I don't know if any of you are interested in making a lovely almost fat free nourishing winter soup, but I thought I would post this recipe.
3 Pints of water
2 chicken stock cubes
2 large potatoes
2 medium carrots
I large onion
handful of pearl barley
I cup of either frozen or tinned sweetcorn
I cup of frozen peas
I cup of frozen string beans
I small leek
6 oz of diced chicken (or I use turkey wing meat)
dice the potatoes, carrots and onion and put into the water with the stock cubes.
Finely slice the leek.....check that the leek is clean first (some can be a bit gritty....if it is then wash the grit away). Add the pearl barley to the water and bring these ingredients to the boil.......do not boil them for too long though.....about 10 minutes and then add the rest of the ingredients.....allow to simmer until all the vegetables are tender. Taste.....if you like you may add a little salt and pepper.
If you like your soup thickened then you may thicken this soup with using a couple of teaspoons of cornflour mixed to a thin paste with cold water and add to the simmering mixture....stirring all the time.
This soup is better the day after it has been made and can be made more filling by adding sage and onion dumplings.
Sage and Onion Dumplings.
3oz suet
5oz SR flour
1oz of sage and onion stuffing mix
salt and pepper to taste
a little cold water to mix
Put all the dry ingredients into a mixing bowl.
Add water....just a small amount at a time and mix together with a fork until you have a fairly stiff dough. Mould the dough into walnit size balls and bring your soup to the boil.....drop the dumplings in and cover with a lid. The dumplings take about 15 minutes to cook and are delicious.....though this bit is not fat reduced.
This recipe is cheap to make and does not take too much time in preparation.
Beats tinned soup anyday