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Old 03-01-2010, 23:43   #1
God Member

the willows pub/resturant

if your planning on going here by car expect to be pushing your car uphill when you try to leave as there has not been one drop of gritt put down .

a few cars made it up but they were 4x4, i was lucky and a bloke in a jag and his pal helped push me and teh kids up the hill to teh roundbout and once safe and clear i went back and helped him get up the hill.Now teh temeprature has dropped its iced over but you may be lucky tomorrow but thought i woudl give teh heads up because most people have ended up pushing or asking for a push to get their cars up the hill trying to leave teh willows pub in blackburn

you would think it wouldnt be too much effort for establishments to fork out for as bit of salt but even tehir doorstep is trecherous with people slipping on tehir arses because nothing has been done

i didnt ask at the willows why not but i had a similar problem at another establishment and as crazy as this sounds if a company gritts its path it is admiting liability if you still slip so they dont do a damn thing

so besdies teh council either not gritting or pretending to grit driving around in gritter trucks with all lights blazing but not actually spreading buisnesses cant grit for fear of been sued if they do

i dont know what our council is up to but im not the only person to notice gritters out with flashing lights but not spreading gritt ,its as though tehy are hoping to save gritt and we wont notice


teh food atthe willows was delicious but leaving was a bitch
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

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