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Old 21-01-2005, 17:38   #1
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Security advice....

Hi all just been reading Roys thread again about his theft and have been to another such Break-in today which is very sad too see first hand..(people crying, police taking notes and fingerprints, phone calls to banks and insurance company's etc)

I see this day-in day-out as my job is a locksmith......

So many times it is VERY avoidable, So I thought why not offer my experience and advice to you lot out there.......... So if you have any questions just ask and i'll help if I can.... Pm me if you don't want the world to know your worry's...

If you live locally I don't mind a quick FREE home security check to make you aware of the GOOD , BAD , OK ...... And I mean FREE just advice as too what and how....

Don't leave it until it is too late................ Today the man of the house had done loads of security...... even chained his garden chairs to a wall But one very small plastic window was weak.. And once there in they find your keys and then...... They filled his 4x4 with gear and drove off....while he and his wife and baby were asleep upstairs........

One Sashjammer lock on that window and they would be a lot happier tonight.... Dont want to be all DOOM and GLOOM but a little thought now can really help..

Just ask ........
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Old 21-01-2005, 18:57   #2
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Re: Security advice....

That's a very kind offer Simon;I am sure you will get quite a response from the folks on here.
"Cover up those table legs Mother, they are inflaming my sexual ardour ! "
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Old 21-01-2005, 20:40   #3
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Re: Security advice....

That's a very kind thought Simon. My friend was recently burgled and had left her car keys on the sideboard (like you do) so of course the thieves just filled the car up with stuff and drove casually away with it. They were however caught and it turned out that they lived just round the corner. The one thing it has taught her is not to leave the car keys out. She now takes them to bed with her.
Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether.

The views expressed here are my own and not necessarily those of my family, friends, employer, this site, my neighbours, hairdresser, dentist, GP, next door's dog or anyone else who knows me..
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Old 21-01-2005, 20:57   #4
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Re: Security advice....

Yes Lettie it is very true that many crimes are commited by local SCUM that see you and your habits on a regular basis

The Unfortunate truth is that you need to be a little selfish in your approach to security, by that I mean that you have to try and make your house a little more time consuming to break-in to than next door. Hence forcing the SCUM to your neighbours who are an easier target

Never leave keys in any door.... ANY EVER... yes that means your back door too...

Do not leave your keys within reach of a telescopic fishing rod through your letterbox/window. You can get some huge roach poles . So go and take your keys out of the hallway On the third tread of the stairs I bet

Keep your doors locked all the time... Due to increased security in homes and cars.. SCUM need to get cheeky and getting your keys is the easy option... If that means walking into your house at dinnertime on a weekday that is no problem for SCUM if your door is unlocked.....
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Old 23-01-2005, 08:47   #5
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Re: Security advice....

get a dog. mine has a tendancy to bite.
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Old 23-01-2005, 20:34   #6
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Re: Security advice....

It is such a shame that you can't leave your possessions lying around the house where you want, for fear of some arsewipe stealing it
"The Hour of Scampering is usually around teatime, according to the Vorlon/Human Translation Dictionary."

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Old 15-02-2005, 23:20   #7
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Re: Security advice....

i have just had some locks and chains put on in my house
FREE of charge

i think they are called HOMEWISE who did it
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Old 15-02-2005, 23:21   #8
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Re: Security advice....

Originally Posted by baldy
i have just had some locks and chains put on in my house
FREE of charge

i think they are called HOMEWISE who did it
no they are called THE BONDAGE SQUAD.
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Old 15-02-2005, 23:30   #9
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Re: Security advice....

Baldy..........Homewise carry out such improvements for the elderly usually???? You look so young????
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Old 17-02-2005, 17:29   #10
Junior Member+

Re: Security advice....

Simon where can i get sashjammers from and how much? i've seen them on a tv show called beat the burglar but haven't seen them in homebase or anywhere.
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Old 18-02-2005, 14:51   #11
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Re: Security advice....

My son and his partner were burgled, not too much gone, his wallet and laptop, her handbag etc, and they picked the keys off the hall table with a fishing rod. They now have a dog!

My old office has just had a burglary. We moved to new offices in October, but my boss still owns the previous building. What did they take? - two bloody great fireplaces!
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Old 18-02-2005, 18:18   #12
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Re: Security advice....

Originally Posted by loubielou
Simon where can i get sashjammers from and how much? i've seen them on a tv show called beat the burglar but haven't seen them in homebase or anywhere.
I am not sure what shops stock them if any...... But if you want some I can let you have some for £6 each

1 each window, 2 a door is a good guide..
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Old 19-02-2005, 11:10   #13
Junior Member+

Re: Security advice....

I am not too concerned about the windows it is the front and back door my burglars came through the front door when it was locked no keys in the door either and it's double glazed.

If it's not too much trouble can i get 4 off you please.
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Old 21-02-2005, 22:18   #14
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Re: Security advice....

Yeh NO problem..... Pm me and we will sort it out
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Old 21-02-2005, 22:34   #15
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Re: Security advice....

OK my turn to be dim. What is a sashjammer? And ooh Simon that latest avatar is a bit scary! Gollum at his freakiest.

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