22-11-2004, 20:52
I am Band
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Re: VISA card scam
My kid sister used to work for a national stationery company, and I got a weapons grade shredder for an unbeatable deal. It shreds bedsheets, skins cats and would be great at making confetti and ticker-tape to throw from the terraces at footy matches.
To be serious, if I get any document through the post with my name and address on it, offers for credit cards or bank loans etc, they all go through the shredder.
The worst postal problem is credit card bills. I once received a monthly statement where the document had slipped within the envelope. Not only was my name and address visible through the window on the envelope, but also the sixteen digit credit card number. Surely in the right, or in this case the wrong hands, this information could have been used for some nefarious activities. 
Connect it: Red > Yellow, Yellow > Blue, & Blew to ....'kin bits!
Any ramblings, meanderings, thoughts or musings are mine and mine alone. Any opinions expressed are Lettie's!