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16-01-2010, 15:09
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Re: Why does it only pack up in winter?!
Originally Posted by Neil
What a lovely caring mummy you are Vera.
Have you sent the plane tickets yet?
Na Neil vera just likes rubbing it in  
16-01-2010, 17:15
Re: Why does it only pack up in winter?!
Originally Posted by jaysay
Na Neil vera just likes rubbing it in  
She will soon be back when she needs the NHS for some free treatment, like most of out ex-pats do 
Then again the NHS are starting to get wise to that so I have heard.
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16-01-2010, 17:34
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Re: Why does it only pack up in winter?!
I would guess the pressure changes you refer too are due to supply and demand on the system during the day/night.
Correct, some hydrants in the higher parts of Accrington and district can have very low pressure during the day, some times varying pressures even a couple of streets away, thats why each machine carries so much hose and more than one hydrant adaptor.
16-01-2010, 17:39
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Re: Why does it only pack up in winter?!
Neil, you do not know ANYTHING about my health and i. Why should i go back to the U.K. when i left it of my own accord, just to get free treatment, when i can get better treatment here and pay a small sum for it.
16-01-2010, 17:44
Re: Why does it only pack up in winter?!
Originally Posted by vera
Neil, you do not know ANYTHING about my health and i. Why should i go back to the U.K. when i left it of my own accord, just to get free treatment, when i can get better treatment here and pay a small sum for it.
Your right I know nothing about your health - did you miss the smily face at the end of that line?
I know a couple of people who do just what I say though. They must think the health care is better over here or they would not keep coming back to be treated by the NHS.
They are in Teneriffe though not mainland Spain.
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16-01-2010, 17:48
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Re: Why does it only pack up in winter?!
I did not see the smiley face, i must admit. Please do not tar me with "a couple of people who live in Tenerife" with the same brush. As you admit, you know nothing about me. 
16-01-2010, 17:48
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Re: Why does it only pack up in winter?!
Woohoo that's that sorted!
I do love my brother sometimes  lol
16-01-2010, 17:49
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Re: Why does it only pack up in winter?!
Give Mark my love xx
16-01-2010, 17:52
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Re: Why does it only pack up in winter?!
Originally Posted by vera
Give Mark my love xx
Only if you smile Miss Grumpy 
16-01-2010, 17:55
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Re: Why does it only pack up in winter?!
16-01-2010, 17:59
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Re: Why does it only pack up in winter?!
Behave,,, people might start thinking I'm nice 
16-01-2010, 18:03
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Re: Why does it only pack up in winter?!
I know you are a very nice person, you always have been, from being very young. 
16-01-2010, 18:10
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Re: Why does it only pack up in winter?!
Originally Posted by vera
I know you are a very nice person, you always have been, from being very young. 
Bucket anyone?! 
16-01-2010, 18:15
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Re: Why does it only pack up in winter?!
I have, come and get it 
16-01-2010, 18:21
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Re: Why does it only pack up in winter?!
Originally Posted by vera
I have, come and get it 
Now... if ya'd have said this when my boiler had packed in and I was freezing..... I may have been tempted 
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