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Old 15-01-2008, 09:41   #1
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worried about 11yr old son

My eldest son Jack 11 is now in his last yr at Belthorn primary now, they always go on a 2 night break every yr along with yr5, going to Lower Mill,the problem is that Jack still wets the bed ( thats why he didint go last yr when he was a yr 5)

The school nurse is involved and she is comming to se us this week, as Jack as an alrarm which alerts him when the sensor get wet.
The problem is tha he realy wants to go but as you know kids can be cruel and Jack is quite a sensitive lad but having said that the kids at school are quite good.
I spoke to the teacher who is organising this and she said its fine as every year they get a lot of girls and boys wetting the bed ???
Not sure wether or not to buy some of those pyjama pants ???
any suggestions would be great as they need a deposit on friday!!
more money too pay lol, but its worth it as i think it will boost his confidence up
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Old 15-01-2008, 09:44   #2
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Re: worried aabout 11yr old son

Em i'd buy him some pyjama pants hun, they wont be able to see them under his pj's so the other kids will never know, this is Jacks last year at primary school so make it one to remember for him, just my two penneth for ya

now i'm off back to bed cos i feel sick
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Old 15-01-2008, 12:17   #3
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Re: worried aabout 11yr old son

Yes I'd opt for those pants too. What the others don't know about they can't tease him about.

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Old 15-01-2008, 12:32   #4
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Re: worried aabout 11yr old son

Agree with the posts above. Tho' its a problem that your obviously sorting out, the less stress around the trip with regard to bedwetting the better. Get the PJ pants and focus on the fun he's going to have on his time away.

Good luck X

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Old 15-01-2008, 14:51   #5
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Re: worried about 11yr old son

Thanks all xx i think thats the best foot forward.
p.s nida hooe the sickness passes soon
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Old 15-01-2008, 17:01   #6
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Re: worried about 11yr old son

it would be a shame to let him miss out especially if he really wants to go.
i would buy him the pants
yummy mummy !!!!!!
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Old 15-01-2008, 17:36   #7
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Re: worried about 11yr old son

Hope all works out fine for your lad, just hope he doesn't register on to Accyweb!
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Old 15-01-2008, 18:09   #8
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Re: worried about 11yr old son

I'm coming out!

I was a bed wetter until the age of eleven. I had all sorts of things, to supposedly help, including alarms on the matress, as well as my parents taking me to the loo three times a night. Nothing really helped. It seems to affect boys more than girls, and it affects all kinds of people. As well as myself, Prince Charles was a wetter too.

Going away from home was a real pain when I was a kid. Most of all I was never made to feel ashamed. You are asleep after all, and happily children grow out of it.

Let your son go on the trip. The special pants will mean he's more relaxed, and more likely to have a great time, and nobody will have the foggiest what he's wearing under his pj's.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 15-01-2008, 18:31   #9
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Re: worried about 11yr old son

your coming out? what AGAIN?
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Old 15-01-2008, 18:58   #10
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Re: worried about 11yr old son

I agree with the pants, but also suspect that knowing his classmates are around may make him get up in the night to save any embarrassment, I would let him go though, my second son was a wetter, the alarm helped him no end, my partners daughter is a wetter at 5, nothing improves her (but thats because she just doesnt give a poo), her 4 year old sister has been dry for over 2 years.
If time travel were possible, wouldn't somebody have been back or forward and told us by now?
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Old 15-01-2008, 23:49   #11
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Re: worried about 11yr old son

Many thanx all, the school nurse came to see me and jack after school, and she said for us to start again from scratch, 1stb thing in the morn as soon as he wakes up go for a wee, have a glass of juice, with brecky, then take a sports bottle of water to school, drink that and at least 2 glass of juice/water at lunch time, after school have a drink, at evening tea , and then one about 8ish, then he has to make sure he goes for a wee before he goes to sleep And he cnt have any fizzy pop for two weeks at least to see if that has triggered it off again, and just to keep up with the alarm, and to fill in these charts and she will see us in 2 wks.

But im gonna let go to low mill ( £140 ) a lot for two days i know, its not till 3rs july but he deserves it as since changing school hes done realy well ( which i was at the time very unsure of ) but now im glad, it realy is a GOOD SCHOOL lol .
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Old 16-01-2008, 02:42   #12
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Re: worried about 11yr old son

the threat of having to eat one of my Auntie Maggies mouse pie's allways seemed to work in our house
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Old 16-01-2008, 08:35   #13
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Re: worried about 11yr old son

You mentioned fizzy pop and I was wondering if he usually drinks anything with aspartame or sorbitol as sweetener. The former in particular has been known to have diuretic side effects (I think any type of cola also does). The latter tends to be more of a laxative.

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Old 16-01-2008, 17:29   #14
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Re: worried about 11yr old son

anything with caffeine in it is a diuretic too, so keep him off coke Em
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Old 16-01-2008, 22:01   #15
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Re: worried about 11yr old son

my friend was a bed wetter until the age of 16, at home she wet the bed everynight without fail, but when she slept out she never wet the bed, i dont know the reason why, but i would try a little camp out (livingroom or anywhere really) and see what happens, you never know it will cost you nothing to try, also as for the price of the trip, my son is going to kingswood this year for 2 days and its £160, so i would say its around average price for a school trip now,
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