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23-01-2010, 17:19
Who Can Help Out A Very Upset Young Lady?
I walked out of Asda this afternoon and bumped into an AccyWebber, 3 of them in fact but thats usual in Asda
This AccyWebber was Accylass twenty whatever she is now and she had her very upset daughter with her. She had just lost her mobile phone in the shop. Being a true gentleman I offered to watch their shopping while they all went to look for it - well there were no puddles to cover with my jacket
As I expected they could not find the phone.
I am hoping that some kind AccyWebber will have a nice mobile they no longer use that they can donate to put a lovely smile on the face of a lovely girl again (then she can text her boyfriend again and stop being grumpy for her mum  ).
Pink if possible of course (well if you dont ask you dont get  )
I have some three and O2 sims that she can have if anyone has a phone that takes them but I am sure someone will have the right sim anyway.
I can imagine how upset she is as both my boys have lost phones in the past. Before anyone starts moaning about kids and phones start your own thread please - this one is about an upset girl.
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23-01-2010, 17:30
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Who Can Help Out A Very Upset Young Lady?
Originally Posted by Neil
I can imagine how upset she is as both my boys have lost phones in the past. Before anyone starts moaning about kids and phones start your own thread please - this one is about an upset girl.
Hope you are lucky enough to have your 'phone found by an honest person, Saffron.
Shame isn't it Neil? That these day's we have members that will use such a dilemma to have a go about what they think is correct, forcing you to put such a request on site to keep them away. aceholes!
Anyway, before I go here's my tuppence worth...
Not to worry Saffron, there are plenty of good folk on here, you may not get the 'phone you had but I bet before the night's over you'll have something.
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23-01-2010, 17:37
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Re: Who Can Help Out A Very Upset Young Lady?
I have a phone on 3 network (with charger), will need sim card though
have just bought a new battery for it as i was going to use it again but if it'll cheer her up then she is welcome to it. It will need collecting though 
23-01-2010, 17:49
Re: Who Can Help Out A Very Upset Young Lady?
WOW 18 minutes, I already know we are a generous lot but 18 minutes is amazing.
I have loads of three sims cards if anyone wants one.
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23-01-2010, 17:51
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Re: Who Can Help Out A Very Upset Young Lady?
Its not pink though, its blue, one of these
23-01-2010, 18:00
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Re: Who Can Help Out A Very Upset Young Lady?
I'm sorry I can't help, but it really does show there are also some really decent folk out there. I hope it works out for the lass.
23-01-2010, 18:19
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Re: Who Can Help Out A Very Upset Young Lady?
How fantastic - unable to assist because of location, but just wanted to say that I am not surprised at the response.
23-01-2010, 18:25
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Re: Who Can Help Out A Very Upset Young Lady?
you never said what network she is on Neil?
I have a couple of elderly phones which are linked to t-mobile, not the trendiest in this day and age but may help
also my sons have a couple of phones, of course not pink which are on the vodaphone network too.. bit battered as you can imagine though
I know this may come as a shock but believe it or not all views I may air on here are my own work!!!!!
23-01-2010, 18:28
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Re: Who Can Help Out A Very Upset Young Lady?
What shopping did she have?
Don't tell us you didn't have a quick shufty through her bags.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.
23-01-2010, 19:25
Re: Who Can Help Out A Very Upset Young Lady?
Originally Posted by harwood red
you never said what network she is on Neil?
I have no idea sorry.
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23-01-2010, 19:59
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Re: Who Can Help Out A Very Upset Young Lady?
I have a Motorola Razr that anyone can have if they want.
The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.
23-01-2010, 20:10
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Re: Who Can Help Out A Very Upset Young Lady?
Thankyou for the thread Neil!
And the offer of phones from everyone
Saffron now has a smile back on her face, as some lovely gentleman rang me from her phone to say he had found it!!
There are some lovely people still out there 
23-01-2010, 20:16
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Re: Who Can Help Out A Very Upset Young Lady?
Glad she got her phone back, there are some honest people about luckily. Bet it was like her losing a limb lol
23-01-2010, 20:25
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Re: Who Can Help Out A Very Upset Young Lady?
I can't help with the phone but maybe in another way.
If the lady can ring her network provider and tell them that her phone is stolen she will get the sim card blocked, then if she is lucky she may get them to send her a new sim card with the same number to save telling all her contacts of the new number, then she can use it in the phone our forumite has donated. It worked when a mate lost his sim card (don't know how or why) but he used the new card in the same phone and it cost nowt and arrived by first post the following day.
I hope the person who found it has a concience and hands it in to ASDA but if not I hope it blows up in their face.
Gremlin. R.T.
23-01-2010, 20:31
Re: Who Can Help Out A Very Upset Young Lady?
Originally Posted by AccyLass29
Saffron now has a smile back on her face, as some lovely gentleman rang me from her phone to say he had found it!!
There are some lovely people still out there 
Very glad to hear it, she looked really unhappy.
Its nice to know there are some honest people about 
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