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16-09-2009, 22:15
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Re: UK postcodes full version available here
Originally Posted by entwisi
Just tried it. 1st you would need the Ordnance Survey maps 1:50,000 series and a roamer to make sense of the numbers. There are 204 maps in the series. Found my own postcode and it was near enough.
I deleted it, then had to clean out the registry, over 200 useless entries had been added
17-09-2009, 06:46
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Re: UK postcodes full version available here
eh? its a database, it contains just numbers, nothing in the link from the register installs anything........
or was it the bz2 tool you downloaded that added all the rubbish ( Linux can deal with bz2 by default)
what makes this data useful is that you can use it within other programs to work out distances etc.
17-09-2009, 06:56
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Re: UK postcodes full version available here
downloading it - should be useful for Freegle group owners so we can check new members... errr... how do you open it & use it?
Last edited by mattylad; 17-09-2009 at 07:02.
17-09-2009, 09:07
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Re: UK postcodes full version available here
Originally Posted by entwisi
eh? its a database, it contains just numbers, nothing in the link from the register installs anything........
or was it the bz2 tool you downloaded that added all the rubbish ( Linux can deal with bz2 by default)
what makes this data useful is that you can use it within other programs to work out distances etc.
You mean like seeing how far it is from Mallard Place to Haworth Street entwisi 
Okay I'll get my coat 
17-09-2009, 10:00
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Re: UK postcodes full version available here
decompress it using anything that supports bz2 compression
its a basic text file with data listed as per teh colum headers on line one. You could import it into a spreadsheet ( Excel/Openoffice Calc etc) or into a Database program ( Access, OpenOffice Base, MySQL, Oracle, Cloudbase etc
From there its up to you how you use it depending on what you want it for. Information is only valuable if you have a use for it
17-09-2009, 12:33
I am Banned
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Re: UK postcodes full version available here
Originally Posted by entwisi
decompress it using anything that supports bz2 compression
its a basic text file with data listed as per teh colum headers on line one. You could import it into a spreadsheet ( Excel/Openoffice Calc etc) or into a Database program ( Access, OpenOffice Base, MySQL, Oracle, Cloudbase etc
From there its up to you how you use it depending on what you want it for. Information is only valuable if you have a use for it
I did all that, and opened in office, okay it does give post code and map ref numbers, but I'll stand by what I said you need the ordnance survey maps and a roamer, to use the thing. It may be ok for businesses but most of them already have it. I you want to know how far to Merlin Close Google Earth is more accurate.
17-09-2009, 14:04
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: UK postcodes full version available here
Originally Posted by entwisi
Oh dear me, how sad that a member of accyweb should suggest stealing someone else's software?
I was given to believe that accyweb was above such thing's indeed there have been many posts from members of the 'Software' fraternity stating how not only is it illegal to download, (pirate), software, chip playstations, x boxes etc, etc, but state that such action is not only 'stealing' but that it actually takes money from the 'Software Engineers' and their families, what a shame that we get such a terrible example from someone that should know better, to quote from a mildly illegal software thread example,
Theft, is theft, and should not be condoned in any shape or form
(I'm working from memory it may not be an exact quote, can't be bothered to search through each of his highly principled post's).

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17-09-2009, 18:02
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Re: UK postcodes full version available here
but its not theft, its been given away for free.
17-09-2009, 19:35
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: UK postcodes full version available here
Originally Posted by mattylad
but its not theft, its been given away for free.
Yes, but is it the owner giving it away or is it some modified Pirate version that is being given away free?
The list is a 241MB plain text file that runs to more than 100,000 pages and was last updated on 8 July. WikiLeaks has zipped the database up to 20MB and made it available for download via the site as well as providing a fast BitTorrent version of the file that can be grabbed over at The Pirate Bay.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
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18-09-2009, 02:41
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Re: UK postcodes full version available here
Originally Posted by mattylad
but its not theft, its been given away for free.
Limewire and the like give music away "free".. but someone owns the original.. I see what Less is aying.. a very upright law abiding member has jumped all over those downloading pirate stuff, calling such activities as "theft".. seems to me thieving is in the eye of the beholder when it suits em!
18-09-2009, 18:20
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Re: UK postcodes full version available here
Its only theft if someone is being stolen from.
If you can identify that this is in fact stolen property then please show it otherwise please stop the hyperbole about it being theft until you have some proof that it is so.
Just because something is online for download does not make it copyright protected or stolen data.
It could quite legitimately be placed online.
IN fact, I paid for this database so I should be able to use it.
Back to the original subject, so is anyone using it for owt?
Last edited by mattylad; 18-09-2009 at 18:29.
18-09-2009, 19:16
Coffin Dodger.
Re: UK postcodes full version available here
Originally Posted by mattylad
but its not theft, its been given away for free.
Originally Posted by mattylad
Just because something is online for download does not make it copyright protected or stolen data.
It could quite legitimately be placed online.
IN fact, I paid for this database so I should be able to use it.
now i'm confused make yer mind up.  Free or ya Paid. 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
18-09-2009, 19:16
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: UK postcodes full version available here
Originally Posted by mattylad
Its only theft if someone is being stolen from.
If you can identify that this is in fact stolen property then please show it otherwise please stop the hyperbole about it being theft until you have some proof that it is so.
Good grief! Talk about turning a blind eye!, just because it suits you to pretend there is nothing wrong just because it suits you. I have already quoted from the original link something that shows it is an iffy download!
No doubt if I was incorrect the original poster would have been back on protesting in strong terms as to how I have done him wrong, knowing how good he is at gleaning information from the WWW he would show us how this was freeware or at least a legitamate gift from the original source and not something ripped off, if he does do that then I will apologise, (I actually have a large amount of respect for him), otherwise don't defend the indefensible.
Database Containing 1.8m UK Postcode Locations Leaks Online | CyberInsecure.com
(from the above link)
On the other hand, online availability of the PAF could prove a big blow to the Royal Mail, which has repeatedly ignored requests from freedom of information campaigners to publish the postcode database free of charge.
Campaigners have long argued that the PAF should be freely available to help businesses create services around the taxpayer-funded data, and while this leak might get a few wannabe-web entrepreneurs mildly excited, the real juicy postcode stuff remains locked behind closed doors - for now.
Royal Mail statement should be available soon.
Just because freedom of information junkies want it to be free does not make it free, it just means someone has stolen it and anyone using it is breaking someone's copyright, (that itself is objected to by the thread starter), so perhaps it should be done by those of you that wish to continue with this type of theft somewhere other than accyweb?
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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19-09-2009, 07:06
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Re: UK postcodes full version available here
Don't know why anyone wants to have all that on their computer......if you need to get a post code it's simple enough to get it on the computer if your not to lazy to look
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