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17-11-2004, 09:51
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xmas dinner help!
Hello can anyone help,
I need help can you tell me how to cook a basic xmas dinner, ive never really cooked one, even when i do sunday dinner i buy a cooked chicken!
it has to be step by step cause i dont know how to cook a turkey.
Im usually lucky if i remember to buy food for xmas but this year im going to make the effort.
Any help would be great thank you.
17-11-2004, 11:50
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Re: xmas dinner help!
Go to your mum and dads mummiboo, just need to do the washing up then. Job sorted.
17-11-2004, 12:45
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Re: xmas dinner help!
It sounds as if you don't do much cooking at all Mummiboo. Christmas dinner may not be a good place to start, try something a little more simple as a first-timer. Bacon and eggs for breakfast say, and then take Janet's excellent advice and go to your parent's house for dinner.
17-11-2004, 12:46
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Re: xmas dinner help!
ahh the joys of google
there is a link there on how to make the perfect chrismast turkey try that
i n s p i r e d b y t h e v o i c e s i n m y h e a d
17-11-2004, 20:05
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Re: xmas dinner help!
go to janets shes a great cook
18-11-2004, 01:18
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Re: xmas dinner help!
If you cook a turkey, don't forget to take the plastic bag out of the "interior" first!!! It happened to me in 1973!!! Yuk!!
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18-11-2004, 01:51
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Re: xmas dinner help!
i uaually put my turkey (minus its plastic bag ) but with a full peeled onion inside the big cavity (opening) stuffing inside the little opening, in the oven on xmas eve night, after ive made the vol-au-vents, sausage rolls, & wot seems like a thousand mince pies, at gas mark 6 then down to 4 or 200 degrees down to 150degrees , i turn it down to the last ones just before i go to bed , wot a beautiful smell to get up to in the morning & i eat my xmas dinner at around 2 -3 pm in the avo so i can have a good nod before i start eating again bout 6pm mmmmmm ( dont forget to wrap the turkey in foil & baste well before turning the heat down & finding your way to bed.
Ilove accy, thats why i moved back  but now im up ossy 
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18-11-2004, 10:47
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Re: xmas dinner help!
Thank you mez, that has helped quite a bit i will let you know how it went.
18-11-2004, 20:31
Beacon of light
Re: xmas dinner help!
Also.... if you place the turkey breast down for the first part of the cooking then the breast meat will be more succulent as the fat from the back moistens the breast meat.
19-11-2004, 12:38
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Re: xmas dinner help!
can i come for dinner mez ?
19-11-2004, 13:07
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Re: xmas dinner help!
If you don't get it into the oven on Christmas Eve (well, things can get a bit out of hand ....) cook it on Gas mark 7, 15 minutes per pound, plus 15 minutes over. When the cooking time is finished, stick a skewer (or a thin knife) into the bird at the bottom (thick part) of the leg. If the juices run clear, it's cooked. If they are red, give it a bit longer. The onion is a good idea, though - try cooking a chicken before Christmas to get in practice, and stick a lemon up its bum - tastes lovely!
Pity me, I have to cook a goose!
19-11-2004, 13:15
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Re: xmas dinner help!
thank you pendy im now glad i posted i wasnt going to for fear people would extract the urine im taking notes of all the suggestions. Thank you
19-11-2004, 19:57
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Re: xmas dinner help!
Buy ready made soup or even a melon, frozen dessert (gatuex etc), ready prepared veg from M&S. You can even buy turkey gravy, stuffing and pigs in blankets already done for you from Asda. Okay might cost a bit extra but it's worth it.
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