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Old 17-01-2008, 02:27   #16
God Member
blazey's Avatar

Re: worried about 11yr old son

There is a pill you can get to stop this happening, I cant remember what it was called but I had it and I wanted to go on a girl guide trip very badly so the doctor prescribed it and I never had a problem since. I was a bit younger than your son but it worked. Maybe you could enquire about whatever that could've been?
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Accrington Web
Old 17-01-2008, 02:31   #17
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Re: worried about 11yr old son

If all else fails, your child's doctor may prescribe medication to stop bed-wetting. Various types of medication can:
  • Slow nighttime urine production. The drug desmopressin acetate (DDAVP) boosts levels of a natural hormone that forces the body to make less urine at night. The medication is available as a pill or nasal spray. DDAVP has few side effects. The most serious is a seizure if the medication is accompanied by too many fluids. Change a child's sleeping and waking pattern. The antidepressant imipramine (Tofranil) may provide bed-wetting relief by changing a child's sleeping and waking pattern. The medication may also increase the amount of time a child can hold urine or reduce the amount of urine produced. Imipramine has few side effects for bed-wetters. Caution is essential, however. An overdose could be fatal.
  • Calm the bladder. If your child has a small bladder, an anticholinergic drug such as oxybutynin (Ditropan) or hyoscyamine (Levsinex) may help reduce bladder contractions and increase bladder capacity. Side effects may include dry mouth and facial flushing.
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