The sign's were going up around town today, yippee, here comes the fair.
Now for those of you that are going to show off your prowess to little Timmy or Fiona by giving a goldfish a temporary home before it inevitably joins it's relatives in that great white bowl in the bathroom, here's a tip.
If it's your first time, you may not be ready, having spent £20 winning the scrawny little devil that you could have bought for 0.80p at a reputable pet shop and although they are generous enough to give you a polythene bag to bring it home in, you will need a bowl.
Now, you could be tempted to pay a fortune for one at the fair, DON'T!
Instead get yourself down to Lidl, they are selling pickled gherkins in 1550g glass jars that are almost the spitting image of a gold fish bowl. There are several immediate advantages for using one of these jars:-
1/ At £1.19 that's a heck of a lot cheaper than the ones they sell at the fair.
2/ You purchase a massive amount of gherkins that you can enjoy getting dyspepsia with as you over-indulge.
3/ If you don't like gherkins you can just remove one of them, throw the fish in and next year when the fair comes around and your sweet and lovely starts nagging about you taking them to win a goldfish you can point at the jar of pickles and say, "No need, we've still got the last one!".