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Old 19-01-2008, 12:04   #1
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A friend bought me a very expensive Braun blender thing before Jack was born so when i weaned him i could make him things from fresh rather than feeding him from jars,i succeeded in doing this and have really made use of it. I am still using it for crushing ice/making smoothies etc and was just wondering if any of you lot regularly make smoothies?if so what do you put in?and if they are bitter what do you put in to make them sweeter?
Corker and myself have been making them and writing the contents down so we can make them again if we really like them....some of them are absolutely lush!

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Old 19-01-2008, 13:07   #2
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Re: Smoothies

I make one in summer it has fresh cherrys loads of them (but i have to take the pips out) ice, blackberrys (fresh or frozen) strawbs, raspberrys, and strawberry or cherry yoghurt. Blend it all up and drink, but dont leave it too long or the yoghurt separates!
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Old 19-01-2008, 13:11   #3
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Re: Smoothies

Advacado me daughter makes em from for her 14 months old, supposed to be good for em. grandaughter loves em anyway.
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Old 19-01-2008, 13:22   #4
MovedtoBolton's Avatar

Re: Smoothies

I make a smootie every morning for brekkie, in mine I put:

1 Banana, Half a punnet of strawberries, one generous slice of melon, a handful of blueberries and one pot of actimel drinking yoghurt. No need to sweeten it, the melon takes care of any bitterness.
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Old 19-01-2008, 14:16   #5
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Re: Smoothies

Originally Posted by MovedtoBolton View Post
I make a smootie every morning for brekkie, in mine I put:

1 Banana, Half a punnet of strawberries, one generous slice of melon, a handful of blueberries and one pot of actimel drinking yoghurt. No need to sweeten it, the melon takes care of any bitterness.
we have tried all these too(varying the amounts etc) LOVELY!!!!
Little lad loves smoothies too-we dont like advocados though cashy....ewww bit bland and the textures weird.

Christmas isn't a season. It's a feeling,Edna Ferber.

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Old 19-01-2008, 14:20   #6
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Re: Smoothies

My housemates have bought one, they seem to make them mainly at night much to my annoyance. For some reason they leave glasses full of the stuff in the living room as well, so i'm assuming those are the unsuccessful tasting ones.

I haven't tried it myself but I was tempted to buy a juicer. We have a smoothy bar in town, kind of like the one in blackburn... in fact I think there is one in accy aswell. Smoothies are so expensive to buy, but I must admit they are great. Good value in my opinion to buy your own machine. I'd invest in one but to be honest I dont think I can afford all the different types of fruit to put in them. Hence why I didnt bother buying either type of machine in the end.
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Old 19-01-2008, 19:30   #7
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Re: Smoothies

my kids make smoothies alot they use bananas strawberrys kiwi grapes and yoghurt they love them.
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Old 19-01-2008, 20:32   #8
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Re: Smoothies

Banana Berry Smoothie :-
1 small banana(s)
50 g loganberries, fresh or frozen summer berries
125 g fruit low-fat yogurt, (strawberry)
200 ml skimmed milk
1/4 teaspoon vanilla essence, 2-3 drops
3 sprig fresh mint, to decorate (optional)

Break the banana into pieces and place in blender with most of the summer berries. Add yogurt, milk and vanilla. Whizz together until smooth, about 15 - 20 seconds.

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Old 19-01-2008, 21:44   #9
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Re: Smoothies

A cheap smoothie would be Asda value yogurt and a tin of cheap fruit salad with the syrup drained of. I am wih Blazey on the expense side, but hell people pay a wad more in a cocktail bar so it can have a "kick" in it

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Old 20-01-2008, 11:22   #10
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Re: Smoothies

Originally Posted by SPUGGIE J View Post
A cheap smoothie would be Asda value yogurt and a tin of cheap fruit salad with the syrup drained of. I am wih Blazey on the expense side, but hell people pay a wad more in a cocktail bar so it can have a "kick" in it
I go to wilsons on broadway and pick up there 50p value bags for fruit that isn't 'perfect' anymore.....gona be mushed up so makes no difference to me....always get the bananas, because they are going brown they taste sweeter-even better We spend about £4/5 to make 8 large smoothies which i dont think is expensive at all,were getting a couple of smoothies each and the fun of making them too

Christmas isn't a season. It's a feeling,Edna Ferber.

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Old 20-01-2008, 11:49   #11
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Re: Smoothies

Originally Posted by misskitty View Post
I go to wilsons on broadway and pick up there 50p value bags for fruit that isn't 'perfect' anymore.....gona be mushed up so makes no difference to me....always get the bananas, because they are going brown they taste sweeter-even better We spend about £4/5 to make 8 large smoothies which i dont think is expensive at all,were getting a couple of smoothies each and the fun of making them too
I dont fancy the 'fun' of cleaning the machine after when I can just eat the fruit as it is. I dont think the market here does imperfect bags of fruit but I shall keep my eye out. Sainsburys are very likely to not do anything like that either.

I didn't realise yoghurt was such a key ingredient to alot of smoothies.
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Old 20-01-2008, 15:20   #12
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Re: Smoothies

Originally Posted by blazey View Post
I dont fancy the 'fun' of cleaning the machine after when I can just eat the fruit as it is. I dont think the market here does imperfect bags of fruit but I shall keep my eye out. Sainsburys are very likely to not do anything like that either.

I didn't realise yoghurt was such a key ingredient to alot of smoothies.

I dont use alot of yoghurt,i use milk,ice cream or apple juice.
And my braun only takes 2 mins to wash out......otherwise to be honest i wouldnt bother,its not a squisher one i just use a hand blender type thingy.
All these technical words lol

Christmas isn't a season. It's a feeling,Edna Ferber.

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Old 20-01-2008, 17:43   #13
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Re: Smoothies

i dont know why, but i have not found a smoothie i've liked yet, i love my fruit, and i can eat fruit all day, but making a smoothie out of it tastes discusting, so i would rather just eat the fruit, and its less hastle
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Old 20-01-2008, 18:03   #14
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Re: Smoothies

ya know summat too and iv got one of the bloody things!

seems to much hassle
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Old 30-06-2008, 14:26   #15
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Re: Smoothies

resurrecting this thread cos we are experimenting with smoothies atm.....

blackcurrant smoothies are nasty!!!!!!

they are selling bags of frozen tropical fruit at farmfoods for 39p which are really good and one bag makes a pint and half of thick smoothie (ty likes to eat it with an icecream spoon....someone ... possibly Mick donated to the new house collection lol)

ty likes the ones made with fresh orange and frozen fruit.. havent tried yoghurt yet but blended frozen yoghurt and fruit is what i used to give him for his breakfast when he was a baby lol.... was great when he was off his food (that and breast milk milkshake.... yum!!!)

might have to invest in a proper smoothie maker or a proper blender, the hand held one doesnt seem to like frozen fruit and my old one died...
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