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Old 24-12-2008, 01:50   #1
Junior Member+

Red face Tobacco!

I have returned to my old pal tobacco,after 121 days without his comfort.I'm feeling slightly horrid within myself!!?! As any smokers or recent quitters may hopefully understand!It's just Christmas(and I must stress here,I am not an Ebeneezer wannabe,can be terribly stessful!)Please, either berate me, in a supportive manner, or tell me it's okay,because it's hampering my festive spirit somewhat!Thanks,you good folks!
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Accrington Web
Old 24-12-2008, 02:04   #2
Full Member

Re: Tobacco!

Tobacco isn't anybody's pal. I think you will be kicking yourself for your decision sooner than you think. When you are paying an arm and a leg and a lung for it, in monetary and health terms. If you can, pop to the chemist and get yourself some stop smoking chewing gum and START to STOP again, as soon as you can. Its the only sensible thing to do.
Ok, I dont know your age, gender or circumstances, but I do know that if you can stop then you should. It isnt easy, its flipping hard, but its for the best. I wish you all the best in trying to stop again.
Bonny x
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Old 24-12-2008, 05:47   #3
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Re: Tobacco!

Originally Posted by Seraphine View Post
I have returned to my old pal tobacco,after 121 days without his comfort.I'm feeling slightly horrid within myself!!?! As any smokers or recent quitters may hopefully understand!It's just Christmas(and I must stress here,I am not an Ebeneezer wannabe,can be terribly stessful!)Please, either berate me, in a supportive manner, or tell me it's okay,because it's hampering my festive spirit somewhat!Thanks,you good folks!
Mmmm ... I'd have to go with the "it's ok" thing .... Supportive berating is a little beyond me .... : "It is now proved beyond doubt that smoking is a leading cause of statistics".

Joyeux noel et bon annee.
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Old 24-12-2008, 11:42   #4
Resting in Peace
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Re: Tobacco!

I've got to agree with bonny tuesday her tobacco is no bodies friend, I smoked 40 a day, but the first time a doctor mentioned quiting I gave up, that was 30 years ago on the 26th Jan 1978, If I hadn't I certainly wouldn't have been here today
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Old 24-12-2008, 12:25   #5
Senior Member+
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Re: Tobacco!

awww.... ive gone 29 weeks without a cig now and i still get the odd craving for them, and that feeling in the morning when you need one, i know how you feel, ive quit and restarted a few times... best thing to do now imo is try again in the new year, i am hoping to stay stopped this time, although i quit for 2 and half years once!
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....

I finally found someone daft enough to marry me, my wonderboy is 11, my monkeygirl is 3 and my bananaman is 2, my beautiful little flower was born in feb 2012
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Old 24-12-2008, 13:26   #6
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Re: Tobacco!

12 years since I had one... hey seraphine dont beat yourself up about it at christmas..I must have given up a hundred times or more before i finally did it.. its a hard thing to do.. very hard and the only time i ever wanted a smoke was when there was stress.... even now I get the odd pang.

have a good christmas and try again as a new years resolution... my tip... do it for you.. dont do it because you have been scared with health stories.. dont do it because its expensive... you can convince your way out of reasons like that any day of the week..

Do it when it feels right and when you want to (yes still talking about giving up fags)
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Old 24-12-2008, 23:15   #7
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Re: Tobacco!

don't punish yourself.... try again next year and good luck with it.... its not an easy thing to give up:
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