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03-04-2008, 08:47
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Re: wanting to go back to work
Originally Posted by steeljack
This has to be one of ther most absolutly pathetic threads ever posted, your probably sat on your arse all day (and have been for years) eating chocolate bon-bons and playing on your PC , you get money to live on , your rent and council tax is paid or subsidised, (all from deductions paid by working taxpayers) and you ask for advice about your career prospects ! , and also have the nerve to put limitations on what hours you feel comfortable working . God forbid that you would have to buy and use an alarm clock like millions of others.
In my opinion the Benefits office should be handing out brooms along with your monies so you can be out sweeping the streets during school hours so you can earn some of your keep .
give her a brake at least she is wanting to go back to work nothing wrong with asking advise i hope you need help at some point and get the same response, i have worked all my life and my wife took time out untill are youngest was 9 now we have to fantastic kids with manners and respect,
"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort."
03-04-2008, 09:58
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Re: wanting to go back to work
Dont worry about it Davo, i'm damned if i do and i'm damned if i dont, i think i'll just sit here for the rest of my life and have another 5 kids, it doesnt bother me what that narrow minded useles twirp thinks of me, its the people who know me that count  the ignore button is great for ignoring him 
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
Last edited by Len; 03-04-2008 at 16:51.
Reason: Fixed.
03-04-2008, 17:16
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Re: wanting to go back to work
Originally Posted by Neil
I did not know ginger was unwell slinks, I am glad to here he will be ok.
Cheers Neil! Still has the pain and muscle weakness, but the tests are looking good ... which is a big sigh of relief after 6 years of sheer heart ache.
They thought he could have MS .... But all Tests are coming back NEG so thats great news.
Not over til we find the problem though
Trust him to be a medical Mystery
soz for the thread wander shaz love :-)
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??
Miracles do happen!!
03-04-2008, 17:29
Re: wanting to go back to work
Originally Posted by slinky
Trust him to be a medical Mystery 
I did wonder that about him when he stuck his lips on me at that meet way back. I hope they find out what is wrong with him soon.
Just a thought, has he been drinking a lot of lager, it shrivels things up according to Chubby. 
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03-04-2008, 17:32
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Re: wanting to go back to work
Originally Posted by Neil
I did wonder that about him when he stuck his lips on me at that meet way back. I hope they find out what is wrong with him soon. Lmao, no Neil, thats just his gay tendencies coming out.... JD does that to him
Just a thought, has he been drinking a lot of lager, it shrivels things up according to Chubby. 
Mr. Cappuccino man?? drink alcohol?? you must be soddin joking 
He's always been that size ... ( don't let him read this ) 
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??
Miracles do happen!!
03-04-2008, 17:33
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Re: wanting to go back to work
Originally Posted by slinky
soz for the thread wander shaz love :-)
dont be silly, as long as Pauls ok thats the main thing
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
03-04-2008, 17:34
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Re: wanting to go back to work
Could be ME alias CFS.....they show a neg for all standard tests
03-04-2008, 17:36
Re: wanting to go back to work
Originally Posted by slinky
He's always been that size ... ( don't let him read this )
You need to listen to more Chubby Brown.
Man goes to the doctor telling him he cant satisfy his wife anymore. He says he just cant touch the sides. The dr asks him if he drinks lager. The man replies yes.
Dr explains that is the reason, lager shrivels things up and makes them smaller. He tells the man to drink Guiness as it builds you and makes things bigger.
Two weeks later the man sees his dr again. He tells him his sex life is great. The Dr asks if he is drinking Guiness. No says the man, I have the wife on lager 
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03-04-2008, 17:39
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Re: wanting to go back to work
Could be ME alias CFS.....they show a neg for all standard tests
I am not even going into the possibilities of what it COULD be. There are so many things that the symptoms COULD be, that its hard to pin point.
Even the Neurologist is baffled now. Been going on for years, but trying to get the NHS to move is like trying to get a Tortoise to run the London marathon 
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??
Miracles do happen!!
03-04-2008, 17:40
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Re: wanting to go back to work
Originally Posted by Neil
You need to listen to more Chubby Brown.
Man goes to the doctor telling him he cant satisfy his wife anymore. He says he just cant touch the sides. The dr asks him if he drinks lager. The man replies yes.
Dr explains that is the reason, lager shrivels things up and makes them smaller. He tells the man to drink Guiness as it builds you and makes things bigger.
Two weeks later the man sees his dr again. He tells him his sex life is great. The Dr asks if he is drinking Guiness. No says the man, I have the wife on lager 
    I like lager 
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??
Miracles do happen!!
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