20-07-2015, 18:52
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Re: Land just off springhill rd.
Originally Posted by AccyStanFan
Just wondering if theres any plans for this land at the back of springfield ave off springhill rd.
its an eyesore with twigs and attracts kids, which is bad cause a lot of older ppl live opposite.
the garage itself gets borken into weekly and all that goes on there is rusty old cars gettin banged about.

I'm with you on this. A council officer came up had a look round then went net result..newt!
The trees overhang properties, officer from council came out had a look round, a resident asked if trees could be cut back, officer said neow trees have preservation order on em.
Was passing when this was going on and it is a joke to be perfectly frank and probably costing more on property repairs for all the residents being held back by the council.