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Old 25-10-2015, 10:58   #1
Junior Member

st christophers

My grandson lives in rosegrove and my daughter has applied to get him into st christophers school accrington where i live but the school rules seem to stipulate that he must have being going to church for last 2 years which he hasn't but he has been going to a church of England school in Padiham since he was 5, is there any way round this rule? ???????
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Old 25-10-2015, 11:10   #2
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Re: st christophers

I do not think so Mick. This ruling has been in place for years. It is the same with St Wilfrid's Blackburn. Pupils and parent or parents must be regular attenders of a church not necessarily Church of England. St Wilfrid's was always much harder to get in than St Christopher's but in recent years they have tightened their rules for intake.
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Old 25-10-2015, 14:53   #3
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Re: st christophers

The only way i can see is to lie.
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Old 25-10-2015, 15:21   #4
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Re: st christophers

That would not work as the minister of which ever church you say you attend has to sign a form confirming your attendance.
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Old 25-10-2015, 15:47   #5
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Re: st christophers

Originally Posted by Rowlf View Post
That would not work as the minister of which ever church you say you attend has to sign a form confirming your attendance.
How times have changed?
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N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 25-10-2015, 16:12   #6
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Re: st christophers

The only other way it's move. Some pupils who live close by will get in on this criteria.
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Old 25-10-2015, 20:51   #7

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Re: st christophers

The admission policy for St Christophers is on their website here but the dates appear to be for last year

It's not the child that has to attend Church, it's the parent with the greatest attendance that counts. As a general rule if one of the parents has not attended Church 4 times a month for the two year period stated and a vicar will sign the supplementary admission form to prove this then it's unlikely the child will get in. SOme three times a month get in some years but not always.

Why does your Daughter want him to go to this school? If she does not attend Church or can use wither of these two then your grandson will not get a place and putting it down on the application form would be a waste of a choice

1. Looked after children and previously looked after children.
This includes any "looked after child" and any child who was previously
looked after but immediately after being looked after became subject to an
adoption, residence or special guardianship order.

2. Children with special social or medical circumstances where these needs can only be met at this school. Please note that applicants under this criterion must supply a letter of support from a professional person, such as a doctor or social worker. Such evidence must set out the particular reasons why St Christopher’s is the most suitable school and the difficulties which would be caused if the child had to attend another school.
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Old 25-10-2015, 20:54   #8

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Re: st christophers

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
The only other way it's move. Some pupils who live close by will get in on this criteria.
Living close to St Christopher's will not secure a place without Church attendance as stated in the admission policy I linked to in my above post.

ANyone putting it down as a choice when they don't think they meet on of the criteria is wasting that choice and you only get three.
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Old 26-10-2015, 09:59   #9
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Re: st christophers

As said in other posts - It is the parent who has to attend church for a minimum of 2 years prior to admission. Three times a month may not be enough.
In some churches you have to sign a register as proof of attendance.
You do not have to be local as there are many pupils that travel from Burnley and Colne to the school.
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Old 26-10-2015, 16:05   #10
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Re: st christophers

You are correct Spider61 about not needing to be local to the school. My own two children went to St Wilfrid's in Blackburn and I live in Burnley. There used to be two double decker buses a day went from over this way.
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Old 28-10-2015, 09:00   #11
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Re: st christophers

You could always remind them that God is everywhere and that you do not need to go to a church to find him (her), if they believe that then they believe in imaginary things (lol).

You can home school, how about home worship?
Setup a prayer room at home, take lots of pics and invite the school to see it to show that you have been attending home church
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Old 29-10-2015, 11:02   #12

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Re: st christophers

Your home Church wouldn't fit into the admission procedure so no point wasting your time with that one.
Admission procedure states:
Children with a parent/guardian who worships in a Church which is in full
membership of Churches Together in England or the Evangelical Alliance
The Church pays towards the school as well as the state which is why they can set their own admission policy
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Old 02-11-2015, 15:48   #13
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Re: st christophers

BTW - as an aside - My youngest 2 kids went to a catholic school, but only because we went to the school and talked to the head asking for entry, not because we went to church (at all).

So it may be worth talking direct to them as the head will\may have powers over the entry policy.
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Old 02-11-2015, 23:16   #14
God Member

Re: st christophers

rules have become more complex because more and more people try defrauding the system and go to extraordinary lengths to do so

out of curiosity does anyone know why schools have catchment areas outside of the area?

Arnt there enough children in the area to fill our schools ?
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Old 03-11-2015, 08:15   #15
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Re: st christophers

Originally Posted by RainbowSix View Post
BTW - as an aside - My youngest 2 kids went to a catholic school, but only because we went to the school and talked to the head asking for entry, not because we went to church (at all).

So it may be worth talking direct to them as the head will\may have powers over the entry policy.
St Annes and St Josephs RC School take in all sorts of pupils .You cant tell me that all the pupils that go there attend a Catholic Church.
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