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01-03-2008, 21:55
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Re: pregnant
wow i hope it dont go by that quick lol
im off now as I have to sorce some more heartburn medicene from somewhere now, O the joy's lmao
01-03-2008, 22:48
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Re: pregnant
Originally Posted by flashytart
i had a c section with Reece, i was back on my feet the day after (well after the morphine had worn off)
well urs must of been a very quick one cuz i ws 5 days in hospital
01-03-2008, 22:53
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Re: pregnant
Originally Posted by Yolanda25
well urs must of been a very quick one cuz i ws 5 days in hospital
LMFAO ...... I have never had one, and will never have one ( baby days are well and truly OVER ) but that statement doesn't make sense to me......lmao (( i'm still in stitches here )) can you opt for a quick C section?? or book a long one.............I really am curious now lmao.
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??
Miracles do happen!!
01-03-2008, 23:13
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Re: pregnant
i was 5 days in hospital, dont know if the reason i stayed so long is cuz mine was an emergency , i dont know, my sister in law had an emergency one as well and she was 4 or 5 days as well
01-03-2008, 23:14
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Re: pregnant
Originally Posted by Yolanda25
i was 5 days in hospital, dont know if the reason i stayed so long is cuz mine was an emergency , i dont know, my sister in law had an emergency one as well and she was 4 or 5 days as well
Ah right I see what you mean now 
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??
Miracles do happen!!
02-03-2008, 00:01
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Re: pregnant
i had a natural birth.. contractions started on weds tea time and ty finally arrived at 11.43 Saturday... its still hard to get him to hurry up!
He weighed 7lb 9oz he eats like a horse now and is still skinny but tall....
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....
I finally found someone daft enough to marry me, my wonderboy is 11, my monkeygirl is 3 and my bananaman is 2, my beautiful little flower was born in feb 2012
02-03-2008, 00:14
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Re: pregnant
Originally Posted by Yolanda25
well urs must of been a very quick one cuz i ws 5 days in hospital
i was in 5 days too, but i was up and about the day after....i had an emergency c section, i went into labour at the ante natal, he'd been breech for a while, he wasnt due till september 23rd but had him on september 11th
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
Last edited by flashy; 02-03-2008 at 00:17.
02-03-2008, 17:33
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Re: pregnant
Originally Posted by flashytart
i was in 5 days too, but i was up and about the day after....i had an emergency c section, i went into labour at the ante natal, he'd been breech for a while, he wasnt due till september 23rd but had him on september 11th
ohhh i get it, god i wish mine was like that, i was desperate for a fag the day after and they woudnt let me get out of bed
02-03-2008, 17:35
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Re: pregnant
mine was due september the 7th and came 25th august,this one is due 6th of september but if i have a c-section will be here sooner
02-03-2008, 18:52
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Re: pregnant
Originally Posted by Yolanda25
ohhh i get it, god i wish mine was like that, i was desperate for a fag the day after and they woudnt let me get out of bed
they didnt have a bloody choice, i was up, showered and off to the fag room before anyone noticed i'd gone....my c section scar hurt like mad, but i didnt want to be one of those stay in bed mums that cant do anything cos they'd had a section
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
02-03-2008, 19:37
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Re: pregnant
i had that thing for the urine dont know what is called well i do but i dont know how u spell it, anyway i asked to take it off and they woundt
02-03-2008, 19:40
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Re: pregnant
Originally Posted by Yolanda25
i had that thing for the urine dont know what is called well i do but i dont know how u spell it, anyway i asked to take it off and they woundt
they took mine out the morning after, and the blood drain
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
02-03-2008, 19:57
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Re: pregnant
i hope if i have another c-section that i dont have to stay there for long, i hate hospitals, the smell make me sick!
03-03-2008, 20:15
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Re: pregnant
Originally Posted by flashytart
they took mine out the morning after, and the blood drain
OMG the pain when they take that drain out.......its HORRIBLE 
as for walking the next day, i was too, but now they make ya, which is a good thing i suppose better than wearing those horrid socks 
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04-03-2008, 11:32
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Re: pregnant
My contractions started 8am Wednesday morning and I had him at 2.45am Sunday morning!!! My Dads a drummer in a band and I was that long he went and did a gig on Saturday night and got back before I had him.
I had every drug they could possibly give me, and a TENS Machine, before they finally agreed to give me an epidural. Then I had a forceps delivery. Was in hospital 3 days after. It wasn't nice!!
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