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Old 11-08-2009, 09:46   #1

Where to begin - house extension.

Hubby & I own our house on Rowan Ave in Ossy. It has a very tiny kitchen but huge extended garden. Have discussed for some time the option of extending to the side, to the back and adding another bedroom.

Just don't know where to begin. Do you contact planners first or neighbours or get plans drawn up? If so, how?

I live in an ex-council house and a friend reckons that I'll struggle with next door as they are still rented and council wont give permission to build within one metre of perimetre.

Hubby is to receive promotion by April next year, finally freeing our finances to explore this option. Just don't know how to begin.

Any advice would be appreciated.
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Accrington Web
Old 11-08-2009, 10:12   #2
Resting in Peace
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Re: Where to begin - house extension.

Originally Posted by jenibrindle View Post
Hubby & I own our house on Rowan Ave in Ossy. It has a very tiny kitchen but huge extended garden. Have discussed for some time the option of extending to the side, to the back and adding another bedroom.

Just don't know where to begin. Do you contact planners first or neighbours or get plans drawn up? If so, how?

I live in an ex-council house and a friend reckons that I'll struggle with next door as they are still rented and council wont give permission to build within one metre of perimetre.

Hubby is to receive promotion by April next year, finally freeing our finances to explore this option. Just don't know how to begin.

Any advice would be appreciated.
You would be better off getting plans drawn up first Jeni, because until you get planning permission you can't really do anything. I'm nearly sure Tony Flanagan used to do work like this and he's quite good too, he'll be able to point you in the right direction, the last I heard he was living on West View Ossy
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Old 11-08-2009, 10:13   #3
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Re: Where to begin - house extension.

Katex should know who to contact in regards to planning permission
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
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Old 11-08-2009, 12:01   #4
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Re: Where to begin - house extension.

Before you start spending your money on costly plans, I would contact the planning office and just ask the question as you have on here. The rules on planning has changed in recent times and some extensions don't even require planning permission just building regs, hence ask the question

I know this may come as a shock but believe it or not all views I may air on here are my own work!!!!!
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Old 11-08-2009, 12:37   #5
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Re: Where to begin - house extension.

Lots of help from HBC Jeni ... look at this for a start :-

Making Planning Applications - How to make a Planning Application

As HR says though, some extensions may not need Planning Permission, you are allowed a certain area without applying .. best to check yours though.
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Old 11-08-2009, 12:39   #6
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Re: Where to begin - house extension.

If other houses in the area have been allowed to have extensions that is a good indication as to whether the council will look favourably on your plans.
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Old 11-08-2009, 13:37   #7

Re: Where to begin - house extension.

Oh thanks everyone. I'll get some research done online whilst little one asleep.

A house opposite (but different street) has the exact type of extension we dream of (but finance is biggest factor), garage with bedroom above and conservatory kitchen to rear but it was done before they moved in so couldn't help.

Really appreciate advice so far. Will have a google around and then post up anymore questions.

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Old 11-08-2009, 19:38   #8
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Re: Where to begin - house extension.

As above, contact the local planning office & discuss with them but you will need to get plans drawn up by an architect before applying.

Have a chat with the people over the road & see if it is exactly what you want, see if they still have plans & if a copy would suffice, or if their architect was a good one & the costs etc.

Shop around & get several quotes, but dot just go with the cheapest, especially if its from a Pole.
(some can do good work but I certainly would have one on a project this big).

This is going to cost big time, As far as I know somewhere between 30-40k.

You have several years to get it started once planning is approved.
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