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Old 13-10-2007, 19:32   #1
Junior Member+

Safe & Secure Ltd - Bogus Window Merchants

I need to advise anyone of thinking of purchasing windows or doors from Safe & secure Windows & doors Ltd on Whalley road accrington. That they are no longer covered by fensa, they are in the process of being struck of the register by Company House, they have never filed any accounts with the proper authorities. My parents bought windows from them, and to say the least they were terrible to deal with, my dad even got threatened. Fensa advised us that they can no longer issue certificates so we dont have a warranty on our windows. But they continue to trade. Please be warned and dont get ripped off or abused like we did. I can prove the above facts if there is an issue with this post, please just ask. I can provide email documentation from FENSA and the web link for Company House there it states they are in the process of striking of this poorly run and aggressive company. Oh and they now have a 1 skip which is being hired out.
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Old 13-10-2007, 21:19   #2
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Re: Safe & Secure Ltd - Bogus Window Merchants

I had a safe style uk rep down to the house . he came down at 8.30pm and didn't leave till half past midnight . He gave my ex wife a quote I had gone to bed at 11.00pm cause i get up at 4.45 to go to work. She came up and woke me up and told me how much , I told her we will think about it ; two days later they contacted me and he dropped the price by £1000.00. so dont go for their first quote!
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Old 13-10-2007, 22:09   #3
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Re: Safe & Secure Ltd - Bogus Window Merchants

Originally Posted by david1 View Post
I had a safe style uk rep down to the house . he came down at 8.30pm and didn't leave till half past midnight . He gave my ex wife a quote I had gone to bed at 11.00pm cause i get up at 4.45 to go to work. She came up and woke me up and told me how much , I told her we will think about it ; two days later they contacted me and he dropped the price by £1000.00. so dont go for their first quote!

Is this a joke .............
A stranger comes to your house, and you ****** off to bed at 11 p.m. leaving your wife to deal with him ..........what if you had come down at 4.45 and found her body and the TV missing ?

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Old 13-10-2007, 22:22   #4
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Re: Safe & Secure Ltd - Bogus Window Merchants

I cannot believe you went to bed and left your wife alone with a stranger...
we had a safe style guy in our house a couple of years ago and he wasnt for budging - he arrived at 6.30pm and after about an hour and a half he gave us a price - we then said we would think about it - and he then became aggresive to mrs glasgow guy cos she said not just now - it was at that point that she looked at me and walked into the kitchen away from the rep - I grabbed his window frame that was on our carpet , picked it up and threw it into our street - with it banging off his car (yes it broke the window frame and dented his car) - I then picked up the phone and called the police telling them that a man that was not welcome in my house was in my house and had threatened my wife and could they come at once or there would be an assualt happening - within minus 10 seconds the safe style rep ran out my house - in his car and drove off - he left in such a hurry he left his paperwork on my couch and his broken window frame in the street - police turned up - we told them the score and gave his reg plate details. and told them if he denies it we will press charges - if he admits it then they can warn him.
end of the story - but I will never deal with a big double glazing company ever again.
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Old 13-10-2007, 23:16   #5
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Re: Safe & Secure Ltd - Bogus Window Merchants

Originally Posted by glasgow guy View Post
I cannot believe you went to bed and left your wife alone with a stranger...
we had a safe style guy in our house a couple of years ago and he wasnt for budging - he arrived at 6.30pm and after about an hour and a half he gave us a price - we then said we would think about it - and he then became aggresive to mrs glasgow guy cos she said not just now - it was at that point that she looked at me and walked into the kitchen away from the rep - I grabbed his window frame that was on our carpet , picked it up and threw it into our street - with it banging off his car (yes it broke the window frame and dented his car) - I then picked up the phone and called the police telling them that a man that was not welcome in my house was in my house and had threatened my wife and could they come at once or there would be an assualt happening - within minus 10 seconds the safe style rep ran out my house - in his car and drove off - he left in such a hurry he left his paperwork on my couch and his broken window frame in the street - police turned up - we told them the score and gave his reg plate details. and told them if he denies it we will press charges - if he admits it then they can warn him.
end of the story - but I will never deal with a big double glazing company ever again.
Way to go Big Man!

A much better attitude, and would have made an excellent episode of Taggart.
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Old 13-10-2007, 23:23   #6
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Re: Safe & Secure Ltd - Bogus Window Merchants

It's not just double glazing salesmen who are like that. We had a burglar alarm guy years ago and he wouldn't leave. Prior to him coming we'd actually had a phone call to say that he was approved by the police and advising people on security. When he arrived he had some official looking bumph from the police, but he stayed for hours and wanted us to buy his wretched alarm system. I actually phoned the police to check if they had approved this firm and the worst of it was - they had! But they only thought he would come round and talk about security, not be an aggressive salesman. When we told them how long he had been here and his approach to getting us signed up (accused Peter of not caring if I was raped and murdered in the night.) they said they would not be approving them to visit anywhere else.

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Old 13-10-2007, 23:26   #7
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Re: Safe & Secure Ltd - Bogus Window Merchants

like yer style glasgow guy, ya remind me of someone.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 13-10-2007, 23:30   #8
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Re: Safe & Secure Ltd - Bogus Window Merchants

All these plastic window merchants are rip off artiste's some use more 'vaseline' than others when they shaft you, the actual cost of a plastic frame extrusion is app £20.00 quid the glass made by Pilkintons of St Helens app £70.00quid ass cost frame is peanuts an urk can assemble one in 20 mins. Fitting cost's app £50.00 quid per window, usually done by 'sub contractors, seeing that this is the most important bit, getting it watertight. The FENSA cert is what that is for, and that belongs to the company not the fitter."Caveat Emptor" or buyer beware,or have I got that quote wrong Less
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Old 14-10-2007, 08:32   #9
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Re: Safe & Secure Ltd - Bogus Window Merchants

Originally Posted by Ianto.W. View Post
"Caveat Emptor" or buyer beware,or have I got that quote wrong Less
Well I can't find that anywhere in my big book of Kipling quotes so I know he didn't say it.
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Old 14-10-2007, 08:44   #10
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Re: Safe & Secure Ltd - Bogus Window Merchants

Thanks for the warning always good to share that kind of info.
Glasgow Guy, think what you did was brilliant, I know my other half would've done the same, must have been frightening for the wife.
We had salemen round a couple of years ago cause we wanted a conservatory they were told prior to coming in the house that they had an hour, we didn't have any trouble fortunately.
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Old 14-10-2007, 12:23   #11
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Re: Safe & Secure Ltd - Bogus Window Merchants

If anyone out there wants details of a good double glazing owned, and family run...local....and with full FEnSA registration please PM me.

The company I am talking about has done work for me and i would happily recommend them.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 14-10-2007, 12:25   #12
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Re: Safe & Secure Ltd - Bogus Window Merchants

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
If anyone out there wants details of a good double glazing owned, and family run...local....and with full FEnSA registration please PM me.

The company I am talking about has done work for me and i would happily recommend them.
Hey don't think anyone even the mods would mind you posting this company as it's a recommendation rather than advertising, no different than when we post details of a good plumber etc

I know this may come as a shock but believe it or not all views I may air on here are my own work!!!!!
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Old 14-10-2007, 12:28   #13
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Re: Safe & Secure Ltd - Bogus Window Merchants

Well, the company is Trumans at Hud Hey in Haslingden....I will post their phone number when I can lay my hands on it.
It is run by father and son...only a small business but will do one window , a whole house or a conservatory....and they give a 15 year guarantee on their work.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 15-10-2007, 18:48   #14
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Re: Safe & Secure Ltd - Bogus Window Merchants

had the misfortune of dealing with Safe Style a couple of years or so ago my advise another firm not to deal with.
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Old 16-10-2007, 11:57   #15
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Re: Safe & Secure Ltd - Bogus Window Merchants

A few years ago, a good friend of mine had a not very attractive double glazing saleswoman call round at his ground floor flat. As in the previous stories, she was impossible to get rid of, so in last deperation, he said he would sign up for a new door and front and rear windows,total cost, fifteen hunded quid. There was just one condition: that they copulate there and then. (I suspect the language he used was a little more blunt). Amazingly, she said yes and two weeks later my mate had new door and windows, with no discount. Six months after that he had to have 'em replaced.
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