25-05-2012, 12:27
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Re: Wasps nest
Originally Posted by garinda
You're right, they were skinny looking honey bees, not wasps.
A neighbour does keep a hive, but apparently it wasn't them.
These must have been a visiting swarm.
Perhaps they were attracted here by my new dwarf buddleias.
When bees swarm they are looking for some where else to live,
After a while they will settle some where, then some of the bees will got out as scouts looking for a new home, now is the time to catch them, they are not really nasty at this stage, they are full of food and pollen, having taken 1/2 the stores from their old home, I used to grab a couple of handfulls and place then in a newly prepared brood box, then sit & wait, they return to the swarm inform the others & eventually they bring the queen down, and take up residence, now you have to wait for near sunset, till all the explorer bees have returned to where the swarm settled. Last thing is to seal the hive but leave enough for a proper airflow, put it in the boot of the car & take it to you new site. I was once bringing a swarm home from up the Rossendale Valley, one or two had escaped & were buzzing round the interior of the car, so I still had my bee hat on, happened to pass a police car on the way home, they did a u turn and pulled up along side me, ready to flag me down, but when they spotted my passengers crawling on the windows, they just waved & sped off.