful, i lost too much weight after a short time - feeding on demand was literally demanding, never got much chance to eat myself, tired so bad even fell asleep with baby attached to nips & even got to the point baby fell off bed during - enough to scare the pants off me, i couldnt go out do much cos of the demand feeding, baby never was full, the stress got too much for both of us!! Try telling that to a midwife with no kids of her own for experience, bullied me badly to keep it up, but i just got more weaker, so enough was enough & ended breast feeding gradually till bottle weaned, still was a greedy baby but least we both got nurished & the realisation of how skinny i became - even lost me boobs it knocked my confidence & femininity with myself. But i can say i tried & that month was enough to protect the baby. Didnt bother subsequently bottles was the start to finish with the other bottle all teh way & i got me boobs back - just.
Breast feeding is like owt else - an art to master & better suited for some people more than others, no harm to try but should be choice if the mother should feel its not best for them after trying as the baby picks up tension easily it becomes hard for both of them becoming a chore or a pain is no good, u should enjoy your time with your baby - cos they certainly dont get any easier as they grow each year lol
Last edited by accymel; 02-08-2007 at 21:16.
02-08-2007, 21:17
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Re: pregnant
Originally Posted by lindsay ormerod
Ladies ,a daft question maybe but what do you all think your breasts are there for ?  It ain't to put a smile on the man in your life. I am no breast feeding bully but you should at the very least give it a try. You owe it to your baby, ok I admit it's blummen painful to start with but,hey, if you just went thru labour it's nothing in comparison. And it does get easier,and it's cheaper,and it's better for both you and your baby. End of sermon.
Unfortunately not eveyone is able to breast feed, even if they want to. I gave it my all but because Siobhan had a tounge tie she couldn't latch on properly, she lost a full 1lb in a matter of days. We had to go back into hospital, the midwifes made me feel that bad i felt compelled to attend breast feeding classes even though the teacher told them there was no point as I was doing everything correctly.
I persevered with trying to breast feed for 6 weeks but also had to bottle feed to top her up.
We did try our absolute best and Siobhan did get as much of mummy's milk as we could give her but don't feel bad if you can't as many people from accyweb will tell you she will steal your hearts and is a picture of health and energy.

02-08-2007, 21:19
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Re: pregnant
Originally Posted by accymel
LOL Lindsay midwifery sermen there, but yes i did try it for a month before it all got too much for me & the grumpy eldest, 2 bleeding sore cracked nips & having to feed on both alternatively painful, i lost too much weight after a short time - feeding on demand was literally demanding, never got much chance to eat myself, tired so bad even fell asleep with baby attached to nips & even got to the point baby fell off bed during - enough to scare the pants off me, i couldnt go out do much cos of the demand feeding, baby never was full, the stress got too much for both of us!! Try telling that to a midwife with no kids of her own for experience, bullied me badly to keep it up, but i just got more weaker, so enough was enough & ended breast feeding gradually till bottle weaned, still was a greedy baby but least we both got nurished & the realisation of how skinny i became - even lost me boobs it knocked my confidence & femininity with myself. But i can say i tried & that month was enough to protect the baby. Didnt bother subsequently bottles was the start to finish with the other bottle all teh way & i got me boobs back - just.
Breast feeding is like owt else - an art to master & better suited for some people more than others, no harm to try but should be choice if the mother should feel its not best for them after trying as the baby picks up tension easily it becomes hard for both of them becoming a chore or a pain is no good, u should enjoy your time with your baby - cos they certainly dont get any easier as they grow each year lol
That was brilliant, left me speechless.
02-08-2007, 21:20
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Re: pregnant
U can definatelty say that again Julie when i got the pleasure of meeting her - pen all down the legs she discovered that they were portable paper hehehehehehehe 
02-08-2007, 21:24
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Re: pregnant
Originally Posted by accymel
Breast feeding is like owt else - an art to master & better suited for some people more than others, no harm to try but should be choice if the mother should feel its not best for them after trying as the baby picks up tension easily it becomes hard for both of them becoming a chore or a pain is no good, u should enjoy your time with your baby - cos they certainly dont get any easier as they grow each year lol
Agree 100%.

02-08-2007, 21:27
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Re: pregnant
Originally Posted by accymel
LOL Lindsay midwifery sermen there, but yes i did try it for a month before it all got too much for me & the grumpy eldest, 2 bleeding sore cracked nips & having to feed on both alternatively painful, i lost too much weight after a short time - feeding on demand was literally demanding, never got much chance to eat myself, tired so bad even fell asleep with baby attached to nips & even got to the point baby fell off bed during - enough to scare the pants off me, i couldnt go out do much cos of the demand feeding, baby never was full, the stress got too much for both of us!! Try telling that to a midwife with no kids of her own for experience, bullied me badly to keep it up, but i just got more weaker, so enough was enough & ended breast feeding gradually till bottle weaned, still was a greedy baby but least we both got nurished & the realisation of how skinny i became - even lost me boobs it knocked my confidence & femininity with myself.
Sounds like you had a really bad time there, Accymel.You have my sympathy.It makes me mad that there are still the breast feeding mafia out there ready to wag the finger at anyone who can't/doesn't want to breast feed,even after hearing about miserable experiences like yours they still try to make you feel like a wimp for going on to bottles.LEAVE US ALONE.These are probably the same people that whip themselves accross their backs as they try to beat the devil out and think the pain is good.. 
Last edited by Lilly; 02-08-2007 at 21:29.
02-08-2007, 21:33
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Re: pregnant
Ooooooh see what a can of worms you've opened now Lindsay Ormerod? 
02-08-2007, 21:35
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Re: pregnant
 got me reminissing on that thought - blumming breast pads, arnt they useless [cotton pad thing to insert in bra when breast feeding to stop embarrising leaks] erm nope more embarassing was them making an appearance during xmas dinner with the new grandparents  so not only leaks to worry about but the pads themselves popping out or falling out LOL!!  those were the days - have they improved or do they still do the same ??? longest month of me life oh & ringing the ward once after being discharged - cos they dont warn u about bleeding quite a bit do they?? & i thought me nip was going to drop off & panicking whether i'd have to be re-admitted  pmsl i can laugh now but then was really worrying at the time LOL - yes apparently was normal but when its your 1st time what is normal??
02-08-2007, 21:40
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Re: pregnant
No can of worms, just my opinion. If you have given it a try and for whatever reason it's not happening then fair enough . I just think that all mums should try it and then make their minds up. I didn't say it was easy and no one should feel like they have failed if they can't do it , but if possible give it a go. BTW it's 11 years ago since I did it and I still remember it being like slamming yer nips in a fridge door to start with !
"Cover up those table legs Mother, they are inflaming my sexual ardour ! "
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