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Hints/Tips/Advice Tell everyone your money/time/effort saving hints and tips. Give or ask for advice in any area. Household, decorating, etc.

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  • 2 Post By Gordon Booth
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Old 15-06-2015, 18:39   #1
Senior Member+
Accyexplorer's Avatar

tip of the day (Old bed sheets)

Want rid of your old bed sheets? sick of asking the council to come and shift them for you?

Don't fret,I have the solution.....Buy a large marker,write happy 50th birthday on them then tie them between two lampposts.... problem sorted, the council will remove them in a day or so
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Accrington Web
Old 15-06-2015, 19:03   #2
Senior Member+

Re: tip of the day (Old bed sheets)

Originally Posted by Accyexplorer View Post
Want rid of your old bed sheets? sick of asking the council to come and shift them for you?

Don't fret,I have the solution.....Buy a large marker,write happy 50th birthday on them then tie them between two lampposts.... problem sorted, the council will remove them in a day or so
I'm worried about you!
If you're going through so many bedsheets that your bins are full and you have to ask the council to take the excess away you have a serious problem.
You should have grown out of that habit by now!
Barrie Yates and Gremlin like this.
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Old 15-06-2015, 19:55   #3
Beacon of light

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Re: tip of the day (Old bed sheets)

If you are sick of your old bed sheets then the town hall will give you a green bag that you can pop them in.....they will be recycled and the proceeds will go to the Air Ambulance.

If you are really resourceful you can turn them, sides to the middle.....But sew a run and fell seam as these are the strongest.
You will get a few more years out of them.
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It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
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Old 09-12-2016, 01:10   #4
Junior Member+

Re: tip of the day (Old bed sheets)

Wow thanks for the advice guys... It gave me ideas on what to to with the old sheets. Hehehe
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