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Old 31-07-2007, 19:48   #1
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kathleen_firth's Avatar


hi im 16 weeks pregnant and got a few things on my mind that i thought i would get other peoples thought on

which nappies would be best the traditional terry nappies or the disposable one todays people use??

also what wierd cravings did you or have you got??
im craving cheese and chive chrisps at the minute

is breast feeding really better for baby??

is there anything i could do to prevent morning sickness??

give me your thoughts
yummy mummy !!!!!!
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Old 31-07-2007, 19:53   #2
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davo69's Avatar

Re: pregnant

wife loved pickels we started with terrys forget it you dont reuse toilet rolls
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Old 31-07-2007, 20:50   #3
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Less's Avatar
Re: pregnant

is breast feeding really better for baby??

Trying to think back, I think the answer was yes, but it wasn't bad for Dad either!
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Old 31-07-2007, 21:17   #4
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Re: pregnant

Originally Posted by kathleen_firth View Post
hi im 16 weeks pregnant and got a few things on my mind that i thought i would get other peoples thought on

which nappies would be best the traditional terry nappies or the disposable one todays people use??

also what wierd cravings did you or have you got??
im craving cheese and chive chrisps at the minute

is breast feeding really better for baby??

is there anything i could do to prevent morning sickness??

give me your thoughts
Hi,congratulations on your pregnancy.There are ups and downs to both terry nappies and disposables.The main downside of disposables being that they take 100 years or so to decompose so are bad for the environment but disposables are very quick,easy and convenient for you to use at home and when out and about.If you want to go for terry nappies and don't fancy washing them yourself there are companies that will collect them from you and fetch them back all nicely washed and ironed nowadays.Don't know the names of any of these companies or how much they charge as it's quite a new service round here and wasn't available when I had my kids.Perhaps there's some info on this on the internet.
I haven't got anything to say about cravings as I never experienced any
Breast milk is the ideal food for baby but there are lots of reasons why it doesn't work for everybody so don't beat yourself up about it if it doesn't work out for you and your baby.I gave it a go with my first born but didn't couldn't cope long term.I wasn't producing much and was very shy about where and who I would feed in front of so ended up using bottles after first two weeks.My advice would be to try breast feeding,just give it a go,you can always switch to bottles and you will not be doing your baby any harm whatsoever.It's all about what you feel happy with.
Morning/afternoon/all day sickness is just dreadful isn't it? Ginger is supposed to help so try munching some ginger biscuits.Thankfully the sickness passed for me by about the 3 month stage but you have my sympathy as it really is so debilitating.I used to lie still on the sofa,sipping water,if I was at home,feeling like I would vomit if I so much as moved.I hope it soon passes for you
You will probably hear plenty of advice,much of it conflicting,and people will be queuing up to share their birth experiences/horror stories/old wives tales with you.It can all be very confusing,I found.My advice would be to take the bits you like the sound of and discard the rest.I hope you enjoy the rest of your pregnancy and that all goes well for you
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Old 31-07-2007, 21:19   #5
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lancscat's Avatar

Re: pregnant

the best advice i can give is go with wot u feel comfy with,not wot
other people want you to do,i didnt crave anything with either of my two children,for morning sickness i ate a ginger biscuit that helped me loads,good luck ,take it easy and enjoy,xxxx
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Old 31-07-2007, 21:29   #6
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Re: pregnant

congratulations,i had bad morning sickness,the best thing i knew to stop it was digestive biscuits and crackers before i got out of bed in the morning,as for breast feeding i tried with all 3 of my babies and it was painful so i tried a breast pump and to tell you the truth they were a waste of time,so i had to give up,but there is more products that you could try out nowadays,my cravings were cheese and cowslaw and beetroot sandwiches,
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Old 01-08-2007, 00:31   #7
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Re: pregnant

Congrats !
I wasn't sick once thru my pregnancy, my baby girl was born by caesarian because she was breech, I had cravings for curry during pregnancy but went totally off lager, tea and coffee, and I breast fed her for 6 months, she still had the most awful colic for ages.
Listen to what your body tells you thru pregnancy and what your mum tells you after !
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Old 01-08-2007, 06:26   #8
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panther's Avatar

Re: pregnant

Originally Posted by kathleen_firth View Post
hi im 16 weeks pregnant and got a few things on my mind that i thought i would get other peoples thought on

which nappies would be best the traditional terry nappies or the disposable one todays people use??

also what wierd cravings did you or have you got??
im craving cheese and chive chrisps at the minute

is breast feeding really better for baby??

is there anything i could do to prevent morning sickness??

give me your thoughts

lets see.....for nappies i used pampers, didnt fancy the cloth ones, the thought of washing them everyday put me off!!
the craving i had were, muscles in a jar, and chocolate!!
breast is best for baby, but i used bottle, basically because you still have to watch what you eat, and take, and didnt fancy it myself!
as for morning sickness, wasnt that bad for my first, only lasted a few weeks, but my second was awful, was throwing up all the way through it!!!, but they say its your bodys way of getting rid of all the toxins for baby, so that doent seem so bad, but like everyone else, had ginger biscuits, that helped, if i had them next to me when i woke up, otherwise i was throwing up as soon as i stood up!!

BUT, wait till the heartburn comes!!, you might be lucky!
all pregnancys are different, you may be the lucky ones and sail through it, agree with me at all.......but its worth it in the end!!
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Old 01-08-2007, 07:39   #9
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Re: pregnant

Originally Posted by kathleen_firth View Post
hi im 16 weeks pregnant and got a few things on my mind that i thought i would get other peoples thought on

which nappies would be best the traditional terry nappies or the disposable one todays people use??

also what wierd cravings did you or have you got??
im craving cheese and chive chrisps at the minute

is breast feeding really better for baby??

is there anything i could do to prevent morning sickness??

give me your thoughts

i was lazy and used disposable nappies for reece, at first i used pampers, then huggies towards the nephew wears pampers now and my niece huggies and i must say that pampers are crap at the moment

i craved walkers ready salted crisps

a ginger biscuit before you get outta bed is supposed to work for morning sickness
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Old 01-08-2007, 07:40   #10
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Re: pregnant

oh i really should read other peoples posts before posting my own thoughts
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
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Old 01-08-2007, 08:25   #11
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Re: pregnant

I didn't get morning sickness with either of my pregnancies, I went off carrots and coffee with my first and coffee again with my second. I breast fed both, Ellie for 7 months and Robert is 9 months and still being breast fed due to cows milk allergy. You have to do what you feel comfortable with, as for nappies, we always use Pampers they're ok for us.
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Old 01-08-2007, 10:50   #12
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Re: pregnant

Well being 18 weeks pregnant with my 3rd im with ya! Nothing cleared my morning sickness so i just put up with it and it went by about week 10.

Disposable nappies for me but you can now get some nice colourful washable nappies called bambini look it up see about it.

Cravings well with becky i craved for ice, fruit n veg. with Jack my craving was to chew the bath sponge when it was used i couldnt go in the bathroom without chewing the sponge!! (weirdo).

This time i seem to be all over the place what i like now might make me feel ill tomorrow! i just got to go with it!!

Good luck and i hope all goes well for you chuck.
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Old 01-08-2007, 10:53   #13
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Re: pregnant

hi there, congrats on your pregnancy,..we are just about 8 months into ours so we dont have long to go...

in regards to the nappies..we opted for the re-usable ones as they are kinder to the environment and are cheaper than throw away ones...
the ones we went for are totsbots...I am sure its size 2 we got..and yes they do cost alot bout £240+ for a complete pack but you dont shell out anymore than that - compare that to the price of disposables over 2 years...
and that pack also inlcudes liners etc....but I have to say we got a discount as my sis. works for them in her spare time...but one reason also why we got re-usable nappies is because lancs council will give you a voucher worth £45 to help pay for an incentive to be eco friendly..
I dont have the persons email address just now but if you call the council and explain you want to apply for the nappie voucher they will put you through to alison ( I think thats her name)...thats all we did..

good luck
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Old 01-08-2007, 12:10   #14
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Re: pregnant

I think that you should try breast feeding for the first few days at the very least, because you will be giving your baby colostrum which is MORE than just milk
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I have already voiced an opinion on terry nappies in another thread. They are more work but by far cheaper, as well as not filling your wheelie bin with stinking waste. I wouldn't pay for laundering - sluice off solids in a toilet flush - soak in a bucket with some bleach added - then wash them seperately in a boil wash.

PS as for morning sickness - sorry just put up with it - it passes. I had the option of thalidomide - glad I didnt take it

Last edited by MargaretR; 01-08-2007 at 12:16.
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Old 01-08-2007, 12:11   #15
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Re: pregnant

thank you for ur advice
yummy mummy !!!!!!
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