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11-08-2007, 06:04
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help needed to help me overcome
my better who has a snore that i will shortly kill for
i am willing to subject her to anything in a search
for a good nights sleep
remedies and ideas please
its just
like i've never been gone
11-08-2007, 06:15
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Re: snoring
people say you should use them nose strips and tablets and all sorts of stuff that never works! best way to get rid of snoring is to try getting used to sleeping on your side or your chest. sleeping on your back is the biggest cause of snoring. i cant sleep on my back and if i do i wake up. no1 has ever moaned that i snore
it could also be a throat problem, swollen tonsils can cause bad snoring. you could always get the person to go see their doctor? can be one of many things.
11-08-2007, 08:12
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Re: snoring
My other half snores if he's asleep on his back, I find a dig in the ribs with my elbow works quite well, once he's on his side he's fine.
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11-08-2007, 08:16
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Re: snoring
Originally Posted by grego
My other half snores if he's asleep on his back, I find a dig in the ribs with my elbow works quite well, once he's on his side he's fine.
i bet he loves you for that   must work though, i know if i got a dig in the ribs i'd soon shift!
11-08-2007, 08:18
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Re: snoring
He doesn't mind, he's used to it now, that and me shouting "Get on your side" 
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11-08-2007, 08:20
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Re: snoring
see us men can adapt to any sitaution 
11-08-2007, 10:33
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Re: snoring
Originally Posted by beechy
help needed to help me overcome
my better who has a snore that i will shortly kill for
i am willing to subject her to anything in a search
for a good nights sleep
remedies and ideas please
Terrible isn't it?My fella snores and I feel like putting a pillow over his face some nights.It drives me demented.A colleague at work gave me a device he'd bought from the chemist which the snorer wears in bed on his wrist,like a watch.After a couple of snores this device delivers a small shock which isn't enough to make their hair stand on end,just enough to jolt them and hopefully make them turn over.
I got quite hopeful as I strapped this on to hubby but,alas,it didn't work.I considered wiring it up to the mains but stopped myself at the last minute.  .
11-08-2007, 10:51
Coffin Dodger.
Re: snoring
beechy ya got a problem mate, about 15/16 yrs ago i had to have an op for it, and it made no bloody differance.  sorry mate.lol
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11-08-2007, 10:56
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Re: snoring
I can tell when I have snored because my nose aches when I wake up (must be bad musn't it) - but it only my cat will hear it -and he snores too 
11-08-2007, 11:01
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Re: snoring
I don't snore.....just heavy breath apparently........
But Ginger does!! it's not a problem if I fall asleep first, cos he doesn't wake me up with his snoring....but if he falls asleep first (( which is quite regular, as his head hits the pillow, and thats it, out like a light )) i find it impossible to fall asleep because of the noise........ I usually just kick him  he stops for 2 minutes, then I kick him again....and again.....and again.....til I fall asleep 
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11-08-2007, 11:02
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Re: snoring
I can tell when I have snored because my nose aches when I wake up (must be bad musn't it) - but it only my cat will hear it -and he snores too 
a cat that snores? lol. i know my grandma's dog snores and it's leg twitches when its dreamin. i always wanna sneak up on him and clap but he always wakes up before i get chance  (mean i know)
11-08-2007, 22:50
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Re: snoring
Whoa. Don't get me started. My night goes something like this gentle snore no problem, engine rev's up so loud he wakes him self up. Silence for a few minutes, off we go again. Try nudging him, expletive......then it's I don't snore I'm not even asleep.
" Then why are you making that awful noise.... " More expletive's.
Wanting to smother him with my pillow, I decided to see what they had in the chemist.
I have bought him all sorts of things that he wont use.
In the end being a cross between a Zombie and a jibbering wreck and not wanting separate beds I resorted to going to the Docs for some sleeping pills.
Last edited by ANNE; 11-08-2007 at 22:51.
Reason: spelling
11-08-2007, 22:58
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Re: snoring
11-08-2007, 23:01
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Re: snoring
Ear plugs work make sure they are the wax ones and not the foam ones - the foam ones fall out.
Yes spug snores - loudly as well!!! The windows were rattling and he still had the nowse to complain about the traffic going past!!! The poke in the ribs dont work with him either he grunts rolls over and snores just as loud!!!
Went on holiday with my brother, his then girlfriend and their daughter to france in a static caravan - my bro was sleeping in one bedroom at one end of the caravan and we were in the other bedroom at the other end of the caravan and bro was snoring away quite happily we were wondering what the penalty for murder was in France!! The people in the next caravan to us the following day was talking to me and bro and asked us if we heard the snoring from somewhere - bro said no i didnt hear any - i kept my mouth shut! When we went back into caravan bro said it was me wasnt it? Said yes it was and you even woke your daughter up thats why theyre asleep now!!!   
The views expressed in this post is mine and mine alone anyone want to argue well tough!!!
12-08-2007, 00:00
Accy Goddess
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Re: snoring
I have tried ear plugs but they either just fall out or annoy me as much as his snoring.
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