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Old 07-02-2011, 18:16   #1
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Save Money on your Electricity!

This year I thought my payment was going to go up but it didn't and I reckon it's because I started doing this to save money:

Did you know your electric kettle eats electricty - put it on and go and look at the meter, it spins round so fast. If you make a lot of tea/coffee - after you boiled a kettle make cup and then put remainder in a thermos flask - then when you want hot water put amount you need in a in pan and it heats on the gas in seconds - which is much cheaper than keep re-heating using an electric kettle!

Just one tip - if it's useful for you!
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Old 07-02-2011, 18:24   #2
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Re: Save Money on your Electricity!

Nice tip although a solid fuel stove is even better.

The kettle is nearly always on and I can cook all sorts in my cooking pot while the house gets warm. I'm using my electric hob less and less and my dual fuel bill was an absolute joy to read.
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Old 07-02-2011, 18:31   #3
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Re: Save Money on your Electricity!

Yes that sounds like a good idea also! Also when cooking veg etc use already boiled water as much as you can instead of chucking it - obviously within reasons of taste contamination!
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Old 07-02-2011, 18:33   #4
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Re: Save Money on your Electricity!

When you have charged your mobile up switch off the socket as that eats all your leccy up even when a phone isnt charging!!

My lil tip
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Old 07-02-2011, 18:37   #5
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Re: Save Money on your Electricity!

i've just got a cheque from e-on for £ i'm happy with that...just intime for my birthday
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Old 07-02-2011, 18:38   #6
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Re: Save Money on your Electricity!

I have one of these
Tefal Quick Cup - Hot and Cold Water in 3 Seconds: Kitchen & Home
It is noisy for the few seconds it takes to fill a mug, so if I have a brew in the night I use a normal kettle so as not to disturb the chap in the flat below.
I haven't bothered to change the water filter, because I have a filter system at my sink, so it only ever get filtered water put in it.
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Old 07-02-2011, 18:58   #7
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Re: Save Money on your Electricity!

I only ever boil enough for a cuppa.
So I reckon the above gadget is a good one.

I try to save on my utilities by bulk I have cooked a roast of belly pork but also used the lower part of the oven to slow cook a hotpot.......I also use a steamer pan, so can cook 3 lots of veg on one gas ring.
Spuds I put on to cook and once they come to the boil I turn off the gas and put a lid on the pan and leave the spuds to stand for 20 minutes, by which time they are usually cooked......if making mash I slice them thin and do the same thing.....but they cook much quicker so check on them after ten minutes.
These are my money saving tips.
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Old 07-02-2011, 21:00   #8
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Re: Save Money on your Electricity!

A Donkey top tip, go to Shreks (or whoever your mate is) for the Week-end, no cost for Scoff, Beer or Lekky !
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Old 07-02-2011, 21:43   #9

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Re: Save Money on your Electricity!

Originally Posted by Ken Moss View Post
Nice tip although a solid fuel stove is even better.

The kettle is nearly always on and I can cook all sorts in my cooking pot while the house gets warm. I'm using my electric hob less and less and my dual fuel bill was an absolute joy to read.
Even better if the solid fuel stove has a back boiler so it can heat your hot water and the radiators in the house.
Using a heat store is even better, then you can continue to heat the house using your radiators once the fire is out.
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Old 08-02-2011, 06:31   #10
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Re: Save Money on your Electricity!

My Tip is learn to post in the right section
Thread moved from general chat to Hints/Tips
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Old 08-02-2011, 07:47   #11
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Re: Save Money on your Electricity!

Originally Posted by mick View Post
My Tip is learn to post in the right section
Thread moved from general chat to Hints/Tips

Top tip that Mick!!!!
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Old 08-02-2011, 10:40   #12
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Re: Save Money on your Electricity!

Originally Posted by mick View Post
My Tip is learn to post in the right section
Thread moved from general chat to Hints/Tips
Well it does generate heat with the mods mick
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Old 08-02-2011, 10:42   #13
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Re: Save Money on your Electricity!

Originally Posted by heth View Post
Top tip that Mick!!!!
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Old 01-03-2011, 18:43   #14
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Re: Save Money on your Electricity!

I find that cooking all my veggies, including spuds, is much quicker and cost effective in a pressure cooker. I know lots of people avoid them because of the many scary myths that surround them, but they are safer now than they've ever been and extremely useful. You find you also lock in more of the flavour, normally lost if boiled.

Another really useful and ecomomic utility I wouldn't be without is my Slow Cooker. Now this isn't only cheap to run, leave it on low cook overnight and it uses less than a 100 watt light bulb, but you can buy the cheapest, toughest cuts of meat from the butcher and over night it is reduced to a lovely tender piece of meat. Put it on before you go to work and when you get home in the evening, what a welcoming aroma in your home.

Speaking of Gas and Electricity bills, why is it none of the companies advertise how much they charge per Kilowatt? When buying all other goods we buy according to what we are charged for the Litre, Kilo, or pound. When these utility companies come around trying to get me to change to their service, I tell them they are like mobile phone contracts and all of them are much of a muchness really. But none of them advertise their supplies by cost per kilowatt or whatever measurements they baffle us with in our bills.

I have some more money saving tips to share but will leave it for now. Don't want to hog the space!

Last edited by Mikejoed; 01-03-2011 at 18:45. Reason: spelling error
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Old 01-03-2011, 18:52   #15
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Re: Save Money on your Electricity!

Save money by not boiling the kettle, and fill hot water bottles with urine.
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