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Old 25-01-2005, 17:24   #1
Full Member

Struggling to find...

How do me owd muckers,

I'm not expecting anyone to be able to help me here, but it's always worth a try..
I'm trying to find a, erm, government/council hierarchy in the form of a structured diagram.. what are those pyramid one's called, with Westminster's UK government at the top breaking down to local councils at the bottom.

However, I can't find one at all, nor can I find the info to make my own......

so yeah

help, anyone?
I want the finest wines available to humanity, I want them here and I want them now!
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Accrington Web
Old 25-01-2005, 18:03   #2
I am Band

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Question Re: Struggling to find...

Maybe you could try looking at the problem by following through the hierarchy of the Civil Service; from the Mandarins down to the minions.

As muppet shows get voted in and out of office, the Civil Service are the people left behind who have to get on with running the country.
Connect it: Red > Yellow, Yellow > Blue, & Blew to ....'kin bits!

Any ramblings, meanderings, thoughts or musings are mine and mine alone. Any opinions expressed are Lettie's!
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Old 26-01-2005, 11:48   #3
Full Member

Re: Struggling to find...

erm..yeah..right..that made little sense to me; this is kind of what I'm after:
I want the finest wines available to humanity, I want them here and I want them now!
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