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01-04-2008, 20:24
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Re: wanting to go back to work
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
Well then, what are you waiting for...go for it!
It is certainly interesting.
thanx Margaret 
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
01-04-2008, 21:11
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Re: wanting to go back to work
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
Well then, what are you waiting for...go for it!
It is certainly interesting.
Do you know if you would need to have a NVQ in childcare for a post on the baby wards?? I have NVQ3 in Elderly care, not sure if that would be useful though 
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??
Miracles do happen!!
01-04-2008, 21:23
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Re: wanting to go back to work
Originally Posted by slinky
Do you know if you would need to have a NVQ in childcare for a post on the baby wards?? I have NVQ3 in Elderly care, not sure if that would be useful though 
Mel ive been pm'ing Lettie all you need is a level 2 NVQ, its just basic care that you give, just like a care assistant, thats all the job is basically
you can do on the job training too
you can ring Melanie Robinson on 738405 and ask
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
01-04-2008, 21:26
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Re: wanting to go back to work
Originally Posted by flashytart
Mel ive been pm'ing Lettie all you need is a level 2 NVQ, its just basic care that you give, just like a care assistant, thats all the job is basically
you can do on the job training too
you can ring Melanie Robinson on 738405 and ask
Haaaaa nice one flashy!!! might look into that!! that would suit me down to the ground. Does the name give me a better chance   
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??
Miracles do happen!!
01-04-2008, 21:28
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Re: wanting to go back to work
Originally Posted by slinky
lol i do wish you wouldnt call me flashy, it doesnt sound right coming from someone i have known 18 years lol
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
01-04-2008, 21:29
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Re: wanting to go back to work
Originally Posted by flashytart
lol i do wish you wouldnt call me flashy, it doesnt sound right coming from someone i have known 18 years lol
sorry slag bag lmfao
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??
Miracles do happen!!
01-04-2008, 21:30
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Re: wanting to go back to work
Originally Posted by slinky
sorry slag bag lmfao
pmsfl, love you too sonic 
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
01-04-2008, 21:42
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Re: wanting to go back to work
This has to be one of ther most absolutly pathetic threads ever posted, your probably sat on your arse all day (and have been for years) eating chocolate bon-bons and playing on your PC , you get money to live on , your rent and council tax is paid or subsidised, (all from deductions paid by working taxpayers) and you ask for advice about your career prospects ! , and also have the nerve to put limitations on what hours you feel comfortable working . God forbid that you would have to buy and use an alarm clock like millions of others.
In my opinion the Benefits office should be handing out brooms along with your monies so you can be out sweeping the streets during school hours so you can earn some of your keep .
01-04-2008, 21:45
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Re: wanting to go back to work
Originally Posted by steeljack
This has to be one of ther most absolutly pathetic threads ever posted, your probably sat on your arse all day (and have been for years) eating chocolate bon-bons and playing on your PC , you get money to live on , your rent and council tax is paid or subsidised, (all from deductions paid by working taxpayers) and you ask for advice about your career prospects ! , and also have the nerve to put limitations on what hours you feel comfortable working . God forbid that you would have to buy and use an alarm clock like millions of others.
In my opinion the Benefits office should be handing out brooms along with your monies so you can be out sweeping the streets during school hours so you can earn some of your keep .
I do hope this wasn't aimed at me..... I have worked all my adult life, and needed time off due to my husbands Ill health!!  But can't wait to get back now that we know that he is going to be fine.
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??
Miracles do happen!!
01-04-2008, 21:48
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Re: wanting to go back to work
Originally Posted by slinky
I do hope this wasn't aimed at me..... I have worked all my adult life, and needed time off due to my husbands Ill health!!  But can't wait to get back now that we know that he is going to be fine.
no it wasn't meant for you , it was intended for the original poster ,
01-04-2008, 21:55
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Re: wanting to go back to work
Originally Posted by steeljack
This has to be one of ther most absolutly pathetic threads ever posted, your probably sat on your arse all day (and have been for years) eating chocolate bon-bons and playing on your PC , you get money to live on , your rent and council tax is paid or subsidised, (all from deductions paid by working taxpayers) and you ask for advice about your career prospects ! , and also have the nerve to put limitations on what hours you feel comfortable working . God forbid that you would have to buy and use an alarm clock like millions of others.
In my opinion the Benefits office should be handing out brooms along with your monies so you can be out sweeping the streets during school hours so you can earn some of your keep .
SHUT UP! she has a child... what do you want her to do take him down t'mill with her, leave him to fend for himself???
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....
I finally found someone daft enough to marry me, my wonderboy is 11, my monkeygirl is 3 and my bananaman is 2, my beautiful little flower was born in feb 2012
02-04-2008, 07:15
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Re: wanting to go back to work
Originally Posted by steeljack
This has to be one of ther most absolutly pathetic threads ever posted, your probably sat on your arse all day (and have been for years) eating chocolate bon-bons and playing on your PC , you get money to live on , your rent and council tax is paid or subsidised, (all from deductions paid by working taxpayers) and you ask for advice about your career prospects ! , and also have the nerve to put limitations on what hours you feel comfortable working . God forbid that you would have to buy and use an alarm clock like millions of others.
In my opinion the Benefits office should be handing out brooms along with your monies so you can be out sweeping the streets during school hours so you can earn some of your keep .
yes i am asking for advice on a job, would you rather me 'sit on my arse' for the rest of my life or have some initiative and get a job? i have ONE child i dont spit out kids just to stay on benefits, i dont have 7 kids with 7 different men, Reece is now 11 and i think he is old enough now to sort himself out, i worked up till i was 5 months pregnant with him, its not as if i have never contributed to the state....STEELJACK get your facts right first before you go spouting that old gob off OK !!!!!!!!!!
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
Last edited by Len; 03-04-2008 at 16:51.
Reason: Fixed.
03-04-2008, 00:08
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Re: wanting to go back to work
Originally Posted by flashytart
yeah thats what i have Dave, one problem with the back door thing though, i lost mi keys for it years ago  so now i cant open it 
Originally Posted by flashytart
i love children, you know what i'm like Mel, i'll look after any child of any age, hopefully my NVQ will help, yeah i know it was a long time ago that i did it and i may have to do some other courses, but hey this is the start of the rest of my life 
Sorry, but if your post about having lost your keys years ago is an example of your parenting skills (ever heard of house fires and people being trapped) I don't think you could be trusted you to look after a cabbage plant let alone a child .
03-04-2008, 00:26
Re: wanting to go back to work
I would join in Flashy bashing as well, it looks fun. Unfortuneatly there is not thousands of miles between us so I will stay quiet on this one.
I do hope you get yourself sorted out though Shaz.
I did not know ginger was unwell slinks, I am glad to here he will be ok.
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03-04-2008, 08:20
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Re: wanting to go back to work
Originally Posted by steeljack
Sorry, but if your post about having lost your keys years ago is an example of your parenting skills (ever heard of house fires and people being trapped) I don't think you could be trusted you to look after a cabbage plant let alone a child .
ah i see i have a little stalker now  idiot
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
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